Andrea Mitchell Tosses Softballs to Eva Longoria: GOP on the 'Wrong Si

March 20th, 2012 10:47 AM
During the March 19 edition of Andrea Mitchell Reports, actress Eva Longoria fielded softball questions about her new role in President Obama’s re-election campaign. During the interview, Mitchell had no problem with reminding MSNBC viewers about the so-called Republican War on Women, chiding, "But the women's issues, women's health issues have become front and center force of what has happened…

Andrea Mitchell Conducts Softball Interview with Feminist Pushing FCC

March 13th, 2012 4:58 PM
Andrea Mitchell is no newbie to journalism. In fact, in 2010, she was given the Taishoff Award for Excellence in Broadcast Journalism by the National Press Foundation. She's in good company with Brit Hume and the late Tim Russert among previous recipients of the award. But alas, the MSNBC anchor displayed no "excellence in journalism" with her brief, softball interview today with Robin Morgan…

MSNBC's Mitchell: There's 'Anxiety' From Texas Women About 'Their Heal

March 12th, 2012 6:17 PM
"There's a lot of anxiety for thousands of women in Texas today about their health care," MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell alarmed viewers of her 1 p.m. Eastern program today. "They're going to lose health care coverage this week, on Wednesday, when the Texas state legislature enforces a law cutting funds to any health care center affiliated with an abortion provider, and that means Planned Parenthood…

Hey, Remember When NBC Thought Calling Someone a 'Slut' Was Hilarious

March 10th, 2012 12:00 PM
As Andrea Mitchell began an interview with left-wing activist Sandra Fluke on the March 2 edition of her MSNBC show, the NBC correspondent denounced Rush Limbaugh for having, "attacked her [Fluke] with language that we will not repeat on the air." Well, it turns out that Andrea Mitchell thought use of the word "slut" – one of Limbaugh's offending remarks – was perfectly fine when it was to…

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Sneaks Insult That Republicans Have ‘Devo

February 21st, 2012 6:29 PM
She's clearly not even trying anymore. Today on her MSNBC program, Andrea Mitchell used words that clearly were meant to paint the Republican Party as retrograde.  After insisting that President George H.W. Bush had supported Planned Parenthood as a congressman decades earlier, she posed the question “So how has the Republican Party devolved to the point where we are now re-litigating all of…

Mitchell and Boxer Disgustingly Compare Contraception Debate to Claren

February 17th, 2012 4:52 PM
On Friday’s edition of MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, host Andrea Mitchell and ultra-liberal Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer actually compared Thursday's House hearing on contraception to the 1991 Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings. Mitchell linked the two, reminding that the Clarence Thomas hearing became "an earth-shattering moment on the Hill because it had been such a male institution…

D'oh! Chris Matthews Tells North Dakota Senator He Loves His State, St

February 8th, 2012 4:12 PM
Closing out an interview with Sen. John Hoeven (R) of North Dakota on today's Andrea Mitchell Reports, substitute host Chris Matthews thanked the former governor and said he "loved visiting your state this summer" and that he loves Mt. Rushmore, having "sat there for two hours and just looked up at it" during his trip to South Dakota over the summer. Hoeven corrected Matthews, saying he was…

MSNBC's Mitchell Takes Victory Lap with Sen. Boxer Over Komen Reversal

February 3rd, 2012 3:51 PM
News of the Komen Foundation's backpedaling regarding its grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates prompted liberal journalist Andrea Mitchell to do a victory lap on her 1 p.m. Eastern Andrea Mitchell Reports program today. Mitchell began by noting that under "mounting pressure," Komen founder Nancy Brinker released an apology, an excerpt of which Mitchell read before interviewing pro-choice…

MS-D&C: MSNBC Thoroughly in the Tank for Planned Parenthood

February 2nd, 2012 5:27 PM
MSNBC has been mocked as MS-DNC and MS-LSD by conservative critics. But given the network's constant drum-beat against the Komen Foundation for its decision to cut off grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates, it might be sensible to rename the liberal cable outlet MS-D&C, after the abortion procedure. Throughout live coverage this morning and early afternoon, MSNBC hosts turned to pro-…

Andrea Mitchell Decries 'Anti-Castro Vitriol' of the GOP 'Pander Bears

January 26th, 2012 4:48 PM
A disgusted Andrea Mitchell on Thursday decried the "anti-Castro vitriol" coming from Republican presidential candidates in Florida, sneering that they are "pander bears" to the Cuban community. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Teasing a discussion with Chuck Todd, Mitchell dismissed the GOP contenders: "And as Romney and Gingrich try to outdo each other with their anti-Castro vitriol,…

Does Andrea Mitchell Watch Her Own Network? Ignores Santorum's Repudia

January 24th, 2012 3:35 PM
It appears that even Andrea Mitchell doesn’t watch MSNBC.  During Tuesday's edition of her eponymous program, while speaking to Ryan Lizza of The New Yorker, the anchor failed to acknowledge former Sen. Rick Santorum’s (R-Pa.) strong repudiation for comments made by an attendee at one of his campaign events over the weekend. While the presidential hopeful did not initially correct the woman’…

MSNBC Continues to Hit Gingrich for Racial 'Code Words

January 23rd, 2012 4:57 PM
The South Carolina primary may be over, but MSNBC anchors are not letting up on their portrayal of Republican primary voters are bigots whose support is being courted by the use of "code words." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] During a promo for her 2 p.m. Eastern show NewsNation, MSNBC anchor Hall falsely accused Gingrich of using incendiary rhetoric on minorities, and claims such words…

MSNBC's Mitchell, Melvin Denounce Gingrich's Rhetoric As Racist 'Dog W

January 20th, 2012 5:23 PM
Once again, an MSNBC reporter has falsely accused Newt Gingrich of using racial overtones in his critique of President Obama’s economic policies. On the Friday edition of her eponymous program Andrea Mitchell Reports, the veteran broadcast journalist maintained that Gingrich deploys language with coded racial overtones that she and fellow MSNBCers can detect is a racially-tinged "dog whistle…

Andrea Mitchell Scolds Romney For Negative Super PAC Ads

December 30th, 2011 1:57 PM
Has Andrea Mitchell appointed herself hall monitor of the 2012 elections?  On her MSNBC show today, Mitchell asked Mitt Romney whether he had "an apology to make to the voters" for the negative ads against Newt Gingrich being run by Romney-friendly Super PACs. For good measure, Mitchell scolded: "is that the kind of campaign you want to run: a negative campaign?" Video after the jump.