AP 'Fact Check' Mangles What Trump Tweeted on Tilted Mueller Probe

May 21st, 2018 8:57 AM
The hypersensitivity of the "independent fact checkers" toward special counsel Robert Mueller was demonstrated again by a Hope Yen AP "Fact Check" on Sunday. She claimed it doesn't "hold up to reality" that Mueller's legal team is "hopelessly biased" and dominated by Democrats and over-claimed that Trump tweeted he was "cleared" of collusion. 

AP April Budget Story Ignores Record Receipts to Rip Trump Tax Cut

May 19th, 2018 10:19 PM
In its April 2018 Monthly Treasury Statement, the federal government reported that it ran an all-time single-month record $214 billion surplus, primarily because it took in a record $510 billion in receipts. The Associated Press's Josh Boak ignored the collections record, even though the AP noted the previous record when it occurred in 2015. Instead, Boak presented a different and far smaller out…

AP Deletes Tweet Smearing Trump Over Gang-Related 'Animals' Remark

May 18th, 2018 5:26 PM
The press has dishonestly smeared President Donald Trump since he described criminal illegal immigrants who are members of MS-13 and other gangs as "animals" at Wednesday's White House California Sanctuary State Roundtable. But on Thursday, the Associated Press deleted and replaced a tweet which falsely claimed that Trump's remark referred to all illegal immigrants. Even though both the deletion…

AP Story About Trump-GOP Lunch Is Primarily About What Didn't Happen

May 17th, 2018 8:04 PM
On Tuesday, the Associated Press produced a dispatch exemplifying why the public so deeply distrusts and despises the establishment press. Tasked with covering President Donald Trump's lunch with Republican senators, reporters Lisa Mascaro and Anne Flaherty decided that relaying what happened and what was discussed was relatively unimportant. Instead, in a transparent attempt to fuel…

Media Horribly Distort Trump’s ‘Animal’ Attack on Gangs

May 17th, 2018 12:30 PM
ABC, MSNBC, The New York Times and other media outlets on Wednesday and Thursday distorted Donald Trump’s attack on MS-13, the brutal gang of illegal criminals, into a slur on “undocumented immigrants.” On MSNBC, the network graphic misled: “Trump Calls Some Undocumented Immigrants ‘Animals’ in Rant.” 

AP Publishes Virtual Press Release on California's Solar Panel Mandate

May 16th, 2018 5:04 PM
On Wednesday, the California Energy Commission adopted "standards requiring solar systems for new homes" beginning in 2020. Kathleen Ronayne at the Associated Press published a virtual press release celebrating the move, and presented woefully incomplete information about the alleged financial benefits of this unelected body's latest move.

Omission Watch on Democrat Candidate Commercial: 'F--- the NRA!'

May 12th, 2018 5:20 PM
A Democrat candidate for Congress ran a television commercial in New Mexico in which he declared at the start: "F--- the NRA!" There was no bleep. Where are the media tsk-tsking at the coarse, uncivil behavior?  

Unhinged Colbert: Iran Deal Was 'An American Promise' and a 'Treaty'

May 10th, 2018 8:51 PM
Since Donald Trump's election, America's late-night show hosts have abandoned genuine comedy in favor of rabid, anti-Trump resistance. That's certainly their perogative. But if that's how they want it, they should be called out when they attempt to rewrite history as Stephen Colbert did Tuesday night. The Late Show host claimed that the now-nixed Iran deal was an "American promise," and a "treaty…

Press Falsely Treats Trump's Rescission Proposal As 'Cuts'

May 9th, 2018 7:33 PM
The press has mostly gone off the rails in covering President Trump's proposal to rescind $15 billion in unspent funds, insisting on characterizing the move as "cuts." The competition for the worst coverage is fierce, but Andrew Taylor's story at the Associated Press, as carried at the Washington Post, probably wins the prize for the most incoherent headline: "Administration proposes cutting $15…

AP Avoids Schneiderman's Party; LA Times Kept Story Out of Tues. Print

May 9th, 2018 11:45 AM
The establishment press appears determined to downplay the visibility of the bombshell news of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's resignation, and to avoid referring to him as a Democrat. The Associated Press avoided tagging him as a Dem in one story, and saved the tag for a very late paragraph in another. Meanwhile the Los Angeles Times found a unique solution to the problem in its…

AP's Scott Bauer Fails to ID Party of Dem Charged in Racial Incident

May 6th, 2018 12:56 PM
Despite relatively recent Associated Press Stylebook changes mandating that elected officials' political party "should be routinely included" in stories about them, the wire service appears to be backsliding. On Saturday, I noted the wire service's failure – before being shamed into a partial remedy — to tag DC politicians engaged in public anti-Semitic outbursts and conspiracy theories as…

Hemingway on Fox & Friends: Media Errors Are 'All in One Direction'

May 5th, 2018 4:14 PM
TheFederalist.com's Mollie Hemingway appeared Saturday morning on Fox & Friends: Weekend to discuss NBC's botched "Michael Cohen was wiretapped" story, which is only the latest in a long line of establishment press stories subsequently requiring major corrections or retractions. Hemingway observed that the errors "always go in one direction."

AP Shamed Into Naming One Dem's Party in DC Anti-Semitism Controversy

May 5th, 2018 12:07 PM
The Associated Press apparently was shamed by a Washington Examiner reporter Wednesday when it revised a story on District of Columbia Councilman Trayon White to include his Democratic Party affiliation. White has been sharply criticized and ridiculed for anti-Semitic remarks, including claiming that Jews control the climate. The Democratic Party tag didn't arrive in the AP's revision until…

U.S. Media Mostly Ignore May Day Celebrations of Communism and Fascism

May 3rd, 2018 9:03 AM
Protests by workers and activists and, in some cases, violence by anarchists marked the far-left holiday May Day this year. But most American news consumers would not have known that some London demonstrators carried communist flags and banners of brutal Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. They weren’t told that communists marched in Athens, Greece, or that anti-capitalist anarchists destroyed…