Shutdown Deal Has Obamacare-Related Tax Cuts; AP Is Not Pleased

January 25th, 2018 6:26 AM
The Associated Press reported early Thursday that the bill which ended the government shutdown contains Obamacare-related tax cuts, indicating that Republicans got even more of what they've wanted as a condition for ending the government shutdown. The AP's Marcy Gordon seemed quite unhappy about all of this, as she whined about a projected increase in budget deficits that isn't even a rounding…

AP Runs Interference for Inslee's Punitive, Ever-Increasing Carbon Tax

January 21st, 2018 10:32 PM
Dedicated tax-and-spend liberals often get help from the press in describing their plans to raid constituents' pocketbooks in vague terms, while nobly describing the alleged benefits of their plans to use the money. Washington's Democratic Governor Jay Inslee has the Associated Press running that kind of interference for his carbon tax.

Feds Charge Paul Attacker; Media Pushes Unproven 'Pile of Brush' Feud

January 20th, 2018 5:00 PM
The Department of Justice announced Friday that Rene Boucher, the person who attacked and seriously injured Kentucky GOP Senator Rand Paul 2-1/2 months ago, has been charged with a federal felony and admitted to the attack. Several press accounts are crowing that the DOJ's announcement proves that the attack was not politically motivated. It does no such thing.

Cynical Scribes Continue to Downplay Tax Cut-Driven Good News

January 16th, 2018 12:56 PM
Reporters continue to concoct reasons to complain as more than 2 million American individuals and their families have suddenly become better off than they were three weeks ago. Even the news that the nation's largest retailer is raising its nationwide minimum wage while paying bonuses of up to $1,000 to every employee, and that an automaker is investing $1 billion in U.S. production, haven't…

AP Predictably Botches Reporting on Immigration-DACA 'Negotiating'

January 14th, 2018 1:14 PM
One reason a coherent debate about immigration is almost impossible in this country is that the press fails to honestly and accurately report even the most basic facts. A Saturday Associated Press report on the topic by Nicholas Riccardi exemplifies this consistent failure.

AP Criticizes Tax Cut-Driven Bonuses As Only a 'Sliver' of 'Windfalls'

January 14th, 2018 9:48 AM
It takes a special talent to spin news which is unquestionably positive into something negative. But Christopher Rugaber and Josh Boak at the Associated Press were up to the task in a Wednesday afternoon report on bonuses, pay raises, and other benefits which now have been showered on well over 2 million American workers since the December passage of federal tax cuts.

Not National News: Costco Pushes Back at Seattle's Sugary Drink Tax

January 13th, 2018 9:23 PM
The City of Seattle probably didn't expect pushback from Costco, seen by many on the left as retail's "anti-Walmart," after its "sugary drink" tax of 1.75 cents per ounce went into effect January 1. But that is exactly what has happened. In moves the national press, which largely supports such taxes, has thus far ignored, Costco is itemizing the built-in cost of the tax on its Seattle store's…

Not News: Tax-Cut 'Crumbs' Were a Big Deal to Pelosi in 2011-2012

January 13th, 2018 12:20 PM
On Thursday, House Democratic Party Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi characterized as "crumbs" the bonuses of $1,000 or more, pay raises of up to $3 per hour, and other benefits well over 100 companies have showered on over 2 million employees as a result of December's tax law passage. Given their track record, there's no reason to believe that the establishment press will report Pelosi's…

Evening News Shows Fail to Note Record Low Black Jobless Rate

January 12th, 2018 10:23 AM
On Tuesday, Julia Seymour at NewsBusters reported that the Friday evening news shows on all three networks spent a few seconds noting the government's somewhat disappointing but hardly alarming job-creation number for December (148,000 seasonally adjusted payroll jobs) reported earlier that day. Seymour observed that "Those same news programs (have) often underreported good economic news in the…

MSNBC Hosts Wrongly Claim Ohio Purges Nonvoters After Two Elections

January 11th, 2018 12:20 AM
On Wednesday, MSNBC was doing its part to spread misinformation that bolsters liberal spin on alleged "voter suppression" by Republicans as anchors Craig Melvin and Hallie Jackson -- hosting MSNBC Live at different times of day -- both wrongly claimed that, according to Ohio law, voters can be removed from the voting rolls if they fail to vote in just two consecutive elections. Washington Post …

AP Downplays Tax Cuts: 'Millions' of Paychecks 'May Be Going Up Soon'

January 8th, 2018 11:33 PM
A Friday afternoon item at the Associated Press by reporter Marcy Gordon was supposedly meant to educate American workers about changes coming to their net paychecks next month. Instead, Gordon understated the likelihood that people will see increases in their take-home pay and played the tired class warfare card.

Media Mostly Mum As Tax Cut-Driven Bonuses, Raises Exceed 1 Million

January 8th, 2018 10:41 AM
How many companies have to announce new tax law-driven bonuses and raises before the left and some in the establishment press finally stop calling them "PR stunts" or some equivalent? It's doubtful we'll ever know, because even though announcements continued well into this past week and have crossed the triple-digit mark with over 1 million employees affected, media interest in compiling or…

AP Pushes Nothing-Here Item to Cover For Ellison's Pro-Antifa Tweet

January 6th, 2018 5:50 PM
Thursday evening, an unbylined Associated Press item finally recognized the existence of Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison's tweet taunting President Trump with a violence-advocating "antifa" book accompanied by a grammar-challenged message: “I just found the book that strike fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump." The obvious purpose of the gatekeeping wire service's piece…

Eight Times the Liberal Media Screwed Up on Trump-Russia in 2017

January 5th, 2018 9:30 AM
On Tuesday, President Trump tweeted he would be “announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR” on Monday “in various categories from the Fake News Media." There’s bias, but then there’s sheer incompetence. The biggest media obsession last year was the search for evidence of Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia, in the process, liberal reporters in 2017 repeatedly…