
Billionaire Climate Activist Steyer's Ridiculous Rewrite of History

September 29th, 2015 1:11 PM
Billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer has taken to doctoring his own biographical history to make himself seem more genuine. In a Sept. 28, interview on MSNBC’s All in with Chris Hayes, Steyer told Hayes that his climate “conversion” happened a full ten years earlier than it actually did. Unfortunately for Steyer -- but fortunately for everyone who cares to know the truth -- he told a very…

Matthews, Tomasky Whine ‘Revolutionary’ GOP Beat ‘Rock-Ribbed' Boehner

September 26th, 2015 11:45 AM
Speaking with fill-in host Alex Wagner on the Friday edition of MSNBC’s All In, Hardball host Chris Matthews and Daily Beast columnist Michael Tomasky continued the liberal media’s narrative of sudden respect for the soon-to-be resigning House Speaker John Boehner, lamenting that the “revolutionary” wing of the Republican Party had carried out a “mutiny” against “a rock-ribbed conservative.”

Pierce Uses Pope’s Congressional Speech to Bash Cruz, Conservatives

September 25th, 2015 12:00 AM
Liberal Esquire political columnist Charles Pierce, formerly with the Boston Globe, joined MSNBC’s All In on Thursday during live coverage of Pope Francis’s visit to New York City and used the occasion of the Pope’s speech hours earlier before Congress to lash out at Ted Cruz and conservatives for not endorsing climate change or other liberal social issues as does the Pontiff. 

Dem Rep: Challenge Pope on Abortion, Gays, Not Illegals, Poverty

September 23rd, 2015 9:28 PM
To quote the Church Lady: isn't that conv-e-e-e-e-nient? On Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, Dem congressman Luis Gutierrez claimed that while he was "challenged" by the Catholic church's teachings on abortion and gay rights and found them "difficult" [but not difficult enough to change his standard liberal positions], no one can really argue the Pope's positions on illegal immigration and…

MSNBC Reporter: GOP Views VW Emissions Scandal As a ‘Heroic Act’

September 23rd, 2015 11:54 AM
In the wake of the ongoing controversy surrounding Volkswagen’s diesel car emissions controversy, MSNBC reporter Tony Dokoupil wildly proclaimed that Republican politicians were cheering on the German car maker for deceiving the Environmental Protection Agency. Dokoupil appeared on All In with Chris Hayes Tuesday night and insisted that “[i]f you’re a Republican, if you think the EPA goes too far…

Chris Hayes: Guy Who Told Trump Obama a Muslim Might Have Been a Plant

September 18th, 2015 9:35 PM
Maybe next week, Chris Hayes will share his views on Area 51, whether fire can melt steel, and if the moon landing happened in a Hollywood studio . . . On his MSNBC show this evening, Hayes floated the notion that the guy at a New Hampshire town hall who told Donald Trump that President Obama is a Muslim might have been a plant. According to Chris, although the moment seemed to have happened "…

Cameron: Climate ‘Denialists’ Won’t Face Globe’s ‘Biggest Crisis'

September 16th, 2015 11:02 AM
Filmmaker and liberal activist James Cameron appeared on MSNBC, Tuesday, to “bemoan” the climate “denialists” on “the right” who won’t face up to the “biggest crisis” for Earth. Talking to Chris Hayes, the director lamented, “I felt hopeless for a long time watching a government that's paralyzed by denialism on the right, about what I think of as the biggest crisis that our society and our global…

MSNBC Panel Explodes after Wilson Argues Hillary’s Running on Gender

September 16th, 2015 2:36 AM
During the Tuesday edition of MSNBC’s All In, tempers erupted when Republican strategist Rick Wilson told fellow panelists Cornell Belcher and Jess McIntosh of EMILY’s List that Hillary Clinton is campaigning on her gender as a mother/grandmother and despite that, her poll “numbers are cratering” on honesty and trustworthiness.

Pierce Whines: Hillary 'Didn't Owe Me an Apology' for E-Mail Scandal

September 9th, 2015 6:58 PM
Taking issue with Hillary Clinton’s overdue apology on Tuesday night, Esquire’s Charles Pierce, formerly with the Boston Globe, appeared on the airwaves hours later on MSNBC’s All In to lament that Clinton “didn’t owe me an apology” because “[s]he didn’t do anything to me” with the entire apology being a wash due his belief that “[t]he American people don’t care about” her e-mail scandal at all.

Wilkerson: Cheney May Have a ‘Physiological’ or ‘Biological’ Problem

September 9th, 2015 7:45 AM
While appearing on the Tuesday installment of MSNBC’s All In, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell and retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson compared former Vice President Dick Cheney to Joseph McCarthy and suggested that he “cannot recognize reality” due to him either being “shocked” on 9/11 or suffering from a “physiological” or “biological” problem.

Reid, Hayes Lament 'Devoted Diehard' Hillary Fans Are Ignored by Press

September 4th, 2015 7:47 AM
During Thursday’s All In on MSNBC, what began as a discussion of socialist Bernie Sanders between host Chris Hayes and national correspondent Joy Reid suddenly morphed into the pair gushing over how some supporters of Hillary Clinton “are devoted diehards” that “we tend to underestimate” in the media.

Carly Fiorina Staffer Hits MSNBC’s Hayes Over California Drought

September 3rd, 2015 2:43 PM
On Wednesday night, Sarah Isgur Flores, Carly Fiorina’s Deputy Campaign Manager, hit back at MSNBC’s Chris Hayes over whether climate change was to blame for the California drought. Hayes seemed shocked that Fiorina would oppose spending trillions to fight climate change as a “remarkable thing for a Republican, a believer in American exceptionalism to say, that there is this huge pressing…

Carville Smears Trey Gowdy As Merely a ‘Tool of the Koch Brothers'

September 2nd, 2015 10:35 AM
James Carville appeared on MSNBC’s All in with Chris Hayes on Tuesday to repeatedly deflect criticism away from Hillary Clinton after the latest batch of e-mails from her tenure as Secretary of State were released. Not only did Carville call Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server just another one of a long list of “faux Clinton scandals,” he dismissed the investigation into the Benghazi…

Esquire's Pierce: IA Caucus Controlled by 'Freakish Minority' of GOP

September 1st, 2015 9:35 PM
The cavalcade of liberal contempt for conservatives continued on Chris Hayes' MSNBC show on Tuesday night, as Esquire's Charlie Pierce, formerly with the Boston Globe, described the Republican Iowa caucuses as being controlled by "a political party that's gone insane. The Iowa caucuses are a freakish mechanism that have been controlled since about 1988, by a freakish minority of a freakish…