NPR Promotes Atheist's Horror Movie, Where the 'Horror Is Religion Its

May 26th, 2013 8:39 AM
NPR could stand for Not Pro-Religion. It’s the taxpayer-subsidized network with the Wiccan-priestess reporter. On Friday’s All Things Considered, NPR promoted a new horror movie in which “it’s not the Devil that’s scary.” Instead, “the religious horror is religion itself.” NPR is pushing an “atheist’s take on Catholic horror.” Those teachings can be “terrifying.” (Disclaimer: NPR reserves…

NPR's Weekend News Shows Skipped Any Journalism on Obama Scandals -- B

May 13th, 2013 2:07 PM
How enthusiastic can NPR be in avoiding the emerging Obama scandals? Try this: So-called “All Things Considered” aired no features on Benghazi or the IRS on Saturday or Sunday. (This excludes on-the-hour news updates.) But they found time for six minutes on the trade in rhino horns. It was more ridiculous on “Weekend Edition” Saturday and Sunday – they also skipped both. NPR correspondent…

NPR Wants to Make America Safe for Sixth-Grade Sex

May 4th, 2013 7:24 AM
NPR has a seriously bad habit of running “news” stories that are stuffed with liberals...who then aren’t called liberals. On Thursday’s All Things Considered, NPR health policy correspondent Julie Rovner reported on how Team Obama is queasy about letting girls under 15 – middle-school girls -- get access to “emergency contraceptives,” even after a federal judge mandated they be sold to all ages…

NPR Promotes Obit For Conservative Kansas: It Died 'After a Long and D

April 29th, 2013 11:37 PM
In today’s installment of NPR Hates Conservatives, we offer a story from Saturday’s All Things Considered. Conservatism is killing Kansas under Gov. Sam Brownback, apparently. Anchor Jacki Lyden reported: “One political writer says it's time to write the state's obituary, and he did.” Jason Probst read the first line of his screed out loud on national radio: “The great state of Kansas passed…

Civility Succumbs on NPR: Connecticut Gov Slams Gun Makers and NRA 'Mo

April 20th, 2013 4:52 PM
National Public Radio’s brand is soothing and civil news and interviews. That certainly didn’t fit when Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy was interviewed Thursday on All Things Considered after the gun-control measures were rejected in the Senate. Anchor Melissa Block read back to Malloy his comments that gun makers don’t care if mentally deranged people buy their guns. He not only doubled down…

NPR Touts Obama Being 'Famous For His Ability to Give A Speech That

April 19th, 2013 4:56 PM
On Thursday's All Things Considered, NPR's Ari Shapiro couldn't be bothered to feature any of the religious leaders who spoke at the inter-faith service in honor of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, Instead, Shapiro zeroed in on the liberal politicians who spoke, playing five straight clips from President Obama's speech at the memorial event. The correspondent also played up the…

NPR Heavily Hints Boston Was Bombed by 'Anti-Government Right-Wing Ind

April 18th, 2013 4:43 PM
Our taxpayer dollars seem to be at work finding the culprit of the Boston terror attack last Monday. But on taxpayer-funded NPR, counterterrorism reporter Dina Temple-Raston was already guessing this was domestic not foreign.  “The thinking, as we've been reporting, is that this is a domestic or extremist attack,” Temple-Raston declared on the April 16 All Things Considered. So, besides the…

Your Tax Dollars at Work: NPR’s Scant Gosnell Trial Coverage

April 17th, 2013 3:58 PM
As Newsbusters has detailed again and again, coverage by dominant news organizations of the Kermit Gosnell murder trial has been almost non-existent. Taxpayer-subsidized public radio is no exception, even after the issue of non-coverage gained widespread attention last week. As the fifth week of the Gosnell trial continues (it opened March 18), NPR still has not devoted a single piece to the…

On Good Friday, NPR Denies Jesus Was God, Compares Him to IRA Terroris

April 5th, 2013 7:22 AM
Late last year, NPR already proved its affinity for publicizing a vicious tale where the Virgin Mary is turned into a bitter atheist who denies the divinity of Jesus and hates the Apostles for trying to spread Christianity. But NPR proved it again....on Good Friday. The news “hook” is the forthcoming Broadway adaptation, a one-woman monologue, set to open on April 22. So NPR obviously timed…

NPR Mentions 'Serious' GOP Opposition to Gun Control, Saves Senate Dem

April 1st, 2013 5:25 PM
If we're going to have our tax dollars spent on NPR covering political news, can't we at least insist that they report the news accurately? On Friday's All Things Considered, co-Host Audie Cornish opened an eight-minute segment by saying, “the gay marriage debate arrived at the Supreme Court, and White House efforts to tighten the nation's gun laws ran into serious Republican opposition.”…

David Brooks Labels Republicans As 'Mindless Anti-Government Fanatics

February 25th, 2013 6:30 PM
Faux conservative David Brooks of the New York Times used his Friday appearance with Mark Shields on the PBS NewsHour to bash Republicans over sequestration, comparing GOP tactics in dealing with spending to a trite circus act.  Either Mr. Brooks forgot that sequestration was the president’s idea or doesn't care about facts getting in the way of cozying up to his liberal media buddies.  Even…

NPR Fans Bash Mona Charen: 'Spare Us Any More Wingnuts

February 19th, 2013 3:28 PM
Matt Vespa reported yesterday that NPR listeners received a very different "Week In Review" segment last Friday night on All Things Considered, with conservative columnist Mona Charen sitting in for pseudo-conservative columnist David Brooks. Liberal NPR devotees are some of the most closed-minded people you will ever come across. They don't want any feisty conservatives on the taxpayer-…

NPR's Shocking Turn: A Real Conservative Frustrates E.J. Dionne

February 18th, 2013 5:34 PM
Last Friday’s All Things Considered segment on NPR was a real treat because David Brooks was absent, and therefore, couldn’t be his squishy self alongside liberal columnist E.J. Dionne.  National Review’s Mona Charen, a real conservative, filled in for the New York Times pseudo-Republican, and effectively countered Dionne’s Obama cheerleading. The two were asked by host Robert Siegel to…

WaPo's Marcus and Dionne Downplay Fiscal Cliff, It's More of a 'Slope

November 20th, 2012 11:33 AM
During Friday’s broadcasts of the PBS's NewsHour and NPR’s All Things Considered, liberals continued with their narrative about the fiscal cliff, and how it’s not all that bad.  Previously, Mark Shields and E.J. Dionne agreed with New York Times-style Republican David Brooks that they would go off the cliff.   The Washington Post's E.J. Dionne equated it with the “will of the people.” But now…