
Dean: GOP Has Had ‘Strong Authoritarian Bent' 'for a Very Long Time'

November 27th, 2015 4:36 PM
Joining host Chris Hayes on Wednesday’s pre-Thanksgiving edition of MSNBC’s All In, MSNBC political analyst and former Democratic Vermont Governor Howard Dean tried to trash the Republican Party as nothing but “an authoritarian party” “for a very long time” due to their policy positions on voter I.D. and abortion to name a few.

MSNBC's Joy Reid: NRA Cares About Nothing But 'Maximizing Gun Sales'

November 25th, 2015 10:41 AM
On Monday night's All In, in a discussion of the rock-concert shootings in the Paris terrorist attacks, MSNBC’s Joy Reid claimed that the National Rifle Association doesn’t care at all about the loss of life in shootings, and only wants to sell more guns. Host Chris Hayes suggested from a devil’s-advocate position that when the NRA protested an effort to prevent people on the government’s…

Salon Writer: Free Speech Advocates Want to Assert 'White Privilege'

November 13th, 2015 12:33 PM
Speaking on MSNBC’s All In Thursday night about the ongoing protests on college campuses over race, Salon writer and Rutgers University professor Brittney Cooper asserted that the real focus of the discussion should about how black students supposedly feel “physically and emotionally unsafe on these campuses” and those raising concerns about “the threat to freedom of speech” really just want to…

On MSNBC, Grayson Compares Cruz to Miley 'Twerking Every Right-Winger'

November 10th, 2015 1:44 AM
Speaking with host Chris Hayes on the Monday edition of MSNBC’s All In, Democratic Congressman and 2016 Senate candidate Alan Grayson (Fl.) made a crude joke in comparing Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz to Miley Cyrus as he’s “twerking every right-winger in sight.”

Quentin 'Murdering Cops' Tarantino Whines About 1st Amendment Rights

November 4th, 2015 9:27 PM
Would somebody please explain the First Amendment to Quentin Tarantino? The film director apparently thinks that freedom of speech is a one-way street: he gets to call cops "murderers," but they don't get to defend themselves. Appearing on MSNBC show this evening, asked by Chris Hayes if he was surprised by the "vitriol" of police reaction to his speech at a recent rally in New York at which he …

NYT Writer to MSNBC Host: Conservatives Exist in Echo Chamber

November 3rd, 2015 4:21 PM
A liberal New York Times writer told a liberal MSNBC host that the problem with conservatives is they exist in their own ideological echo chamber. Without a sense of irony, All In host Chris Hayes on Monday night wondered, “What do you make of this sort of inward turning that we’re sort of seeing effectuated in the Republican field?” Op-ed columnist Paul Krugman complained, “Well, this has been…

Pierce: GOPers Are ‘Unruly, Nasty’ Kids; Debate Should Be In 'Sandbox'

October 30th, 2015 11:18 AM
Making his now semi-frequent appearance on a primetime MSNBC show, lefty blogger Charles Pierce was on Thursday’s All In to trash the 2016 Republican presidential candidates as merely “a bunch of unruly, nasty children” during Wednesday’s CNBC debate and suggested that “the next one” should take place “in a sandbox.”

Chris Hayes Slips Up, Lists Abortion Among 'Touchstones of Human Evil'

October 27th, 2015 3:13 PM
Chris Hayes made an inadvertent admission about the morality of abortion on his All In program on MSNBC on Monday. Hayes contended that in the case of Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, "It's very hard to get through an interview in which he doesn't compare something either to the Third Reich and Hitler or abortion, right? — the sort of, like, touchstones of human evil." The liberal…

Hayes Frets Free Voter ID 'Pain,' 'Disenfranchised' in Alabama

October 7th, 2015 5:38 PM
On Tuesday's All In, MSNBC host Chris Hayes devoted a segment to the recent announcement that Alabama will be closing a significant number of the state's DMVs -- some in majority black counties -- as he fretted that Alabama may be making it more difficult for black voters to get the required voter ID cards.

MSNBC's Hayes Touts Debunked Claim Scalise Spoke to White Supremacists

October 6th, 2015 2:39 PM
On Monday's All In on MSNBC, host Chris Hayes repeated the discredited claim that originated with a liberal blogger that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise spoke at a convention for the European-American Unity and Rights Organization -- founded by white supremacist David Duke -- in the congressman's home state of Louisiana in 2002.

Hayes Compares Ideal Gun Control to 'Scale of the Response' to Ebola

October 2nd, 2015 1:53 PM
On the Thursday edition of MSNBC’s All In, liberal host Chris Hayes trumpeted the need for gun control measures after the deadly community college shooting in Roseburg, Oregon by comparing the impediment to enact such policies to the “scale of the response” the world deployed during the 2014 outbreak of the Ebola virus. 

Conservative Filmmaker Challenges Anti-Fracking Short with 'GasHoax'

October 1st, 2015 8:05 AM
Conservative filmmaker Phelim McAleer has a new film challenging Josh Fox and his claims about hydraulic fracturing. McAleer’s GasHoax will be released on October 1, the same day as Fox’s latest short film, GasWork, will be aired on MSNBC. The head-to-head match up is intentional. McAleer said GasWork is “a zero credibility film because it comes from filmmaker Josh Fox who has a history of…

MSNBC Panels Have Massive Meltdowns Over Pope Meeting Kim Davis

October 1st, 2015 7:14 AM
It was quite the scene on Wednesday night as the viewers of MSNBC’s All In and The Last Word saw extensive meltdowns by two different panels over the revelation that Pope Francis took time during his visit to the United States to secretly meet with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis with panelists decrying how “deeply disappointed” they were at the “bizarre” meeting.

To Bash Kevin McCarthy, MSNBC’s Hayes Turns to...Wendy Davis?

October 1st, 2015 12:19 AM
During his segment on the Wednesday edition of MSNBC’s All In attacking Speaker of the House candidate Kevin McCarthy for his comments about Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi Committee, host Chris Hayes made quite the choice of liberal pundits in none other than failed Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, who compared McCarthy and the panel to the “witch-hunt” against Planned…