Weekly Standard Thumps 'Our Self-Obsessed Parochial Press Corps'

May 2nd, 2018 5:14 PM
Kelly Jane Torrance of The Weekly Standard wrote a startling article on "Our self-obsessed parochial press corps" in the magazine's May 7 edition. The setting was an April 20 State Department briefing on its report on human-rights abuses in other countries...but the reporters wanted to focus on the horrors of America. 

AP's Report on Alfie Evans' Death Fails to Note Denial of Food

April 30th, 2018 11:43 PM
UPDATE AND CORRECTION, MAY 2: The post has been revised and corrected to reflect an April 25 AP report which indicated that Alder Hey Hospital did not feed Alfie Evans for 36 hours. The Associated Press's Saturday coverage of 23 month-old Alfie Evans' death at a UK hospital worked almost as mightily to cover up ugly actions and statements made by the UK courts, medical professionals, and even…

First 2018 GDP Ignored by Networks, Spun By Bloomberg, NPR

April 30th, 2018 5:15 PM
Superheroes, the naming of a new royal and an adorable child umpire were all more important to ABC, CBS and NBC news than the latest U.S. economic data. The Commerce Department announced a better-than-expected estimate of GDP — 2.3 percent — for the first quarter of 2018. In recent years, first quarters have been beset with weakness and economists expected the number to be 2 percent or a little…

Press Apparently Has Its Scalp Even As Ronny Jackson Smears Refuted

April 30th, 2018 8:56 AM
The American people don't trust the establishment press, as seen in a Pew Research poll result released Thursday showing that only 8 percent of Americans have "a great deal of confidence" that the media will "act in the best interests of the public." Here is one more example showing why this attitude is entirely justified: The Secret Service, after a thorough investigation in response to…

Press Ignores Democrats' 'Revealed' Support For Slavery Reparations

April 27th, 2018 10:29 PM
Perhaps understandably, the establishment press ignored a Saturday Washington rally advocating slavery reparations. But as Brent Scher and Joe Schoffstall at the Washington Free Beacon reported last week, reparations is a key agenda item of a "wealthy Democratic donor club plotting the future of the liberal movement," meaning that Democrats appear to be largely in sync with the mindset of those…

Carlson Rips NBC For Defending Reid's 'Crock' About Being Hacked

April 26th, 2018 10:20 AM
On his Wednesday evening Fox News show, Tucker Carlson scorched MSNBC's Joy Reid, described at the New York Times in February as a "Heroine of the Resistance," for claiming that 12 year-old posts at her now-defunct blog were somehow retroactively hacked to make her look even more bigoted against homosexual behavior than the posts she admitted to writing in 2007-2009 back in December.

AP, Other Outlets Push 'Blue Wave' Narrative After Another Dem Loss

April 25th, 2018 7:48 PM
At the Associated Press, Politico ("the latest evidence that Republicans face a punishing midterm environment"), USA Today (where Nancy Pelosi was reportedly "thrilled"), and elsewhere, the establishment press once again attempted to create "blue wave" solace for Democrats after a House special-election loss. This time it was Arizona's 8th Congressional District, where Republican Debbie Lesko…

Media Coverage Mostly Ignores Court Making Monkeys Out of PETA

April 25th, 2018 4:54 PM
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals clearly had enough of PETA’s monkey business, when it ruled against the animal activists on April 23.

Amazon, Bezos Continue to Get a Virtual Pass For Sweatshop Practices

April 21st, 2018 6:31 AM
Looking at the grief Starbucks has received for problems with two patrons at a Philadelphia store, one might ask why current Executive Chairman and former CEO Howard Schultz didn't buy some media protection by purchasing a major newspaper. Fellow Seattle-area resident and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos did that with the Washington Post in 2013. Amazon's alleged engagement in 21st-century sweatshop…

AP Won't Admit That Comey 'Leaked' Last Year (Instead, He 'Revealed')

April 20th, 2018 8:10 PM
Friday, the Associated Press reported that in early 2017, President Donald Trump and then-FBI Director James Comey agreed there should be a crackdown on leaks from within the administration. But the AP reporters refused to apply any form of the word "leak" to Comey's release of a memo through an intermediary to the New York Times in May 2017 — even though it did when the leak originally occurred.

AP Pretends That New Cuban President Was 'Elected'

April 19th, 2018 5:08 PM
The Associated Press and many of the AP's colleagues in the establishment press have had a nearly 60-year romance with Cuba's brutal communist regime. They have frequently regaled readers with the island nation's "free healthcare" and "free education," as if that makes up for the fact that the typical Cuban subsists on far less than the $2 a day the international community considers extreme…

AP Furiously Dissembles in Four-Paragraph Item on McCabe IG Report

April 15th, 2018 5:26 PM
The press has clearly chosen to downplay the Inspector General's damning Friday report on the conduct leading to former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe's dismissal. The worst such example was a grudging Saturday item at the Associated Press.

Most Libby Pardon Coverage Fails to Mention Original Plamegate Leaker

April 14th, 2018 10:06 AM
Most of the establishment press's coverage of President Donald Trump's pardon of Scooter Libby has not mentioned Richard Armitage, the person who admitted that he first leaked allegedly covert CIA agent Valerie Plame's name to journalist Robert Novak in 2003. This pervasive failure includes items at the Associated Press, New York Times, the Washington Post, and over 80 percent of Google News…

Media Poorly Cover Arizona Denying in-State Tuition to DACA Illegals

April 13th, 2018 6:20 PM
The Arizona Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that illegal immigrants protected from deportation under former President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program are not eligible for in-state tuition rates at state universities and community colleges. Press coverage is glossing over the fact that the state's educational establishment unilaterally took obviously illegal…