NPR's Sunday Praise and Worship: Comparing Obama on Gays to Other Pres

May 14th, 2012 3:33 PM
On Sunday night’s All Things Considered, NPR weekend anchor Guy Raz brought on regular guest James Fallows (the former Jimmy Carter speechwriter and editor of U.S. News & World Report) for “a look behind the headlines” to put Obama’s gay-marriage proclamation in “context.” “I know you've been thinking a lot about this in a historical context. So take us back to some comparable moments,”…

On NPR, David Brooks Says WashPost Romney Story Played Into 'Stupidity

May 12th, 2012 4:48 PM
Something shocking happened on Friday night on NPR's All Things Considered. "Conservative" pundit David Brooks took the anti-Washington Post position on the Mitt Romney high-school "scoop." Obviously, Post columnist E.J. Dionne stuck with his paper and his liberal guns, insisting more and more stories just like this are going to come out, whether that's a threat or a promise. Anchor Melissa…

NPR Publicizes Students' Campaign Backed By Left Wing Organization

May 9th, 2012 6:26 PM
On Tuesday's All Things Considered, NPR's Claudio Sanchez spotlighted the efforts of college students who, with the assistance of the "liberal Center for American Progress," are lobbying Congress for an extension of low interest rates on their Stafford loans. While Sanchez did find a critic of the politicization of the loan issue, he came from another left-leaning organization, the Brookings…

David Brooks Is In 'The One Percent

May 7th, 2012 6:45 AM
Monday's "Reliable Source" gossip column in The Washington Post reports under the headline "Surreal Estate" that New York Times columnist (and official PBS and NPR "conservative" pundit) David Brooks is rolling in dough. He's bought a home in the Cleveland Park neighborhood of Washington for $3.95 million. "The New York Times op-ed columnist and wife Sarah are trading up — from their longtime…

NPR Journalist Boosts Liberal Cause of Former Employer, Omits Affiliat

April 24th, 2012 6:15 PM
Peter Overby filed a one-sided report on Thursday's All Things Considered about a liberal coalition's campaign against the conservative organization ALEC. Overby cited the "good government group" Common Cause without mentioning the organization's left-of-center ideology. More importantly, the correspondent failed to mention that he is a former employee of Common Cause. The NPR journalist…

NPR Offers Air to Catholic Sister to Diss Pope, Bishops: 'Women Get It

April 22nd, 2012 4:24 AM
On Thursday’s All Things Considered, National Public Radio offered leftist Sister Simone Campbell a megaphone to  disagree with (and lecture) the Pope and the Catholic bishops for being clueless. “It was like a sock in the stomach,” she said about the Vatican’s attempt to hold women’s Catholic religious orders to Catholic orthodoxy. Just on human terms, this is odd – not just to suggest the…

NPR Runs to Obama's Defense on Economy; Romney Not Telling 'Whole Stor

April 12th, 2012 7:19 PM
NPR's Scott Horsley could have been mistaken as a spokesman for the White House or President Obama's campaign on Wednesday's All Things Considered, as he defended the Democrat's record on the economy. Horsley also claimed that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's claim that on women losing the bulk of the jobs over the past three years was "not really the whole story." The only…

On Good Friday, NPR Hailed Pope-Mocking Movie

April 10th, 2012 12:34 PM
During the Holy Week before Easter in 2011, Brent Bozell noticed an "Easter bonnet of mud" timed to be thrown at Christians. One of those mudballs was thrown in Italy, a comedy movie called "Habemus Papam" (Latin for "we have a pope.") Franco Zeffirelli, the director of the TV miniseries “Jesus of Nazareth,” agreed Nanni Moretti's film was an insult to the Pope and the Catholic faithful. "It's…

NPR Touts Leftist Campaign Against 'Hardline Conservative Policies

April 5th, 2012 7:00 PM
On Thursday's Morning Edition, NPR's Peter Overby slanted towards a left-wing coalition targeting the conservative group ALEC. Overby trumpeted how Coke and Pepsi succumbed to pressure from the "campaign to put a spotlight on companies that sell products to a public that might object to hardline conservative policies, such as 'stand your ground' laws or requirements that voters show a photo I.D…

NPR Anchor Lauds Atheist Author on Palm Sunday, Says He's Bought His T

April 3rd, 2012 6:58 AM
If it’s an important Christian occasion, you can predict National Public Radio will seek out an atheist expert. In 2008, NPR marked Good Friday by interviewing John Dominic Crossan, who believed the body of Jesus was not resurrected, but was perhaps eaten by wild dogs. On Palm Sunday, NPR found it was the perfect day for atheist scholar Bart Ehrman, who has a new book out titled "Did Jesus…

No Time for Dissent: NPR Hails Suicide Advocate With 'Elfish Glint' an

March 15th, 2012 7:31 PM
Legalizing suicide is a controversial subject, but not to the liberal media. On Monday night’s All Things Considered, NPR honored Oregon activist Peter Goodwin, a major force in passing Oregon’s “Death With Dignity Act,” for employing his own law and taking his own life with some pills at 83. There was no airing or acknowledgment of the opposing side, those who believe that life should end with…

NPR Skipped Massive March for Life, But Publicized a Dozen Protesters

March 8th, 2012 7:09 AM
NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered newscasts skipped covering tens of thousands protesting abortion in the “March for Life” in January, but on Wednesday night, NPR highlighted a dozen protesters of Sen. Marco Rubio, including illegal aliens. Reporter Greg Allen began: “In Miami, a dozen young Hispanic men and women gathered outside Senator Rubio's office last week to send a…

NPR Touts Left-Leaning Group's Poll on Controversial ObamaCare Mandate

March 2nd, 2012 6:39 PM
On Thursday's All Things Considered, Julie Rovner, NPR's resident ObamaCare flack, claimed that the U.S. Senate rejecting an amendment protecting religious liberty was "closer than the 63 percent majority that supports the contraceptive coverage requirement" from the federal government, according to the poll from the liberal Kaiser Family Foundation. The organization is an oft-used source for…

Unbelievable: NPR Cites Planned Parenthood's Poll But Omits Its Name O

February 8th, 2012 1:36 PM
On Tuesday, NPR somehow thought a poll commissioned by abortion behemoth Planned Parenthood on the controversy over an ObamaCare birth control mandate was newsworthy enough to play up on its website. But later in the day, on All Things Considered, a show that reaches millions in the U.S., the media outlet spotlighted how the "new polling...suggests most voters, including Catholics, support the…