Charming Chad Henderson: Fake Obamacare Insurance Buyer, Big Obama Fan

October 4th, 2013 11:56 PM
(UPDATE: Chad Henderson has locked down his Twitter account. His Instagram account remains, for now.) Earlier today, I noted (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) that "Obamacare Poster Boy" Chad Henderson, who was written up in the Washington Post, Huffington Post and several other news outlets, and who at one point was scheduled to appear on a Health and Human Services Department conference call (…

AP Reporter Slams ‘Seething’ Arizona Republicans for Trying to Kee

October 4th, 2013 4:52 PM
In a piece filed today, Associated Press reporter Bob Christie and his editors provided a textbook example of how to use loaded language to tilt coverage while still being entirely accurate with the facts. Covering a controversy in Arizona over the federal government’s closure of the Grand Canyon National Park and the state government’s attempts to keep it open, Christie painted the conflict as…

NPR, AP Bowing to Pressure on Terms: 'Please Avoid Overusing "Obamacar

October 4th, 2013 11:34 AM
Andrew Beaujon of Poynter MediaWire reports that NPR standards editor Stuart Seidel asked reporters and editors to “please avoid overusing ‘Obamacare’” after the Maynard Institute’s minority-journalism blogger Richard Prince wrote him saying “the term can no longer be defended as neutral.” Prince said Obama isn't using "Obamacare" in recent speeches. Seidel explained "I’m not persuaded that…

AP Howler, Easily Disproven: Obamacare Enrollment Mess Demonstrates 'S

October 3rd, 2013 11:48 AM
Early Thursday morning, swallowing an Obama administration fallback talking point hook, line, and sinker, Juliet Williams and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, described the horrible problems users have had during the past two days in even accessing the Obamacare exchanges, including "overloaded websites and jammed phone lines," as proof of "strong…

AP Tries But Fails to Find a WWII Veteran Who Only Blames Congress for

October 2nd, 2013 2:14 PM
Brett Zongker, the reporter the Associated Press assigned to cover the World War II Memorial story yesterday in Washington, apparently felt compelled to try to find someone who would exclusively blame Congress for the memorial's closure. He failed, but pretended that he succeeded. For those unfamiliar with the story, in an overrecation to the partial government shutdown, the White House,…

AP's Daly Hides Foiled Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Nominee's

October 1st, 2013 11:26 PM
On Tuesday, Ron Binz, nominated by President Obama to head the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, withdrew his name from consideration. Those who want to see the economy prosper should be relieved that the position described by Matthew Daly at the Associated Press as that of "the nation's top energy regulator" won't be occupied by a died-in-the-wool "renewable" energy radical. The AP's…

AP Finally Fact-Checks 'Slippery Claims' on Obamacare, But Buries Obam

September 30th, 2013 10:09 PM
Calvin Woodward finally got around to "fact-checking" Obamacare's "slippery claims" this morning, 3-1/2 years after the Affordable Care Act became law and the day before open enrollment in its state insurance exchanges was to begin. Way to be there when it matters, Cal. Woodward's report (also saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) also mixed in budget showdown…

As Contrary Evidence Mounts, Establishment Press Ignores President's

September 29th, 2013 11:44 PM
Google News really needs to work on its results counter. The first page of its 10:15 p.m. search listings on [Obama "widespread evidence"] (typed exactly as indicated between brackets) tells us that there are "about 90 results," but moving to the second page of listed results shows there are only 11 (technically 13, because the first listing on the first page has three items). Those sparse…

AP's Lederman Falsely Frames Obamacare Opponents' Position: It 'Requir

September 29th, 2013 4:54 PM
Overheated and intellectually dishonest statements this weekend revolving around the impending government shutdown have not been limited to politicians in Washington, or even to pundits and commentators. Saturday at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Josh Lederman, in a "Spin Meter" story, falsely claimed that Obamacare opponents believe that the law will mandate the…

In Covering the Week's Market Decline, AP's Freed Uses Possible Govern

September 28th, 2013 10:06 AM
Joshua Freed's Friday afternoon report on the week's results in the stock market at the Associated Press spent nine paragraphs telling readers how the current budget battle in Washington and possible government shutdown are causing stocks to retreat. Though he obviously didn't admit it, Freed's narrative fell apart in later paragraphs as he discussed "mixed economic signals" which aren't mixed…

AP's Rugaber Claims 'Job Market May Be Strengthening'; Doesn't Mention

September 26th, 2013 11:55 PM
I guess the Associated Press's business and economics reporters feel they've done their jobs if they mention the relative donominance of new workforce entries by temps and part-timers once, while still denigrating the obvious validity of the latter — and pretend it never has to be mentioned again. That's how the AP's Christopher Rugaber can produce a writeup, as he did today, telling readers…

AP's Crutsinger Engages in Wishful Thinking in Covering Unimpressive A

September 25th, 2013 11:52 PM
The Census Bureau reported today that sales of new single-family homes in the U.S. reached an annualized level of 421,000 in August. That was up by almost 8 percent from July, but a whopping 15 percent below the 497,000 the bureau originally reported for June (two subsequent revisions have taken that number down to 454,000). Given the shock decline to below 400,000 in July, August's bounceback…

AP Tries to Impress Readers With IRS's Cooperation, But Docs Provided

September 24th, 2013 11:30 PM
As Brent Bozell at NewsBusters noted earlier today, news of the forced retirement of the IRS's Lois Lerner, the agency's chief orchestrator of the campaign which targeted tea party and other conservative groups for extra scrutiny in their applications for not-for-profit status, "was censored by ABC, CBS, and NBC." In what may surprise some, that lack of coverage didn't occur because of the…

As IPCC Report Looms, AP Frames 'Scientific Consensus': 'Humans Are Co

September 24th, 2013 5:01 PM
It's amusing to see how the left reacts when things don't work out as predicted. Earlier today (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted how USA Today's Kelly Kennedy described a major malfunction in Obamacare which will cause hundreds of thousands of children to go without health insurance next year as a "glitch." On the "climate change" front, those darned "glitches" abound. In an item today…