Double Standard: AP's National Site Ignores Sacramento Dem's 'May Your

September 24th, 2013 10:06 AM
On Friday, Allan Brauer, the Sacramento County Democratic Party's communications director directed the following tweet (HT Twitchy) at Amanda Carpenter, a speechwriter for Texas Senator Ted Cruz: "May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases." Brauer's action got the attention of Leslie Larson at the New York Daily News and myriad national web sites across the…

Twitter Account of KU Prof Now on Leave Over Wishing Death on NRA Memb

September 21st, 2013 10:34 AM
On Thursday, Ken Shepherd at NewsBusters noted that Kansas University journalism professor David Guth, in the wake of Monday's Navy Yard murders, tweeted, "The blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God damn you." In an update which now also includes a defense of Guth by a former student, Ken noted that he has placed on administrative…

AP Spins Pope's Slam of Abortion as 'Olive Branch' to Church's 'Conser

September 20th, 2013 6:42 PM
On Friday, Nicole Winfield of the Associated Press shamelessly construed Pope Francis' denunciation of abortion and euthanasia as an "olive branch of sorts to the doctrine-minded, conservative wing of the Catholic Church". Winfield ballyhooed how the pontiff "issued a strong anti-abortion message and cited Vatican teaching on the need to defend the unborn". The Bishop of Rome advised a group…

AP Headline Whitewashes KU Prof's Placement on Leave Over Wishing Sons

September 20th, 2013 3:53 PM
The Associated Press, in story carried at Channel 6 in Lawrence, reported (HT Twitchy) that a Kansas University professor has been "placed on administrative leave" after he issued the following tweet concerning Monday's Navy Yard murders: "The blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God damn you." A NewsBusters post by Ken Shepherd…

AP: FRC Shooter Sentenced to 25 Years; No Mention Corkins Admitted Ins

September 19th, 2013 12:19 PM
Floyd Lee Corkins, the "man who planned a mass shooting at a conservative Christian lobbying group’s Washington headquarters in 2012 has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for the failed plot," the Associated Press reported shortly before noon Eastern Thursday. Yet nowhere in their four-paragraph story -- accessed here at -- did the news wire note that Corkins admitted he…

How Did Starbucks 'Walk a Fine Line' on Gun Owners

September 19th, 2013 10:30 AM
Starbucks Coffee is now living up to its effete liberal image by telling customers that they shouldn't carry guns in their stores (or the outdoor seating areas around their stores). But The Washington Post headline on an AP dispatch Thursday was "Starbucks walks a fine line over gun issue." AP found them walking away from becoming an "unwitting supporter of gun rights." Chief executive…

AP's Claimed 'Correction' of Error on Use of AR-15 in Navy Yard Murder

September 18th, 2013 11:40 PM
With the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, it's always a good idea to verify whether a claimed correction has truly taken effect. In the case of the wire service's claim, relayed by Paige Lavender at the Huffington Post, that Aaron Alexis used an AR-15 in the Navy Yard murders yesterday, it hasn't really happened. Lavender's relay claiming AP's correction and containing some…

CBS's Mark Knoller Tweets Obama's 2006 Quotes Opposing Raising the Deb

September 18th, 2013 5:51 PM
At the Associated Press, aka the Admininstration's Press, reporter Jim Kuhnhenn predictably and dutifully reported that President Barack Obama "reiterated his vow not to negotiate with Republicans over raising the borrowing limit." As usual, the AP and Kuhnhenn didn't look back at how U.S. Senator Barack Obama's debt-ceiling posture in 2006 sharply differed. Today, Mark Knoller at CBS New,…

WashTimes Writer Miller Notes Media 'Obsessed' with Linking AR-15 to N

September 18th, 2013 10:19 AM
At the New York Times on Tuesday, Michael S. Schmidt claimed that "The suspect in the killing of 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday test-fired an AR-15 assault rifle at a Virginia gun store last week but was stopped from buying one because state law there prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers, according to two senior law enforcement officials." The portion of…

Establishment Press Virtually Ignores Occupy Movement's Second Anniver

September 17th, 2013 7:03 PM
A 6 p.m. Google News search on "Occupy Movement" (not in quotes, sorted by date) returned 69 items dated September 16 and 17. The same search adding the word "capitalism" returned only two items. This is odd, because, as one of the two items returned noted, "capitalism" — as in ending it — is the core platform of the few who remain involved with the two year-old movement.

AP Continues Pattern of Hyping Reduction of Still Historically High De

September 15th, 2013 9:18 PM
One thing which is almost as reliable as the sun rising in the east is the Associated Press, aka the Adminstration's Press, putting a better face on the federal government's fiscal situation than it deserves when a Democrat is in the White House. Almost as reliable is the arrival in a related report of some kind of statement about spending cuts which describes them as "deep," "steep," or some…

Supposed Mystery at AP: Economy Isn't Strongly Growing Despite Increas

September 14th, 2013 3:39 PM
It's almost amusing to watch writers like Christopher Rugaber at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, pretend not to understand why the economy isn't growing as much as one would "expect" based on the number of jobs being added each month and falling weekly unemployment claims. In a Thursday story which was mostly worthless because the incompletely collected government data…

AP, As Obama Prepares to 'Lay Claim to an Economic Turnaround': 'The E

September 14th, 2013 12:44 PM
I guess we should acknowledge a tiny improvement when an ordinarily in-the-tank apparatchik like Jim Kuhnhenn at the Associated Press expresses even the slightest bit of skepticism about a White House claim. But let's not take it too far. Kuhnhenn is reporting in a brief "Big Story" item this morning that President Obama "is laying claim to an economic turnaround and warning Republicans not…

At AP, Kenosha, Wis. Water Spouts Are More Important Than City's Teach

September 13th, 2013 11:18 PM
A 10:30 p.m. ET search on "Kenosha" at the national web site of the Associated Press returned one result. An unbylined story supposedly deserving of national coverage out of Kenosha, Wisconsin tells us that "Twin water spouts put on a spectacular show over Lake Michigan, near the Wisconsin shore." They were apparently unique because "two water spouts merged into one large one, then split." But…