
STUDY: MSNBC Ignores Buddy Michael Avenatti Being Sentenced to Jail

July 9th, 2021 12:06 AM

Liberal media darling and “creepy porn lawyer” Michael Avenatti was sentenced on Thursday afternoon to two and a half years in prison for attempting to extort Nike, ending the first of three trials in which Avenatti could spend much of his remaining years behind bars. But unfortunately, MSNBC refused to cover it on any of the nine shows since Judge Paul Gardephe handed down his sentence.


CNN Decries 'Politically Motivated' Bishops On Abortion, Communion

June 20th, 2021 5:04 PM

On Friday, The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops took a step that may culminate with pro-abortion politicians, like President Joe Biden, being denied communion. On his CNN show that night, liberal Anderson Cooper welcomed liberal Jesuit priest James Martin and former liberal congressman and current CNN commentator Joe Kennedy III to accuse the bishops of being politically motivated…


CNN Spends Nearly 3x More in 12 Hrs on Cheney Than Economic Crises

May 13th, 2021 1:10 AM

On Wednesday, CNN showed a further commitment to unseriousness and a refusal to engage in basic journalism by spending nearly three times (2.72) times more time over a 12-hour period on Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) losing a role in House GOP leadership than the multiple economic crises facing the country, ranging from the Colonial pipeline hack to gasoline shortages to inflation to stagnant…


CNN's Kamau Bell: U.S. 'Was Built on Racism,' 'Is Run by Racism'

May 1st, 2021 10:09 AM

Appearing as a guest on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360, comedian and CNN host W. Kamau Bell declared that the United States not only "was built on racism" but also "currently," that "racism is running the country in many ways."


Worship the State: CNN, NBC Praise Biden for Building 'Faith' in Gov.

March 11th, 2021 9:43 PM

As President Ronald Reagan famously said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.” And yet that’s exactly what CNN and NBC praised President Biden for doing during his first primetime address on Thursday. Both liberal outlets showered the President with gooey adulations as they thanked him for the revival of their faith the…

CNN FINALLY Covers Cuomo Claims...But Gives It 96 Seconds in Two Days

February 25th, 2021 11:43 PM

After over 24 hours of silence, CNN decided to acknowledge on Thursday Lindsey Boylan’s sexual harassment claims against Prime Time host Chris Cuomo’s brother and Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and the latest blows in the state’s nursing home scandal, but only tossed scraps to the viewers they treat like small-brained proles with only 96 seconds over two news briefs. Worse yet, neither brief…


Prime Time CNN, MSNBC Cover-Up Cuomo Sexual Harassment Scandal

February 24th, 2021 11:09 PM

Proving just how politically craven and hypocritical they were, at no point during their Wednesday prime time lineup did CNN or MSNBC tell their viewers about the sexual harassment allegations against Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. It was a blatant double standard in the treatment they savaged conservatives like Justice Brett Kavanaugh with.


CNN Sneers: Rush Spewed 'Lies and Conspiracy Theories' Across America

February 19th, 2021 7:12 PM

As CNN on Wednesday covered the passing of Rush Limbaugh, Anderson Cooper 360 ran a pre-recorded piece that was nearly all negative about the conservative icon's radio career. Correspondent Randi Kaye declared that "for decades, Limbaugh filled the airwaves with lies and conspiracy theories, racist and misogynistic comments."


Climate Fanatic Gates Says He Has One of ‘Highest’ Climate Footprints

February 15th, 2021 4:28 PM

Liberal billionaire Bill Gates made a shocking confession that made his climate change activism reek of hypocrisy.


WHAT?! Cooper Compares Trump, Supporters to Hutus in Rwandan Genocide

February 9th, 2021 10:54 PM

Tuesday night on CNN, AC360 host Anderson Cooper added to the Jeffrey Zucker-led network’s resume of hate against those they disagree with as he compared former President Donald Trump and his supporters to those that carried out the Bosnian and Rwanda genocides in the 1990s. And to underscore Cooper’s seriousness, a NewsBusters search found that he also leveled these comparisons back on…


Biden Toadies at CNN Rave Over President's COVID Plan

January 22nd, 2021 9:42 AM

Of all the tonal shifts you'll see from the liberal media now that Joe Biden is president, the abrupt change from "everything is awful" to "everything is awesome" will be most stark on CNN. That could be seen on Thursday as Anderson Cooper and his guests raved over Biden's COVID plan. It's "factual," "very honest, "very evidence-based." 


Leftist 'Journalist' on CNN, Arrested for Capitol Rioting

January 15th, 2021 6:04 PM

A leftist "journalist" who was interviewed by Anderson Cooper because he was filming the Capitol riot on January 6 has now been charged with rioting.


CNN's Unity: Cooper Abuses Pearl Harbor Memory to Trash ‘AWOL' Trump

December 8th, 2020 4:14 PM

In case anyone thought CNN was serious about its call for unity, Anderson Cooper on Monday night made clear that the network definitely is not. The partisan hack anchor sank to a new depth as he abused the memory of Pearl Harbor to trash Donald Trump. 


‘Keeping Them Honest:’ McEnany RIPS CNN’s ‘Fake News’ on Her Husband

December 2nd, 2020 10:59 PM

Beclowning himself once again during the so-called “Keeping The Honest” segment of Wednesday’s AC360, CNN host Anderson Cooper used his opening diatribe to lash out at not just White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, but her husband too, Tampa Bay Rays pitcher Sean Gilmartin. Showing a picture of him at the day’s briefing, Cooper tried to shame him for not wearing a mask and…