NBC Pushes Line That Death of 'Sacred' Yasser Arafat Was Poisoning, Ig

November 9th, 2013 9:33 PM
On Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News and Thursday’s Today, NBC hyped the notion that Palestinian guerrilla leader Yasser Arafat “may have” been assassinated by poisoning. They let Palestinians accuse Israel, and bizarrely suggested only Israel “considered” Arafat a terrorist (forgetting decades where the U.S. officially agreed). There was no NBC update Friday when NPR’s All Things Considered…

Actual NPR Headline: 'Healthcare.Gov Could've Been Worse

October 23rd, 2013 11:38 AM
NPR is looking quite desperate in its promotion of Obamacare. This was an actual headline at the NPR website: "Despite Glitches, HealthCare.gov Could've Been Worse." Jonah Goldberg told me "I thought you made up that headline!" He cracked on Twitter: "For instance, logging on could have permanently blinded you!" On Tuesday night's All Things Considered, anchor Melissa Block borrowed this…

Softball Shocker: Obama Grants Interview to NPR Anchor Who Compared Hi

October 2nd, 2013 8:40 AM
President Obama granted a 24-minute interview to NPR Morning Edition anchor Steve Inskeep, the man who compared him to Abraham Lincoln in a softball 2012 interview with David Axelrod.  On Tuesday's morning show, they spread the interview into three segments distributed throughout the show. The questions were mostly brief, neutral process questions about budget negotiations, but Inskeep did ask…

NPR Brings On Author to Expose the NFL As A -- Nonprofit

September 29th, 2013 8:53 AM
NPR took up the NFL as a topic, with author Gregg Easterbrook, a sports junkie and long-time writer for liberal magazines and sites like Slate.  On Wednesdays’s All Things Considered, anchor Robert Siegel seemed to sneer at the sport: “Football: part sport, part national addiction, part cult.” Siegel told Easterbrook “Yours is one of the most conflicted books I've ever read. You love the…

Sen. Patty Murray Argues With NPR Anchor that Americans Are Ignorant o

September 27th, 2013 8:40 PM
Kudos to NPR All Things Considered anchor Robert Siegel, who on Thursday night pressed liberal Sen. Patty Murray to consider that perhaps Democrats might want to bend a little on Obamacare. He cited a Pew poll showing the partisan blame for a shutdown would be 39 percent Republican, 36 percent Democrat. But it really got amusing when Murray wouldn’t budge – in fact kvetched that Obamacare…

ABC, CBS, NBC Skip Conservative Victories in Australia and Norway -- B

September 13th, 2013 1:57 PM
John Fund at National Review has written about three recent elections that show “Liberals In Retreat,” but only one is domestic: the Colorado gun-rights recall. The other two liberal defeats were in Norway and Australia. A quick Nexis search demonstrated that ABC, CBS, and NBC all skipped the conservative victories in Norway and Australia -- but all three found time for news briefs in 2007…

NPR Can't Find Dissent for Sharpton March... But Champions Suffering N

August 25th, 2013 7:58 AM
NPR’s All Things Considered on Saturday night offered unsurprisingly gushy coverage of Saturday’s Sharpton-replaces-MLK 50th anniversary march. There was no room in their stories for a black conservative or anyone who might be critical of the Black Left. What might be surprising is NPR then airing a story getting out a hanky for sex offenders and warning about how a so-called “vigilante”…

NPR Fondly Remembers Jack Germond...But Remembered Bob Novak as Damage

August 15th, 2013 8:16 AM
NPR media reporter David Folkenflik filed a fond and light remembrance of liberal Baltimore Sun reporter Jack Germond on Wednesday night’s All Things Considered: “He lived life large and didn't suffer phonies. But here's the thing about Germond, and you don't find much among reporters today, he liked politicians.” He was "a lover of horse races, and horses." Nobody remembered Germond comparing…

NPR’s Voting Rights Battle: 92-Year-Old Black Woman vs. Racist Gover

August 14th, 2013 3:01 PM
Media liberals have been up in arms since the Supreme Court decision that Congress should revisit the Voting Rights Act. They’re also upset about North Carolina, which on Monday, August 12, passed sweeping new voter laws including the use of state issued ID cards in all elections starting in 2016. On the August 13 All Things Considered on NPR, reporter Dave DeWitt of North Carolina Public…

NPR Offers No Credit for Republicans When North Carolina Rights Racial

July 29th, 2013 1:03 PM
NPR loves to label individuals and groups—but not all the time. They usually want listeners to know who Republicans are, as they did incessantly last year with GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin. A piece about the North Carolina General Assembly righting an old wrong on the July 25 All Things Considered evening news show took a different approach, with reporter Julie Rose entirely omitting party…

NPR Story on Choosing Your Own Gender Pronouns? 'Most of Your Comments

July 19th, 2013 10:32 AM
NPR announced to its listeners on Thursday night's All Things Considered that their audience is chock full of "tolerant" lefties. Dipping into letters from the audience, anchor Melissa Block said there were "a lot of strong reactions" to Tuesday's ludicrous one-sided story by Margot Adler on young people demanding to be whimsical about gender pronouns and redefining the "gender binary."  Some…

Hyperbolic NPR: Clinton Shielded EPA From 'Most Frightening Attack' By

July 18th, 2013 5:11 PM
On Wednesday's All Things Considered, NPR's Elizabeth Shogren blasted the Republican congressional majority led by Newt Gingrich during the 1990s. Shogren spotlighted a MIT professor's assertion that former President Bill Clinton "stood up for the EPA when it faced the most frightening attack it had ever had. Congressional Republicans, led by Newt Gingrich, wanted to gut regulations...some even…

Trans Posing: NPR Explores The Need to 'Loosen the Reins of Gender Exp

July 17th, 2013 7:45 AM
You could tell it was going to be a wild night of transgender advocacy on NPR when Tuesday's All Things Considered anchor Melissa Block sent this insane-sounding tweet: “Coming up on @npratc: beyond he and she? High school students say ‘I want you to call me 'Tractor' and use pronouns like Zee, Zim, Zer.’” But wait, there is one certainty in this milieu: NPR would be channeling the Left, and…

Government-Funded NPR Hypes ObamaCare Push in Sports Leagues

July 9th, 2013 11:52 AM
Government-funded National Public Radio has a vested interest in seeing liberal programs succeed, as their funding could evaporate under a conservative administration. Given NPR’s heavy reliance on federal dollars, it should come as no surprise that they have weighed in on the side of the Obama administration in its decision to lobby sports leagues to promote the controversial health care law…