NBC Falsely Paints Palin as Uninvited 'Distraction' at Rolling Thunder

May 31st, 2011 12:41 PM
On her Friday 1 p.m. ET MSNBC show, NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell characterized Sarah Palin participating in the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in Washington as a "distraction," with the headline on-screen wondering if the former Alaska Governor was "stealing their thunder." After declaring that Palin was "once again showing that she sure knows how to seize the political…

MSNBC's Mitchell Shills for Obama: 'What More Could Be Done to Get Gad

May 27th, 2011 3:38 PM
Anchoring her eponymous MSNBC program today, Andrea Mitchell defended President Barack Obama's position on Libya against criticism from Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty. "I'm not sure what Tim Pawlenty would like the president to do," snickered NBC's chief foreign affairs correspondent, immediately after playing a clip of the former Minnesota governor saying exactly what he…

Media Throw a Fit Over 'Rude' Netanyahu 'Lecturing' Obama

May 24th, 2011 3:48 PM
For many in the media Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's reaction to Barack Obama insistence that his country return to the 1967 borders was out of bounds. ABC's Christiane Amanpour declared she was "stunned" by his "public lecture" of the President and NBC's Andrea Mitchell hissed, "it was really rude," and charged he treated Obama "like a school boy." Mitchell didn't reserve her criticism to…

NBC's Mitchell Admonishes 'Really Rude' Netanyahu Treating Obama 'Like

May 23rd, 2011 4:35 PM
At the end of Sunday's Meet the Press, NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell scolded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for daring to criticize President Obama's call for Israel to return to 1967 borders: "...he criticized the President, and in such a fashion! He lectured him in the Oval Office....basically treating him like a school boy." Mitchell went on to declare…

Andrea Mitchell, John Heilemann Scold GOP 2012 Hopefuls for Disagreein

May 20th, 2011 5:25 PM
In lockstep with Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, who scolded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "please don't speak to my president that way," MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell cautioned of the "political pitfalls" for Republican presidential candidates who dared to challenge Barack Obama's speech on the Middle East. On the May 20 edition of "Andrea Mitchell Reports," NBC's chief foreign…

Media Slammed 'Bitch' Angle's Ad, Now Silent When Ryan Shown Throwing

May 19th, 2011 4:41 PM
Anyone whose eyes have been glued to certain news outlets for the last 24 hours has probably heard almost nothing about one of the most offensive political advertisements in recent memory. That's because most major networks have largely failed to cover a video portraying Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan as literally throwing grandma off a cliff. While ABC, MSNBC, and CNN continue to ignore the…

CBS and MSNBC Both Falsely Claim Obama First President to Have Citizen

April 28th, 2011 5:01 PM
Both CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell incorrectly asserted that President Obama is the only president in U.S. history who has had his citizenship doubted. In reality, both CBSNews.com and MSNBC.com posted a 2009 Associated Press article that detailed 21st President Chester A. Arthur having to deal with a similar controversy in the 1880 presidential campaign…

Andrea Mitchell Labels GOP Medicare Reform Proposal a 'Tar Baby

April 15th, 2011 6:10 PM
Talking to political strategist Stu Rothenberg on her 1PM ET hour show on MSNBC on Friday, anchor Andrea Mitchell saw the Medicare reform proposal in Congressman Paul Ryan's 2012 budget as a major negative for the GOP: "Obviously the White House feels very good right now....it's sort of like a tar baby situation where they're loving the fact that the Republicans are now voting on Medicare cuts…

For Second Time, MSNBC's Mitchell Hypes GOP's Racist Budget Cuts

April 8th, 2011 12:00 PM
Previewing the network’s “Black Agenda” special, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell dragged out one of the most liberal members of Congress on April 7 to demagogue Republican budget cuts as harmful to poor minority groups. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) turned what was supposed to be a conversation about the consequences of a government shutdown, which most members on both sides of the aisle want to…

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Plays Race Card on Budget, Libya

April 5th, 2011 4:54 PM
Covering the budget debate on Capitol Hill and the conflict in Libya, Andrea Mitchell spun two serious policy issues as examples of race-baiting. On the April 5 edition of “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” the MSNBC anchor lamented that Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposed 2012 budget would ravage black and Hispanic communities. “Representative Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget, released today, includes…

MSNBC's Mitchell Fears Not Raising Debt Ceiling Would 'Stop the Recove

April 1st, 2011 4:55 PM
On her eponymous program today, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell carried water for the Obama administration, warning viewers that not raising the debt ceiling would result in a "crisis" that would "stop the recovery." Interviewing Politico's Roger Simon, the NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent argued that Republican opposition to empowering the federal government to borrow beyond its $14.3…

MSNBC's Mitchell Gushes Over Dem. Mayor's Budget Reform After Blasting

March 25th, 2011 5:33 PM
Within the same sentence, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell spurned the budget repair law crafted by Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin as "drastic" and celebrated a similar plan championed by Democratic Mayor Antonia Villaraigosa of Los Angeles as "a good deal." On the March 25 edition of "Andrea Mitchell Reports," the daytime anchor praised the Democratic budget bill in Los Angeles as a "…

MSNBC Resorts to Using Boy Health Care Activist to Plug for ObamaCare

March 23rd, 2011 6:07 PM
On the one-year anniversary of the health care law, MSNBC thought it fitting to bring on a boy who championed the bill and give him a platform. Anchor Andrea Mitchell hosted 12-year-old activist Marcelas Owens Wednesday and asked him questions with predictable answers to explain the case for the health care law. Owens became famous last year for his public appearances to rally support…

Andrea Snarks Sarah's Foreign Trip: 'Where Do You Start

March 21st, 2011 4:23 PM
Could Andrea Mitchell possibly be more snide and condescending toward Sarah Palin?  On her MSNBC show today, here's how Mitchell introduced her interview with Jeanne Cummings of Politico concerning Palin's current trip to India and Israel: "Well.  Heh-heh.  Where do you start?" Dismissive as was the language, only the video does justice to the derision in Mitchell's tone. View clip after…