Montana Editor Calls Out and Corrects AP, Reporter Darlene Superville

January 3rd, 2018 8:06 PM
On Saturday, Frank Miele, the managing editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Montana, recounted what he called an "unexpected chance to put my finger in the dike holding back the flood of fake news caused by those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome." Miele acted on an "unfounded" story about one of President Donald Trump's tweets by the Associated Press's Darlene Superville, who "…

NBC, ABC Downplay the Size of Iranian Protests, CBS Questions Murders

January 2nd, 2018 9:43 PM
The network coverage of the Iranian protests has been utterly abysmal. From ignoring them all together to downplaying the murder of protesters, the major news outlets have had to be dragged kicking and screaming to cover the spontaneous uprising. Tuesday was no different with ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News downplaying the size and expansiveness of the demonstrations. CBS Evening…

Year's Top Sports Story at AP Is NFL Kneeling — Not Lost Fans, Viewers

December 31st, 2017 11:33 PM
On Christmas Day, perhaps to minimize its exposure, the Associated Press published its top ten sports stories of the year. Readers will not be at all surprised that "NFL players kneeling during the national anthem" as a result of President Donald Trump's "feud with the NFL" was "the runaway winner ... in balloting by AP members and editors." Predictably, the AP didn't mention the lower attendance…

At AP, Classic 'Unclear' Spin on Weiner's Classified Hillary Emails

December 30th, 2017 8:28 PM
In an unbylined 11:31 a.m. Eastern Time dispatch Saturday, the Associated Press demonstrated why anyone trying to get to the truth about the status of the Hillary Clinton's private server-scandal — which is clearly not over, and clearly has not been "litigated a million times," as CNN's desperate Don Lemon claimed on Thursday in shouting down a conservative panelist — needs to go somewhere else…

MRC’s Tim Graham Slams Liberal Media’s Anger With Trump Supporters

December 27th, 2017 11:50 PM
During Wednesday's The Ingraham Angle on Fox News, the Media Research Center’s Tim Graham called out the liberal media for being “angry and frustrated” that their anti-Trump smears weren’t swaying his base of support.Graham was on to talk about a recently published and condescending report by the Associated Press, in which author Claire Galofaro bemoaned how:

AP Reporters Use Misleading Stats to Throw Cold Water on New Tax Law

December 24th, 2017 1:05 PM
On Sunday morning, Thomas Beaumont and Nicholas Riccardi at the Associated Press did all they could to convince readers that the tax bill just passed by Congress and signed by Donald Trump isn't seen as a big deal and has no genuine enthusiastic support (even though they found some) among those who voted for him in 2016. They predictably claimed that the law bestows "its richest benefits on…

Bitter AP Reporter Claims Tax Bill Betrays 'GOP's Tea Party Promises'

December 21st, 2017 5:56 PM
In a Wednesday "analysis" piece anticipating the tax bill's passage, Andrew Taylor at the Associated Press, apparently bitter at the impending outcome, framed that successful effort as a betrayal of the "GOP's tea party promises." Apparently, the AP reporter has forgotten what the T-E-A in "tea party" stands for.

AP Fears Global Warming Threatens Future of Winter Olympics

December 18th, 2017 6:00 PM
The Associated Press is freaking out about global warming threatening the future of the Winter Olympics. AP Sports Writers Andrew Dampf and Eric Willemsen contributed to a doom-and-gloom story -- run by USA Today Sports -- stating that warming weather conditions are hampering U.S. and foreign Olympic ski team training opportunities. Despite the AP's agenda-driven panic attack, world competition…

Ex-FBI Asst. Director on Fox Biz: Strzok 'Belongs in Leavenworth'

December 15th, 2017 1:44 PM
As of Wednesday evening, as Nicholas Fondacaro at NewsBusters observed, the Big Three broadcasting networks were not reporting the content of the most damning text messages exchanged between now-former Robert Mueller investigative team members Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. Meanwhile, coverage seen Wednesday evening at the Associated Press predictably treated the matter as a Republicans…

AP Treats Wisconsin's Abusive John Doe Probe As a Mere 'Partisan' Spat

December 15th, 2017 8:15 AM
Last week, Wisconsin's Attorney General issued a report recommending contempt charges against six former workers at the state's now-defunct Government Accountability Board and three employees in the Milwaukee County prosecutor's office for their involvement in or knowledge of illegal and criminal leaks of GAB documents relating to what has become known as the "John Doe" investigation of Wisconsin…

Aborted Baby Parts Sellers Shut Down; Goldberg, Behar Hardest Hit

December 13th, 2017 9:38 PM
In November 2015, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar at The View rudely shut down then-presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, insisting that she was lying when she stated that Planned Parenthood had admitted to harvesting baby parts from aborted fetuses. On Friday, Orange County's district attorney announced a $7.8 million settlement with two California companies accused of "selling fetal-derived cells…

Acosta Follows Press Tradition: Harass GOP Admins, Go Easy on Dems

December 13th, 2017 6:51 AM
CNN's insufferably self-important Jim Acosta made the news all about himself once again on Tuesday. This time, as reported by Randy Hall at NewsBusters, following in the footsteps of ABC's detestable Sam Donaldson during the Reagan administration, Acosta, despite being warned not to, interrupted a bill-signing ceremony to shout out a question at President Donald Trump. Acosta's press cohorts…

Press Ignores Steinem's Howler: Trump 'Lost by 10 Million Votes'

December 10th, 2017 4:56 PM
At the Massachusetts Conference for Women on Wednesday, so-called "feminist icon" and late-1990s Bill Clinton apologist and enabler Gloria Steinem made a big deal out the fact that she never has and never will call Donald Trump "president" — to her, he's the "harasser in chief" — while claiming that Trump "lost" last year's general election by "10 million votes." The vast majority of the…

'AP Explains' on Jerusalem Omits Prior Promises, Resolution, 1995 Law

December 9th, 2017 4:24 PM
A Friday morning attempt by the Associated Press's Tia Goldenberg to "explain" the "US pivot on Jerusalem" failed to make three crucial points: First, that three ultimately victorious U.S. presidential candidates promised that they would formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and failed to deliver on those promises; second, that just six months ago, the United States Senate…