AP Blames 'Booming Economy' For Spike in West Coast Homelessness

December 7th, 2017 12:30 AM
You had to figure that the Associated Press would at some point finally recognize the existence of the nation's "booming economy," at least compared to the historically weak 7-1/2 years of post-recession malaise which preceded it. Well, they're finally doing it — and erroneously tagging it with sole blame for the fast-growing homelessness problem in the nation's three West Coast states.

Gatekeepers Keep Kate Steinle's Name Out of Tweets, Most Headlines

December 4th, 2017 7:21 AM
A San Francisco jury found Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, aka Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, aka several other undisclosed aliases, not guilty in the death of Kate Steinle on Thursday. Two leading wire services, CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times kept Steinle's name out of their tweets, and all but two kept it out of their stories' headlines.

Press Ignores Man Who Revealed 'Beyond Classified' Hillary Emails

December 3rd, 2017 5:43 PM
During the past week, most people who follow center-right news outlets and blogs became familiar with the name of Charles McCullough III. McCullough, the former Intel Community General Inspector who identified 22 "beyond classified" emails present on Hillary Clinton's home-brew server years after she had left her position as Obama administration Secretary of State, has appeared on several Fox…

Press Avoids Naming Obama, Hillary in Covering Libya Slavery 'Debacle'

December 2nd, 2017 8:59 PM
Beginning in mid-November, the international press noticed that a grisly practice had returned to Libya: slave auctions taking place monthly in at least nine locations, in territory controlled by the United Nations-backed Libyan Government of National Accord. No news coverage I have seen has reminded readers that the chain of events leading to this outrageous situation started with the toppling…

Despite Developments, AP, NY Times Have Ignored Fusion GPS For 4 Weeks

November 30th, 2017 8:57 PM
The truth about Fusion GPS's involvement with creating, promoting, and disseminating the infamous Trump-Russia dossier has slowly emerged during the past four weeks. Yet, based on site searches, the Associated Press and New York Times have not published a single substantive, genuinely related in-house story in over four weeks.

Barely News: Eco-Terrorists Claim 'Climate Necessity' as a Defense

November 26th, 2017 9:06 PM
The left's determination to stretch the limits of acceptable activism now includes condoning property destruction and unauthorized disruption of energy delivery systems. On a weekend when the national press is almost exclusively obsessed with matters involving sexual assault and harassment (obviously important) and the legitimacy of Sarah Sanders' Thanksgiving pecan pie (obviously not), it's fair…

AP's Paul Wiseman Smears GOP Tax Plan as 'Trickle Down'

November 20th, 2017 11:56 PM
At the Associated Press on Friday, economics writer Paul Wiseman attempted to rewrite history, pretending that "trickle down" economics is a term Republicans have used for their economic plans since the days of Ronald Reagan, and that the current GOP tax plan which has made it through the House and is being considered by the Senate is more of the same thing. In fact, Reagan's policies, which were…

Dumb: Journalists Lash Out at Sanders Asking What They're Thankful For

November 20th, 2017 4:49 PM
On Monday afternoon, some journalists provided another small nail in the coffin of the media’s credibility when they lost collective minds on Twitter over White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders asking reporters to share what they’re most thankful for this Thanksgiving. Sanders still allowed reporters to ask questions and most responded with thoughtful answers, but a few ignored it (…

Not News: Blacks Commit Growing Share of Reported 'Hate Crimes'

November 18th, 2017 7:10 PM
The Federal Bureau of Investigation published its annual hate crime statistics earlier this week. The press has dutifully fallen into line with the predictable narrative that the 5 percent reported increase in hate crimes in 2016 occurred because of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. The numbers tell a different story.

AP Delays, Downplays Trump Role in Freeing UCLA Players Held in China

November 15th, 2017 11:18 PM
On Tuesday, three UCLA basketball players who were arrested in China last week on charges of shoplifting and who potentially faced 3 to 10 years in prison were released, thanks to intervention on their behalf by President Trump and the U.S. State Department. In sharp contrast to how other wire services have handled the news, two stories at the Associated Press,  waited eight and ten paragraphs,…

MSNBC's Reid Still Thinks 17 Agencies Backed Russia Election Report

November 13th, 2017 10:35 AM
With Twitter doubling its character limit to 280 from 140, the establishment press can now cram twice as much fake news into a single tweet. MSNBC's Joy Reid did exactly that in a Saturday morning tweet by mischaracterizing the scope of the intelligence community's assessment of "Malicious Cyber Activity" relating to the 2016 presidential election, and by falsely claiming that President Trump…

Bitter AP: Scott Walker 'Effectively Ended Collective Bargaining'

November 10th, 2017 2:12 PM
On Monday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced that he will seek a third term as Badger State Chief Executive next year. At the Associated Press, Scott Bauer, still bitter over Walker's successful attempt to rein in the power of the state's public-sector unions in 2011, falsely insisted, as he has for over 6-1/2 years, that Walker's Act 10 legislation "effectively ended collective…

AP Suddenly Discovers and Reports on West Coast Homelessness

November 7th, 2017 2:34 AM
The Associated Press has suddenly discovered that homelessness is a serious problem in the nation's three West Coast states of California, Oregon, and Washington, and that the problem merits national attention. How convenient — and how tardy.

Print Media Omit Paul Surviving VA Shooting from Assault Coverage

November 5th, 2017 1:44 PM
Friday afternoon, Republican Senator Rand Paul suffered a minor injury when he was attacked as he was mowing the lawn at his home. Most press coverage thus far has failed to note that Paul was present at the baseball practice where Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana and three others were shot in June, or that the FBI reportedly believes that yesterday's attack on Paul was politically…