Chris Hayes Defends Politico Reporter Fired Over Trump Incest 'Joke'

December 15th, 2016 7:29 PM
Once again, a hostile liberal -- this time Chris Hayes, host of the MSNBC weeknight program All In -- has shown that he is willing to go to any length to diminish President-elect Donald Trump and his family before the Republican officially moves into the White House on January 20. On Wednesday, the Politico website's Julia Ioffe complained about the fact that one of Trump's daughters -- Ivanka…

Chris Hayes Asks Bernie Sanders if Reality's Going to Matter to Trump

December 9th, 2016 5:05 PM
While discussing President-elect Donald Trump's selection of Andrew Puzder -- the chief executive officer of the Hardees and Carl's Jr. fast food restaurants -- as the new labor secretary, All in host Chris Hayes asked Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders a curious question. “How much will reality matter under the presidency of Republican Donald Trump?” the MSNBC anchor asked, and the former…

MSNBC: ‘Right Wing Media’ ‘Brainwashed’ People to Believe Lies

November 29th, 2016 12:38 AM
The liberal media threw a proverbial hissy fit Monday in response to President-Elect Donald Trump’s dubious claim that millions of votes were cast illegally. While seeming pretend that Trump would be the first president ever to tell a lie, public-radio Bob Garfield went on a long winded tirade, on MSNBC’s All In, railing against the “Right wing media.” “The people who get it and we at the…

Hayes, Ryan Claim FBI Letter Calls into Doubt Their Entire 'Integrity'

November 2nd, 2016 9:37 PM
Continuing the liberal media’s rush to tarnish the FBI’s reputation, MSNBC’s All In host Chris Hayes and American Urban Radio Networks correspondent April Ryan blasted Director James Comey’s letter about the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation on Wednesday as a move that “raised serious questions about the FBI's integrity and impartiality” akin to the Bureau’s spying on Martin Luther King Jr.

MSNBC Promo Proudly Touts Trump Rally Chanting ‘Paul Ryan Sucks'

October 20th, 2016 8:41 PM
Early Thursday evening during Hardball, a new MSNBC promo highlighted their unabashedly liberal slant with footage from Monday’s All In of host Chris Hayes giggling over a Donald Trump rally in Wisconsin chanting “Paul Ryan sucks” and an on-screen chryon reading “[t]his is a party foul.”

Media Link Melania Trump Interview to Infamous 1998 Hillary Sit Down

October 18th, 2016 9:45 PM
Between Monday night and late Tuesday, various media outlets made the bizarre comparison between Melania Trump’s CNN interview defending husband Donald Trump against allegations of sexual assault to the infamous sit down then-First Lady Hillary Clinton gave to NBC’s Today in 1998 where she denounced accusations against President Bill Clinton as part of a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

Omarosa Pushes Back at Chris Hayes's 'Birther' Obsession on MSNBC

September 27th, 2016 4:31 PM
It's quite funny in retrospect to remember how the press ridiculed the preoccupation of many people who questioned Barack Obama's eligibility to become and then to be President over the "birther" issue from late 2008 until early 2011. Now look at who's obsessed. The press refuses to recognize that it has lost an issue it thought could use to bury the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump. They…

Blogger: Olbermann Sees That ‘Conservatism…Is a Metastasizing Cancer’

September 20th, 2016 11:17 AM
A current MSNBC personality just passed the half-decade mark as a host on the channel. A former MSNBC personality who’s made plenty of comebacks just made another one. The Washington Monthly’s D.R. Tucker praised each man to the skies this past weekend. Tucker called Chris Hayes "the classiest man on cable” and opined that from the get-go, he was brilliant, “an engaging, charismatic host whose…

Hayes Admits Many Clinton Voters Fit Liberal Definition of 'Racist'

September 14th, 2016 8:15 AM
Liberal MSNBC host Chris Hayes made a surprising admission on his All In show during a discussion of the controversy around Hillary Clinton labeling half of Republican candidate Donald Trump's supporters as "deplorables," as she cited racism as one of their alleged faults. After he and guest Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic suggested that her claim against Trump voters had "merit," Hayes then…

MSNBC Frets Media Hitting Clinton, Polls Down Despite 'Exoneration'

September 7th, 2016 10:00 PM
On Tuesday's All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, guest host Joy-Ann Reid devoted a segment to fretting that the dominant media have been too aggressive in covering a small number of Hillary Clinton scandals as opposed to many scandals coming from Donald Trump. Slate columnist and recurring guest Michelle Goldberg complained that, when the media cover Clinton scandals, "it's a couple of things that…

MSNBC's Joy-Ann Reid Asks Latino Trump Supporter Not to Say 'Illegals'

September 2nd, 2016 5:29 PM
While filling in for the host of All In With Chris Hayes on Thursday night, MSNBC's Joy-Ann Reid clashed with Steve Cortes, a supporter of Donald Trump, asking her Latino guest not to use the word “illegals” because he was “offending or disturbing or offending lots of people who are listening.” The liberal channel's national correspondent was surprised when Cortes refused to grant her request “…

MSNBC Panelist/ESPN Host Rules Kaepernick Critics Are Only White

August 30th, 2016 3:19 PM
In the weeks leading up to Brian Williams being given the reins to a full-time show again, MSNBC has been rotating hosts for its 11:00 p.m. Eastern hour. On Monday, it was Chris Hayes’s turn with panelists arguing that critics of 49ers backup quarterback Colin Kapernick are all white and fail to realize that black people aren’t free at all in today’s America.

Dyson: 'Making America Great Again' Is 'Code' for 'White Nationalism'

August 25th, 2016 10:46 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, Georgetown University professor and former MSNBC political analyst Michael Eric Dyson was the latest liberal to claim that a general slogan like "Make America Great Again" really has a racist "code" of "white nationalism" as he claimed that even a generic reference to the "nation" of America implies "whiteness" "by default."

Reid Mocks ‘Clinton Cash’; ‘No Evidence’ Clintons Used It for Evil

August 17th, 2016 10:16 PM
Always one of the more egregious liberal pundits in dismissing Clinton scandals, MSNBC’s Joy Reid filled in for Chris Hayes on Wednesday’s All In and sought to imply that since Breitbart News chief executive and now Trump campaign chief executive Steve Bannon helped fund the organization that allowed Peter Schweizer to write Clinton Cash, the book’s claims are not just “false” but reckless.