AP's Word For Today's System Crash at HealthCare.gov: 'Stumble

March 31st, 2014 9:55 AM
The Obamacare-loving press spares no effort in excusing and minimizing the scheme's operational, systemic, and law-based failures. Six months after launch, HealthCare.gov still isn't functioning as intended. In fact, as of 8:47 a.m. this morning, the time stamp on an Associated Press report (also saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) by chief wire service…

Media Ignore How Maduro's Death Squads Operate with Impunity Thanks to

March 30th, 2014 11:59 PM
Pushed back from the headlines, massive protests against the repressive Nicolas Maduro regime in Venezuela continue. So do the killings by the "colectivos." If this group of thugs enforcing Maduoro's Chavista socialist nightmare were instead right-wing paramilitary types, they would long since have been christened "death squads" and garnered international attention. A story about the…

AP Ignores Why Vegas Culinary Workers Have Authorized Strike: Obamacar

March 30th, 2014 10:13 AM
The headline and first paragraph at an Associated Press item on a union strike authorization vote in Las Vegas are both far more vague than they could or should be. Though the rest of Ken Ritter's coverage at least identifies the union involved, it completely fails to get to the heart of the matter, which is that Obamacare is causing huge increases in their employers' cost of providing health…

CNN.com Hasn't Covered Leland Yee Arrest, Gets Snippy When Challenged

March 29th, 2014 8:39 PM
Although its report has its shortcomings, particularly the fact that it didn't identify him as a Democrat for 24 paragraphs (as noted this morning), the Associated Press has at least treated California State Senator Leland Yee's arrest on corruption and gun trafficking charges as a national story, with two bylined reporters and seven others assisting. The same cannot be said of CNN.com. Web…

NYT Takes 'Gun' Out of AP's Original 'Gun, Corruption Charges' Leland

March 29th, 2014 9:03 AM
It's no secret that the folks who run the New York Times are big fans of gun control. It turns out that they also favor controlling the use of the word "gun" in headlines about Democrats. Over at National Review's Campaign Spot yesterday, regarding the news of Democratic California Senator Leland Yee's arrest, Jim Geraghty noted: "The New York Times greeted that news with a one paragraph…

17 News Companies Support FOIA Lawsuit Against Michael Mann

March 26th, 2014 2:14 PM
A group seeking access to climate scientist Michael Mann’s emails through Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA) has a surprising new group of news media allies. From wire agencies to liberal Atlantic Media, Inc., 17 news groups have supported the release of documents, according to Columbia Journalism Review.

AP, Politico Attempt Damage Control for Iowa Democrat's 'Farmer' Insul

March 26th, 2014 10:33 AM
Here's an example of a gaffe which the left-loving press can't ignore — at least online. Democratic Congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Bruce Braley of Iowa spoke of the mortal dangers the nation faces if Republicans win back the Senate in November at a trial lawyers' fundraiser in Texas in January. Among those dangers is the near certainty that "a farmer from Iowa who never went to law…

Press Morphs Obama's 'Regional Power' Assertion About Russia Into an I

March 25th, 2014 11:46 PM
At President Barack Obama's press conference in The Hague, Netherlands today, as part of a much longer question, ABC's Jonathan Karl asked Obama whether "Mitt Romney had a point when he said that Russia is America’s biggest geopolitical foe? If not Russia, who?" It's important to note that Obama's response to that portion of Karl's question pertained to and was directed at Romney. A video…

AP and Politico Both Sleep as Risen Calls Obama Admin 'Greatest Enemy

March 25th, 2014 3:15 PM
A search on the name of James Risen (not in quotes) returns nothing relevant at the Associated Press. All that comes back at the Politico is a link to a post yesterday at Dylan Byers' On Media Blog containing one pertinent sentence: "James Risen slams the Obama administration." Whoopee. Risen is the Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist for The New York Times who has been in the Obama…

Diligent Drudge Includes Obamacare Penalty in First Federal Tax Estima

March 25th, 2014 12:56 AM
On Friday afternoon, Matt Drudge announced in a tweet that "(I) Just paid the Obamacare penalty for not 'getting covered'... I'M CALLING IT A LIBERTY TAX!" A White House spokesman and the "progressive" press proceeded to thoroughly embarrass itself in its rebuttal attempts. How do I know? Because, four days later, despite the substantial and widely-known uproar, the Associated Press, aka the…

AP's Bauer Scrubs Democrat Mary Burke's Lie About Unemployment Under S

March 24th, 2014 4:48 PM
It takes quite an effort to for a Democrat to produce a campaign ad which is so obviously and blatantly false that it virtually forces the left-loving Politifact to promptly issue a "Pants on Fire" evaluation. But that's what Wisconsin Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke managed to do when her campaign's opening TV ad claimed that "under (incumbent Republican Governor Scott) Walker,…

Almost Six Months Into Obamacare, AP Finally Discovers Cancer Patients

March 19th, 2014 11:59 PM
Sometimes the saying "better late than never" applies. This isn't one of them. In a report originally time-stamped on March 18 (HT Sweetness and Light) and revised this afternoon at its national web site, the Associated Press's Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and seven other AP reporters found out that Obamacare is putting the screws to many cancer patients. Of course, they didn't phrase it that way…

Not News: Jerry Brown's 'Joke' at the Expense of 'Old People' in Promo

March 19th, 2014 6:06 PM
California Governor Jerry Brown apparently thinks he's some kind of comedian. I would suggest that he not quit his current day job, but many readers would probably prefer he do that. At a union-organized joint legislative conference on Monday, as reported in the Sacramento Bee, Brown told the following knee-slapper in connection with the high-speed rail project which is on track (excuse the…

AP's Coverage of Edwin Edwards' La. Congressional Candidacy Puts No Pr

March 18th, 2014 12:34 PM
Former Louisiana Governor and convicted felon Edwin Edwards now wants to be the Bayou State's Sixth District congressman — as a Democrat. In his coverage of Edwards' improbable but obviously not impossible candidacy, Associated Press reporter Kevin McGill simply took it for granted that Edwards can appear on the November ballot as a Democrat. That shouldn't be automatic, as a recent example…