
AP Repeats Discredited Claim Scalise Was Speaker for White Racists

April 13th, 2018 9:15 AM
In the aftermath of House Speaker Paul Ryan's announcement that he will retire from Congress, amid the speculation about who might replace him as top Republican in the House, the Washington Post ran an AP story by Alan Fram which repeats the debunked claims that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was a speaker for a David Duke-founded white supremacist group without even acknowledging any of the…

Media Virtually Ignoring Women's March's Unhinged Position on Backpage

April 10th, 2018 11:50 PM
Saturday was, as Katie Yoder at NewsBusters noted Tuesday afternoon, a "sad day." That's when the Women's March sprang to the defense of, tweeting that its Friday seizure by the Justice Department "is an absolute crisis for sex workers." In that same tweet, the group declared that "Sex workers rights are women’s rights." Backpage and seven associated individuals were indicted Monday…

Associated Press Corrects ‘Dishonest Piece’ on Fox ‘MediaBuzz’ Graphic

April 9th, 2018 8:42 PM
One day after the Associated Press posted an online article claiming Howard Kurtz -- host of the Sunday MediaBuzz program on the Fox News Channel -- panicked when the wrong graphic came up on the screen, the news service issued a correction acknowledging the mistake. The Monday morning post came after Kurtz slammed the AP report on Facebook and demanded an immediate correction to the item.

AP: Dem '#MeToo' Rep Who Paid Off Staff Chief Is in 'Awkward Position'

April 1st, 2018 12:04 PM
A Democratic House member has, by her own admission, failed to protect female staff members who said they were harassed and treated violently by her former chief of staff. Rep. Elizabeth Esty has also admitted that she gave the chief of staff a $5,000 payoff when he left, along with a favorable job recommendation. In her Friday evening report on the situation, the Associated Press's Susan Haigh…

Media Virtually Ignore Sheriffs Demanding Tightened Border Security

March 31st, 2018 11:57 PM
On March 21, The National Sheriffs Association released a letter signed by 380 of its members demanding that Congress pass legislation "tightening border security" and "support(ing) the replacement and upgrades to current barriers and fencing and construction of barriers along the U.S. and Mexico international boundary." The press has virtually ignored this effort.

Boston Globe Fails to Tag Sex Scandal-Plagued Senate Leader As a Dem

March 30th, 2018 8:05 AM
The Boston Globe has published at least three reports about Bryon Hefner, the husband of now-former Massachusetts State Senate President Stanley Rosenberg, culminating today in coverage of Hefner's indictment on "multiple charges of sexual assault, criminal lewdness, and distributing nude photographs without consent." None of the stories reviewed directly tagged Rosenberg as a Democrat.

'AP Fact Check': Trump Is 'Wrong' That GOP Needs to 'Hold' Top Court

March 29th, 2018 4:04 PM
The first questionable habit of the liberal Fact Checkers is to nitpick tweets, especially Trump tweets. There can be outrageous and blatantly false statements in a tweet, but often tweets use a political shorthand. The headline was "AP FACT CHECK: Trump wrongly claims GOP can hold top court". Trump tweeted that "we need more Republicans in 20189 and must ALWAYS hold the Supreme Court" to prevent…

AP Fails to Report Judge's No-Conspiracy Claim in Cities' Climate Suit

March 23rd, 2018 12:36 AM
On Wednesday, a U.S. judge began considering lawsuits brought by San Francisco and Oakland, California claiming that multinational oil companies conspired to keep the alleged facts about alleged global warming from the public. Clearly the most newsworthy development, reported by advocates and skeptics alike, is District Judge William Alsup's contention that evidence submitted by plaintiffs of…

Trump-Obsessed AP Issues Bogus 'Fact Checks' on McCabe Tweets

March 21st, 2018 11:46 AM
The Associated Press continues publishing "Fact Checks," which really are outlets for its unhinged, Donald Trump-obsessed reporters to vent against the President even more than they already do in their alleged hard-news stories. One of AP's more recent efforts went after Trump's Saturday tweets following Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe's firing.

Dem Suggests '2nd Amendment' Anti-Trump Tactic; Most Outlets Ignore

March 20th, 2018 12:55 PM
A week ago, as seen in a video which gained some national attention on Monday, New York Congressman Thomas Suozzi, answering a constituent's question about President Donald Trump, suggested that "the Second Amendment comes in" as a factor "if the president was to ignore the courts." Eight years ago, the press treated a statement by Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle referring to "Second…

Press-Maligned JROTC Disciplined Nikolas Cruz, Unlike Everyone Else

March 19th, 2018 8:02 PM
Shortly after the Parkland, Florida high school massacre, the Associated Press and New York Daily News treated the fact that the NRA had given $10,000 in non-cash assistance to the school's Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps, of which Nikolas Cruz had been a member, as some kind of scandal. Now, buried deep in a Friday Florida Sun Sentinel story, we learn that JROTC's leaders "banned Cruz…

AP, NBC Won't Admit That Fired McCabe Was Found to Have Lied

March 17th, 2018 9:58 PM
In the wake of Attorney General Jeff Sessions' Friday firing of Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, two Associated Press dispatches and an NBC news story wouldn't directly admit that his dismissal was largely based on a finding that he lied to internal investigators. Meanwhile, a pre-firing Wall Street Journal editorial had no problem using the word.

WashPost's Werner Calls Pompeo 'A Benghazi Bomb-Thrower'

March 14th, 2018 4:17 PM
Whenever establishment press reporters drop their masks of objectivity, de facto Democratic Party operatives or even hardened leftists almost invariably appear. Tuesday, in the wake of Rex Tillerson's announced departure from the State Department, Erica Werner at the Washington Post dropped her guard, tweeting the following about the Trump administration's related personnel moves: "A Benghazi…

On Trump Tariffs, AP Reporter Tries to Frighten, Misquotes Economist

March 11th, 2018 10:18 PM
The Associated Press's Paul Wiseman has apparently tired of good economic news. Saturday, the AP reporter painted a frightening picture of what a trade war based on President Donald Trump's planned tariffs on a tiny sliver of U.S. imports might do to the world's economy, mischaracterizing a prominent economist's position to build his case.