All In

Chris Hayes Hammers GOP Senator Over Whether to Support Donald Trump
August 3rd, 2016 3:01 PM
During Monday night's edition of MSNBC's All In With Chris Hayes, the liberal host tried again and again to get guest Jeff Flake to condemn Donald Trump and recommend that members of the Republican Party not vote for him, even going so far as to ask the GOP senator from Arizona: “Who are you going to vote for for president this fall?” Ironically, Hayes brought up Albert Einstein's motto “about…

Watch Dallas Man Falsely Accused in Attack School Hayes on Gun Rights
July 9th, 2016 11:37 PM
With Hardball host Chris Matthews on vacation, MSNBC’s All In host Chris Hayes led the network’s 7:00 p.m. Eastern hour on Friday night covering the deadly attack on Dallas police officers and so he received a brief but straightforward education on gun rights from the very man falsely accused by police of being a person of interest.

Well, Islam’s Off the Hook; Dan Savage Calls Trump Enemy of LGBT
June 15th, 2016 3:38 PM
Shortly after a radical Jihadist targeted a gay nightclub and murdered 49 people in Orlando, Dan Savage has announced the LGBT community’s enemy #1: Donald Trump. In an interview with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, gay-activist Dan Savage said that “Trump is the enemy of the LGBT community” and “is beating up on…a vulnerable minority group.”

Chris Hayes: Trump's a 'Hot Wet Rag Applied To Infected Wound'
May 6th, 2016 10:50 PM
By the end of this campaign, someone might come up with a more disgusting metaphor for Donald Trump, but for now Chris Hayes has the early clubbhouse lead.
On his MSNBC show this evening, Hayes called Trump "a hot wet rag applied to an infected wound." Imagine the outrage if a conservative described Hillary Clinton with a similar simile. Hayes was interviewing the MSM's favorite kind of…

MSNBC Panel: #NeverTrump Is on a 'Slow Death March' to Backing Him
May 2nd, 2016 10:30 PM
Leading off Monday's All In on MSNBC, host Chris Hayes and his fellow panelists giggled their way through a discussion about the possible collapse of the Never Trump movement to the point that they predicted that the push by conservatives to not support the billionaire frontrunner is on a "slow death march" to accepting and backing his nomination.

Chris Hayes: Cruz's Spanking Remark Means 'He Hits His Kids'
May 2nd, 2016 9:13 PM
Chris Hayes has established a new standard. It is henceforth fair game to say on national TV of any parent who has spanked his child that such parent "hits his kids." Hayes employed the inflammatory formulation on his MSNBC show this evening. Hayes played a clip of a child in a Cruz audience telling him "you suck" and Cruz responding "in my household, when a child behaves that way, they get a…

How About Bill? Hayes Suggests Hastert Abuse Continued Beyond HS
April 27th, 2016 9:42 PM
As far-left MSNBC hosts go--an admittedly low bar--I'll admit to having found Chris Hayes a relatively fair and decent proponent of his misguided policies. But he did two things tonight that made me lose respect for him. First, he literally laughed in the face of Rick Tyler and called him "preposterous," when Cruz advocate Tyler called Donald Trump a "northeastern liberal progressive." This…

Hot Air Hammers MSNBC for Fibbing About Length of Benghazi Cmte
April 20th, 2016 3:12 PM
Hot Air editor Jazz Shaw offered an excellent piece on Tuesday completely debunking the false claim put forth on the Friday edition of MSNBC’s All In from fill-in host Steve Kornacki that the House Select Committee on Benghazi is the “longest running investigation” of its kind. Hoping to use a bogus chart to bolster his fib, Kornacki stood in contrast to even the liberal site Politifact as they…

Charles Pierce Rips Paul Ryan on MSNBC: 'He's As Ambitious As Satan'
April 12th, 2016 12:48 PM
Esquire's Charles Pierce unleashed on Paul Ryan on MSNBC's All In on Monday during a panel discussion on a possible presidential bid by the House speaker: "I think he's as ambitious as Satan. I think he doesn't want to go out in the country where he was already deemed not worthy of the vice presidency, and try to run for president. But if they offer him the crown, he would loathe to lay his hands…

'Hardball' Ignores Bill Clinton Mixing It Up with 'Black Lives Matter'
April 7th, 2016 9:43 PM
Earlier today at a campaign event for his wife's presidential bid, Bill Clinton launched into a testy defense of his record as president against jeers from demonstrators from the Black Lives Matter movement. While news networks, including MSNBC have covered the story, Chris Matthews remained strangely silent on it on his April 7 Hardball program.

Hillary Fan Barney Frank Accuses Bernie Sanders of 'McCarthyism'
April 6th, 2016 10:21 PM
Bernie Sanders: rabid right-winger? A senior Hillary surrogate has accused Bernie Sanders of "McCarthyism," of all things. Has Bernie's big Wisconsin win knocked the Clinton campaign off its moorings?
Five years ago, I wrote that the irascible Barney Frank could pick a fight in a phone booth. Further proof came on Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, as Hillary-fan Frank jumped ugly with fellow…

Sarandon on Bernie: 'I Really Want to Be on the Right Side of History’
March 28th, 2016 10:59 PM
Promoting her endorsement of socialist Bernie Sanders on the Monday edition of MSNBC’s All In, liberal actress Susan Sarandon proclaimed that she’s backing Sanders because she “really want[s] to be on the right side of history” and not with Hillary Clinton or anyone who’s “tak[en] any money from fracking or Monsanto or, you know Super PACs or Wall Street or big farm.”

MSNBC Guest Blames ‘Fascistic Attitude’ of GOP in Congress for Trump
March 25th, 2016 12:05 PM
Former Reagan administration official Bruce Bartlett joined the opening panel on MSNBC’s All In Thursday night and put forth the notion that Republicans in Washington and particularly Congress are responsible for the rise of Donald Trump by creating an “authoritarian, fascistic attitude that we're going to get stuff done.”

Reid: 'Snobbery' of Founding Fathers to Blame For Nominating Process
March 15th, 2016 5:09 PM
On Monday's All In, MSNBC's Joy Reid oddly asserted that "what could end up saving the Republican Party" from a Donald Trump nomination is "the snobbery of the Founding Fathers and the early proponents of the system, because the popular vote...doesn't choose the nominee. It's chosen at the state conventions. It's chosen by party insiders."