NPR Slants Towards Advocates of Obama's Medicare Plan; Omits Conservat

October 17th, 2012 6:20 PM
Julie Rovner, NPR's resident ObamaCare flack, failed to include any conservatives experts for her report on Medicare on Tuesday's All Things Considered . Rovner played two sound bites each from Drew Altman of the Kaiser Family Foundation and from MIT's Jonathan Gruber, whom the Washington Post named the Democratic Party's "most influential health-care expert." She didn't mention either…

NPR Marks Occupy Wall Street Anniversary, Even As Occupiers Admit It W

September 15th, 2012 9:48 AM
On Thursday’s All Things Considered, NPR anchor Melissa Block announced it was time to mark the anniversary of Occupy Wall Street protests. “One year later, the tent camps are gone. So what's happened to the movement and the people who joined it?” Question: If it failed utterly, why celebrate the anniversary? For "reflections" on the state of this amorphous radical movement, Block…

NPR Brings On Anti-Romney Boston Globe Reporters to Trash 'Disaster' o

August 29th, 2012 2:15 PM
NPR's idea of Republican convention coverage is to expose Mitt Romney as a flip-flopping fraud flirting with the "extremist camp within the Republican Party." On the very liberal show Fresh Air on Tuesday, host Terry Gross brought on two Boston Globe reporters who've penned an expose called The Real Romney. They talked for 43 and a half minutes. Veteran Globe editor Michael Kranish found “…

NPR Trumpets Obama's 'Modesty About What Government Can and Can't Do

August 23rd, 2012 6:57 PM
Scott Horsley's report on Wednesday's All Things Considered could have mistaken for a three-and-half minute ad from a pro-Obama super PAC. Horsley played up how "Mr. Obama often tempers his speeches with a dose of modesty about what government can and can't do" and how the President "pushes back strongly against the anti-government rhetoric of his GOP opponents." The NPR correspondent also…

NPR Touts 'Marquee' Harry Reid Boxing Against Romney's Vulnerability o

August 9th, 2012 8:39 AM
At the same time that NPR was offended enough to go “truth squadding” on Romney’s advertisements attacking Obama's weakness on welfare, NPR’s Don Gonyea reported on Harry Reid’s unsubstantiated charges of Romney tax evasion by leaving the clear impression that Reid is effectively punching away at a Romney “vulnerability” and sees nothing to lose. He certainly can’t seem to lose with NPR. On…

In Appreciation of Gore Vidal, NPR Broadcasts Historic Lie About Willi

August 4th, 2012 7:31 AM
NPR is the network that sought out Christopher Hitchens to trash Mother Teresa upon her death as a horrible fraud, and then when Hitchens died, they warmly remembered how he hated God and Mother Teresa. So it's not surprising that radical leftist and gay activist Gore Vidal was going to be honored without a second of dissent or disapproval of critics. None of the glowing obituaries and…

NPR Puts Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' In 'Context' -- With Think Pr

July 26th, 2012 5:40 PM
Like all the other Obama-friendly media, NPR on its evening show All Things Considered devoted time to putting Obama’s “you didn’t build that” outburst “in context.” Co-host Audie Cornish promised, “In a few minutes, we'll listen to exactly what the president said in context.” They offered Obama a 70-second soundbite. But first, Cornish turned to NPR correspondent Scott Horsley, who spent 90…

Liberal Media Disdain House Repeal Vote: Undignified, 'Fact-Free' and

July 12th, 2012 7:50 AM
The liberal media aren’t hiding their contempt for the House holding another ObamaCare repeal vote. Thursday’s Washington Post published an article headlined: “A House they looked down on: In the visitors’ gallery, health-law repeal vote didn’t look so dignified.” On Wednesday night’s All Things Considered, congressional correspondent Andrea Seabrook dismissed the entire debate as "largely…

NPR Tries (and Fails!) With a 'News Poet

July 11th, 2012 1:37 PM
Sometimes, NPR doesn't waste taxpayer making liberal propaganda, but wastes money trying to be on the cusp of contemporary culture. NPR's latest invention for its evening newscast All Things Considered is the "news poet," someone who follows the NPR crew around in their DC studios to compose a poem on the spot. There's one small problem: the few experiments this year haven't been about the "…

NPR Airs Shocking Piece Challenging China's One-Child Policy and 'Grue

July 7th, 2012 10:32 PM
NPR's All Things Considered on Friday night aired a shocking piece questioning China's one-child population policy and the forced abortions that result when people try to go around the prohibitions. Host Melissa Block said loud pleas inside China "come after gruesome photos of a 7-month-old fetus whose mother was forced to have abortion spread across the Internet last month. Increasingly,…

NPR Plays Up Democrats' 'Pay Equity' Tactic Against GOP; Omit Democrat

June 6th, 2012 8:09 PM
NPR's Tamara Keith forwarded the "war on women" talking point of Democratic senators on Tuesday's All Things Considered as she reported on their proposed Paycheck Fairness Act. Keith spotlighted how "the bill's author...Senator Barbara Mikulski from Maryland, points out women earn just 77 cents for every dollar made by a man in the same position. She says that's the real war on women."…

NPR Represents 'Undocumented' Romney Heckler As Typical 'Alienated' La

May 28th, 2012 7:33 AM
Mickey Kaus at the Daily Caller flagged an example of NPR “laundering” an amnesty activist named “Lucy” as just a typical Latina who represents how Romney might have difficulty with the Latino vote. It’s the same “Lucy” that heckled Mitt Romney until supporters applauded over her yelling. It’s not even the first time “Lucy” has harassed Romney.  On the May 23 All Things Considered, NPR’s…

NPR Plays Up Catholic Priest's Trial, Ignores Church's Anti-ObamaCare

May 25th, 2012 7:24 PM
NPR obviously thought the case of Monsignor William Lynn, "the highest ranking Catholic official in the U.S. to be criminally tried for covering up child sex abuse by priests," was newsworthy, as they devoted four and a half minutes to the story on Thursday's All Things Considered. Meanwhile, the public radio network has yet to cover the Monday filing of 12 major lawsuits against ObamaCare's…

On and On It Goes: Networks Cover 'Predator Priests' As They Stay Sile

May 25th, 2012 1:22 PM
The broadcast networks stubbornly pushed ahead, logging another 24 hours -- now we're at four straight days --  ignoring the Catholic lawsuits against the Obama administration. And once again on Thursday night, instead of covering this historic lawsuit championing religious freedom,  the CBS Evening News offered another two and a half minutes to a “massive coverup” of Catholic sex abuse in…