In Covering House's Passage of Ryan Budget, AP's Taylor Presumes $600B

April 15th, 2014 11:55 AM
Monday afternoon at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Andrew Taylor predictably described the House's passage of the Ryan Budget in shrill terms (in order of appearance): "A slashing budget blueprint"; "Sweeping budget cuts"; balances the budget "at the expense of poor people and seniors"; "sharp cuts to domestic programs"; "staking out a hard line for the future"; and "…

AP's Rugaber: Continued Large Deficits Signify 'Improvement in the Nat

April 14th, 2014 11:56 PM
On Thursday, Christopher Rugaber's assignment at the Associated Press was to cover that day's release of Uncle Sam's Monthly Treasury Statement for March. If the AP economics writer had limited the scope of his coverage to the statement itself, his coverage would have been passed muster. But, as he and his AP colleagues so often do, Rugaber felt it was duty to offer what he must have thought…

AP Goes to Occupy Movement-Supporting Enviro Group For Comment on Bund

April 13th, 2014 11:58 PM
Guess who's all of a sudden standing up for law and order? Why, it's radical environmentalists, who despite their general disdain for lawful behavior have felt compelled to speak out in support of the Bureau of Land Management's attempts to round up Cliven Bundy's cattle and ultimately force the Nevada rancher to abandon his family's century-old business. Martin Griffith at the Associated…

Establishment Press Virtually Silent as Left-Driven Controversy Over D

April 12th, 2014 10:17 AM
Based on searches at their respective sites at 9:40 a.m. ET this morning, the Associated Press, the New York Times and the Politico do not have stories on the fever-swamp left's two-days-old attempts to force storage company DropBox to reverse its appointment of Condoleezza Rice to its board of directors. The three outlets just cited, and the rest of the national establishment press, with the…

Virtually Unreported: Mortgage Loan Market’s 2013-2014 Collapse

April 11th, 2014 5:48 PM
Associated Press stories today on the quarterly earnings releases of Wells Fargo (unbylined) and JPMorgan Chase (by Steve Rothwell) essentially mocked the nearly continuous monthly stream of reports the wire service's economics writers, particularly Martin Crutsinger and Chris Rugaber, have generated about the "housing recovery" during at least the past year. The Wells Fargo story disclosed…

AP Keeps Lois Lerner's Name Out of Headline and Opening Paragraph in T

April 9th, 2014 10:34 PM
I suspect that many readers who do their best to keep up with the news at a detailed level have a hard time understanding how many of their friends, acquaintances and neighbors — even many who they know put some effort into keeping up with current events — can be so unaware of many objectively important news developments. There are two answers to that question. One is that the establishment…

NPR Promotes Liberal 'Health Advocates' Hoping For Smoother ObamaCare

April 9th, 2014 4:10 PM
NPR's resident ObamaCare shill Julie Rovner did her best to promote the next ObamaCare enrollment period during a segment on Wednesday's Morning Edition. Rovner featured two talking heads from liberal organization Families USA, which she identified as merely a "consumer group," and boosted their list of suggested changes for the sign-up process. The correspondent failed to bring on any… Finally Gets to the Leland Yee Story — 13 Days Late

April 8th, 2014 10:52 PM
Let it be noted that at 7:17 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, finally broke down and posted a story on the alleged criminal behavior of California State Senator Leland Yee. The headline at the story by Matt Smith and Jason Carroll ("Feds: Calif. pol Leland Yee schemed to trade arms for campaign cash") gets to the heart of the matter — unlike the headline ("LAWMAKER YEE PLEADS NOT GUILTY…

AP Fails To Give Hillary 'Credit' for an 'Accomplishment' at State: Pr

April 6th, 2014 8:43 PM
As I noted yesterday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, when asked to identify a specific accomplishment during her tenure there, failed to answer the question, instead falling back on the Obama administration's tired "we inherited a terrible economy" meme. Never let it be said that yours truly doesn't try to be helpful. Here's an "accomplishment" I can attribute to Mrs. Clinton,…

NYT Gives Print Op-ed Space to Venezuela's Maduro, Ignores Growing Rep

April 5th, 2014 7:34 PM
On April 1 for its April 2 print edition, the New York Times allowed Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro to hold forth in an op-ed about how wondrously the country has been ruled since 1998, mostly by the late Bolivarian thug Hugo Chavez and during the past year by himself. Maduro's piece made the Times's print edition. The Times posted letters objecting to Maduro's characterizations of his…

AP Headline Falsely Claims 'U.S. Finally Regains The Jobs Lost in the

April 4th, 2014 11:39 PM
This afternoon, in an unbylined item headlined "US BUSINESS HIRING FINALLY TOPS RECESSION LOSSES," the Associated Press showed that it deserves the nickname "Administration's Press." The story embarrassingly described the job market's return to its previous January 2008 employment peak as a "pivotal moment." Get real. Given over six additional years of growth in the adult population, that's…

Will AP, Which Covered Group Protesting 'Higher' Deportations, Note CI

March 31st, 2014 11:05 PM
Two weeks ago, Nicholas Riccardi at the Associated Press basically gave an open mic to immigration amnesty groups who pretend to believe that the Obama administration has been deporting more immigrants who are here illegally per year than previous administrations did. Some of the groups involved are moving to disruptive tactics which look more like attempts at mob rule than those employed in a…

Many National Media Outlets Ignoring Couple Who Defrauded Two States F

March 31st, 2014 5:48 PM
Over at Hot Air, Dustin Siggins writes that Andrea and Colin Chisholm "are getting enormous media attention." Perhaps, and I really hope so. Unfortunately, I found no evidence of any level of attention to the Chisholms, the apparently very rich couple who allegedly engaged in protracted fraud against the welfare systems of Florida and Minnesota for seven years, at several national establishment…

Some 'Stumble': On (Not Really) Last Day For Signing Up at, Use

March 31st, 2014 2:10 PM
The Associated Press has a breaking news update: If you want to apply for Obamacare at today and you've never set up an account, forget about doing so for the time being. The update is is running under this morning's old headline ("HEALTH CARE WEBSITE STUMBLES ON LAST DAY"), begging the question as to when a "stumble" turns into "I've fallen and I can't get up" (HT to several…