
CNN Panelist: Talk of ‘Uniqueness of American Culture’ Is Racist

February 24th, 2017 12:11 AM
White House Political Adviser Steve Bannon appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday where he discussed the importance of American culture, among other things. But that didn’t sit well with some of CNN’s political analysts; particularly with David Gregory, who condemned Bannon on Anderson Cooper 360 claiming that “The language of the uniqueness of American culture is…

CNN's Rye Tries to Claim No Terror Attacks from Restricted Countries

February 10th, 2017 2:36 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN political commentator Angela Rye tried to be the latest liberal to argue against President Donald Trump's travel ban targeting several Muslim countries on the basis that supposedly no one from those countries has committed a terrorist attack in the U.S. After being called out by fellow panel member Kayleigh McEnany, who cited…

Amanpour Likens Trump to 'Totalitarian Regimes,' Slams Bush on Iraq

January 27th, 2017 3:51 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour went on a rant against Steve Bannon and the Donald Trump White House over their criticism of the media, as she likened the administration to "totalitarian regimes" and suggested that they were "angling for an order of merit" from the presidents of Egypt, Russia and Turkey.

Van Jones to West Virginians: As Christians, How Can You Back Trump?

January 25th, 2017 12:54 PM
CNN's Van Jones revisited part of his infamous "white-lash" rant during an interview of coal miners in West Virginia on Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360: "As a Christian couple, how can you support a Donald Trump when you know the fear he strikes into the hearts of American Muslim children; American Latino children? How do you round that circle?" During that Election Night rant, the former Obama…

CNN's Van Jones: Trump Is Leader With 'More Authoritarian Overtones'

January 24th, 2017 2:20 PM
On Monday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN's Van Jones offered his theory about the controversy over the size of the crowd that attended President Trump's inauguration: "Ordinary leaders rely on the Constitution as a source of their legitimacy. But you get these kind of leaders that have these more authoritarian overtones — it's not the power of our constitution; it's the size of their crowds. The…

CNN's Sellers Admits: March For Women Really 'March For Liberalism'

January 23rd, 2017 11:25 AM
On CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 on Saturday, Bakari Sellers described Saturday's "Women's March" as "something we haven't seen in this country or around this world in a very long time." Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance then pointed out the obvious, at least as far as the U.S. is concerned, which is that the Annual March for Life in Washington has routinely drawn crowds in the hundreds of…

CNN's Navarro Slams DeVos on Guns: Like 'Fallen on Her Head As a Baby'

January 20th, 2017 4:09 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360, during a heated debate over President Donald Trump not choosing Hispanic cabinet secretaries, moderate Republican CNN analyst Ana Navarro had a meltdown as she excoriated Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos as sounding "like she's fallen on her head as a baby" during her confirmation hearings, and attacked her support for allowing…

Jones: Obama 'Fixed' What Bush 'Broke;' Trump Will 'Break' All of That

January 19th, 2017 12:12 PM
On CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Wednesday, panelist Van Jones claimed that Trump didn’t deserve Obama’s “silence” after he leaves office, because Trump was going to undo every good thing Obama did as President. “Obama came in to fix things that W. broke. Trump is coming in to break things that Obama fixed,” Jones asserted.

CNN Laments Being Unable to Hear a Good Speech ‘Like This’ from Trump

January 10th, 2017 11:38 PM
Almost minutes after President Barack Obama concluded his farewell address Tuesday night, CNN jumped into whining about not being able to hear such deep speech from President-elect Donald Trump. “Also as we think about the next president about to take office, I mean, their speaking styles could not possibly be any more different,” noted moderator, Anderson Cooper, as unseen members of his panel…

CNN’s Sanders Changes Mind, Now Thinks Chicago Beating Was Hate Crime

January 6th, 2017 12:48 PM
Following massive media attention (including here at NewsBusters) and widespread outrage, CNN political commentator Symone Sanders backtracked on Thursday night on whether transpired with the torturing of a white Chicago man this week constituted hate crime charges as she now accepts this view following the official filing of charges. 

CNN Anchors Deride Pruitt as 'Climate Change Denier'

December 12th, 2016 5:44 PM
Long-term followers of American politics will recall that about a decade ago, the left began pushing the phrases "global warming denier" and "climate change denier" into the public conversation as a way of discrediting those who are skeptical of the preferred liberal take on global warming theory. The expression was reminiscent of the term "Holocaust denier" and was meant to suggest that those…

CNN Gives 36 Minutes in Less Than a Day to Previewing Neo-Nazi Speech

December 6th, 2016 10:19 PM
In this week’s edition of the liberal media normalizing the abhorrent “alt-right” and neo-Nazi movement led by Richard Spencer, CNN dedicated 36 minutes and 46 seconds over the course of 24 hours on Monday and Tuesday to previewing a Spencer speech at Texas A&M University despite correctly emphasizing he has a “hate-filled mission.”

CNN's Van Jones Claims Trump 'Helps Make' Muslims 'Radical'

December 3rd, 2016 3:15 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360, during a discussion of Muslim-Americans "self-radicalizing' and becoming terrorists, liberal CNN political commentator Van Jones at one point blamed Donald Trump for allegedly causing some to "self-radicalize." As conservative CNN political commentator Jack Kingston argued in favor of studies to help answer the question of why "lone…

CNN’s David Gergen Knocks Trump for Focusing on Domestic Policy

December 1st, 2016 11:54 PM
Minutes after President-Elect Donald Trump’s “Thank You Tour” rally in Cincinnati, Ohio Thursday night CNN commentator, and former White House adviser, David Gergen voiced his displeasure for the man during Anderson Cooper 360. “I think there was any doubt that we’re putting an end in one chapter in American history and moving on to a new one he dispelled that doubt tonight,” he whined after…