
Joy Reid Guest Blames White Media Execs, Voters, for Kamala Flop

November 11th, 2019 10:36 AM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, regular guest Tiffany Cross blames white media executives and the voters for Kamala Harris's poor performance in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, Sunday, regular guest Tiffany Cross announced that she was going to ignore the taboo against blaming the voters. She proceeded to blame them, citing the reaction of listeners to…

Joy Reid: I'll Explain Impeachment Simply So Trump Fans Understand

November 9th, 2019 11:43 AM
Liberals love to condescend to conservatives, imagining us to be a bunch of benighted rubes. We poor, misguided souls will see the light once the veil is lifted from our eyes by kindly liberals carefully explaining things at a level within the ken of our limited intellectual capacity. Combine that with the trope of relatives arguing politics over Thanksgiving, and you have Joy Reid this morning…

Former GOP Chair on MSNBC: Trump Supporters are 'Pathetic Sycophants'

November 3rd, 2019 6:28 AM
Michael Steele's got a good gig going as an MSNBC political analyst. And if that means that the former RNC Chairman must throw fellow Republicans under the bus, well, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do. And thus there was Steele on Joy Reid's MSNBC show on Saturday morning. Steele said American Conservative Union leader Matt Schlapp and other supporters of President Trump are "embarrassing,…

MSNBC Guesses ISIS Leader's Death 'Strengthens Followers' Ideology'

October 27th, 2019 12:49 PM
You know that the news of the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during a raid by US forces came as a terrible blow . . . to the liberal media. Their first reaction was surely to worry that this success would strengthen President Trump. And so the MSM predictably is going about its business of downplaying the significance of the event—and even seeking to turn it into a negative. Take, for…

WaPo's Dionne: MSM Too Fair to Trump, Must Reject Air for Trump's Side

October 6th, 2019 1:31 PM
This might sound like a sick joke—if not a Kafkaesque nightmare—but E.J. Dionne is actually complaining the MSM's impeachment coverage has been . . . too fair to President Trump. Appearing on Joy Reid's MSNBC show today [guest-hosted by Jonathan Capehart], Dionne began by approvingly citing WashPost media critic Margaret Sullivan's column, in which she claims that the MSM have not done "nearly…

Joy Reid Strategy: Flip Trump Aides by Panicking with Possible Prison

October 5th, 2019 12:48 PM
The screencap in the chyron—Could Impeachment Inquiry Land Trump Associates in Jail?—made Joy Reid's strategy this morning very clear. To get Trump associates to flip against the President, try to panic them with the possibility of prison.

MSNBC Pushes Myth Bush Admin Outed CIA Agent As 'Retaliation'

October 1st, 2019 11:10 AM
Late last week, after word came that the former ambassador to Iraq, Joe Wilson, had passed away, MSNBC repeated some of the misinformation that journalists and other liberals pushed during the George W. Bush era as anchors Joy Reid and Katy Tur lauded Wilson for disputing President Bush's claims that Saddam Hussein had tried to acquire uranium in Africa before the invasion of Iraq.

MSNBC Contributor: Impeachment So Simple 'Even Fox Viewers Understand'

September 29th, 2019 12:56 PM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, Gabe Sherman, an MSNBC contributor and author of a book about Fox News creator Roger Ailes, says that the case supporting the impeachment of President Trump is "a very simple story that even a Fox audience can understand."

Joy Reid Show's Sudden Liberal Respect for Nixon: He Resigned! 

September 28th, 2019 1:21 PM
Joy Reid plays the clip of President Nixon, facing impeachment, announcing his resignation. Former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks praises Nixon and condemns President Trump, saying, "[Nixon] actually understood what government is and he actually acted in the benefit of the country by resigning. I don’t think that Donald Trump has even the slightest shred of humility or understanding. I don’…

MSNBC Contributor Rages at NY Times for Adding Weight to Biden Scandal

September 22nd, 2019 2:21 PM
Lord knows, the New York Times serves as a reliable media arm of the DNC. But let the newspaper stray from that mission for a millisecond, and the liberal establishment will come down on it like a ton of bricks. On Joy Reid's MSNBC show today, Maria Teresa Kumar of "Voto Latino" was furious at the Times in general, and its Ken Vogel in particular, for reporting the story of how Joe Biden…

CNN, MSNBC Spend 233 Minutes Shoveling Flimsy Kavanaugh Attack

September 16th, 2019 5:35 PM
Since 9:00 am ET Sunday morning, CNN and MSNBC have spent nearly four hours of airtime peddling dubious new charges of misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh that allegedly took place when he was in college. The claims were first published by The New York Times late Saturday night.

MSNBC's Jason Johnson Smears Kavanaugh: 'Fifth Guy in a Gang Rape'

September 15th, 2019 4:06 PM
The sleazy new sexual-assault allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in The New York Times drove out sleazy talk from MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson on Sunday's AM Joy. He called him "the fifth guy in a gang rape." Jason is so partisan that he flip-flopped on Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.) needing to resign for a racist yearbook page he made in medical school.

MSNBC Contributor: Biden a Subtle Racist Who 'Has to Drop Out'

September 14th, 2019 3:17 PM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show Saturday morning, MSNBC contributor Anand Giridharadas says that Joe Biden is a subtle racist who "has to drop out." He focused on Biden's statement from this past week's debate in which he suggested that black parents lack parenting skills. 

MSNBC Guest Tiffany Cross: Trump Could Be a ‘Secret Muslim President'

September 10th, 2019 7:06 AM
In Joy Reid’s never-ending quest to prevent President Trump from being re-elected in 2020, the MSNBC host has continued to slam the people who voted for the Republican occupant of the White House in 2016. On Sunday's AM Joy, she received support from MSNBC regular Tiffany Cross, managing editor of The Beat DC website, who claimed that “maybe Donald Trump is the secret Muslim president that they…