MSNBC's O'Donnell Hails Obama's 'Organized Exit' From Iraq

December 12th, 2011 4:54 PM
The media never let President Bush live down the so-called "Mission Accomplished" speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003 when the then-president declared an end of major combat operations in Iraq, even though Bush pointedly noted "Our mission continues. Al-Qaida is wounded, not destroyed....The war on terror is not over."  But now that President Obama is earnestly trying to…

MSNBC's Tamron Hall, Andrea Mitchell Omit Potential Jobs Lost Thanks t

November 11th, 2011 6:10 PM
MSNBC daytime host Tamron Hall failed to use the J-word -- jobs -- in alerting MSNBC viewers today of President Obama's decision to delay his decision on authorizing the proposed Keystone oil pipeline. Noting the story on the 2 p.m. Eastern NewsNation program, Hall described the "massive oil pipeline" project as "controversial" because it would run through "an environmentally-sensitive area…

NBC's Chuck Todd Admonishes Andrea Mitchell for Lame Attempt to Play R

October 19th, 2011 4:32 PM
Andrea Mitchell's attempt to imply Rick Perry was being racially insensitive, for calling fellow GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain "brother," during Tuesday's Republican debate, was so lame even her NBC colleague Chuck Todd wasn't buying it. Mitchell, on Wednesday's edition of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports, dredged up the N-Head controversy on Perry as she scolded: "If I were Rick Perry…

Andrea Mitchell Lauds the 'Living Legacy' of Anita Hill, Knocks Claren

October 12th, 2011 4:54 PM
According to MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, Clarence Thomas' accuser, Anita Hill, is a "living legacy." The cable anchor on Wednesday fawned over the woman who, 20 years ago, charged the now-Supreme Court justice with sexual harassment. At no point did she offer a tough question or challenge the honesty of Hill. Instead, Mitchell treated the Brandeis professor as a larger than life figure,…

MSNBC Prime Time Programs Still Haven't Reported Obama's Solyndra Scan

September 16th, 2011 9:54 AM
As the scandal involving failed solar panel company Solyndra and President Obama grows, the prime time programs at the so-called "news network" known as MSNBC continue to ignore it. Despite the announcement of the Solyndra bankruptcy on August 31, "Hardball," "PoliticsNation," "The Last Word," "The Rachel Maddow Show," and "The Ed Show" have not done one single report on the subject.

Andrea Mitchell Bemoans 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' as 'Sad Episode

September 15th, 2011 9:42 AM
On her Wednesday program, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell helped a homosexual filmmaker promote his documentary on what she labeled the "sad episode" of the passage of the military's soon-to-be lifted "don't ask, don't tell" policy in 1993. Mitchell touted how she questioned then-President-Elect Bill Clinton in 1992 on his campaign promise to allow open homosexuals to serve in the military, and let her…

Andrea Mitchell Falsely Accuses Boehner of Being 'Disrespectful' to Ob

September 8th, 2011 5:53 PM
Apparently the media civility police have become so sensitive to any slight of President Obama that MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell actually invented one such controversy out of thin air during her 1 p.m. ET hour show on Thursday. [Audio available here] Speaking to Obama advisor Melody Barnes, Mitchell declared: "John Boehner today just slammed the President and said, you know, that the American…

Barbour Warns Perry: A Conservative, Christian, Southern Republican Li

August 19th, 2011 2:14 PM
When NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on Friday, asked Haley Barbour if Rick Perry had to "clean up his language?" the former head of the RNC brushed back the host of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports by subtly accusing her of engaging in typical liberal media tricks.  The current Mississippi governor warned his fellow Republican to be prepared to be "nitpicked by the liberal media elite" because "When…

MSNBC Gushes Over 'Ice Cream and Golf' on Obama's Vacation

August 19th, 2011 1:38 PM
Filling in for Andrea Mitchell during Thursday's 1 p.m. ET hour on MSNBC, Savannah Guthrie talked to correspondent Kristen Welker about President Obama's vacation plans: "Kristen, do you have any idea what he and the First Family plan to do while they're spending this time on Martha's Vineyard? I'm going to venture a guess there will be golf and ice cream, if past vacations are any indication…

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan: Obama 'Rather Screwed Up' for Writing Memoir Be

August 8th, 2011 5:34 PM
Dylan Ratigan joined Andrea Mitchell Monday on the list of MSNBC anchors who appear to be losing faith in President Barack Obama's leadership. Discussing the type of president required to lead the country in times of crisis, Ratigan remarked, "Wouldn't anybody who wrote a memoir before the age of 50 be rather screwed up anyway?" [Video follows page break]

Andrea Mitchell: 'Everyone Is Feeling A Lack Of Hope

August 5th, 2011 1:44 PM
If Barack Obama has lost Andrea Mitchell, has he lost the MSM? Surveying the economy on her MSNBC show his afternoon, Mitchell gloomily observed: "it just seems as though everyone is feeling a lack of hope." The White House needn't fear too much.  Mitchell might have wandered somewhat off script. But Andrea has surely not abandoned the ranks of the Obama-loving media.  She fretted that…

CNBC's Ron Insana: 'We Need More Stimulus

August 4th, 2011 4:27 PM
CNBC's Ron Insana asserted on today's "Andrea Mitchell Reports" that the United States does not have a debt problem. "We need more stimulus. We have a growth crisis in this country, not a deficit crisis," argued Insana. He also insisted that Europe, which also has debt problems, should not pursue austerity measures. "I think people might be looking at Europe and saying listen, they need…

Disappointed Andrea Mitchell Hits Pelosi from the Left: Where Are the

August 3rd, 2011 4:49 PM
NBC's Andrea Mitchell, in an exclusive Wednesday interview with Nancy Pelosi aired on her MSNBC show, hit the Democratic House Minority Leader from the left on the debt agreement as she pronounced it "a bad deal" because "there's no taxes in it" and whined: "Was the President a bad negotiator? Did he give away too much?" For her part, Pelosi agreed that it was a "bad deal" but rationalized…

Andrea Mitchell Whines About Tim Pawlenty's 'Counterintuitive' Tax Pla

June 9th, 2011 4:51 PM
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell scolded Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty today over the former Minnesota governor's proposed plan to reduce taxes and cut spending, decrying the conservative measures as "counterintuitive." "What makes you think that a plan to actually increase the deficit by cutting taxes is the right way to go right now?" groused NBC's chief foreign affairs…