AP Boosts LGBT Activists' Lament Over 'Rarely Used' Hate Crime Laws

September 28th, 2017 6:39 PM
AP's David Crary filed a slanted report on Thursday that spotlighted the complaints of left-wing organizations regarding hate crime laws that, in their view, are "rarely used to prosecute the slayings" of "transgender" individuals. Crary zeroed in on a murder case in Missouri where " a transgender teen...was stabbed in the genitals." He used the homicide as a jumping-off point to cite several…

AP Hypes God-'Embracing' Moore's Win; Touts Alabama's Segregation Past

September 27th, 2017 6:36 PM
Jay Reeves and Kim Chandler did their best to portray Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore as an extremist in a Wednesday item for the Associated Press. The pair led their report by playing up that Moore "wouldn’t stand a chance in many Senate races after defying federal court orders, describing Islam as a false religion, calling homosexuality evil and pulling out a revolver on stage before…

AP Hires ‘Fact-Checker’ From Loony Left Wing HuffPo

September 26th, 2017 6:30 PM
The Associated Press announced Monday that they were developing a new global fact-checking team, headed by no other than the editor of The Huffington Post’s breaking news section. The reason this is so problematic, is obvious to anyone who has taken a second glance at the website’s front page in the past five years.

AP Ignores Steeler Who Left Locker Room to Sing Anthem (UPDATED)

September 24th, 2017 5:17 PM
The Associated Press is virtually celebrating how, in reaction to "President Donald Trump’s criticism of players who protest during the national anthem," there was "a mass increase in such activism Sunday, with more than 100 NFL players sitting or kneeling, others raising their fists and whole teams standing with locked arms to display unity." The AP also reported that "One team, the Pittsburgh…

AP Enters the Florida-Bashing Frenzy Over Irma, 'Climate Change'

September 20th, 2017 1:10 AM
Tuesday afternoon, Clay Waters at NewsBusters noted how two September 18 items in the New York Times ridiculed Texas and Florida, two recently hurricane-ravaged states whose governors and legislatures are pro-growth and Republican. Josh Boak, an economics writer at the Associated Press, was actually a day ahead of them on Florida, filing a Sunday item which claimed that "Irma's destructive…

NYT Editor Pans 'Sloppy Conflation' of Conservatism and 'Alt-Right'

September 18th, 2017 9:25 AM
On Tuesday, before Ben Shapiro's appearance at the University of California at Berkeley, Bari Weiss, a staff editor and writer in the opinion section at the New York Times, penned an op-ed accurately describing Shapiro's beliefs, defending his right to speak, and criticizing the "sloppy conflation" by leftist politicians and all too many in the press in trying to label all conservatives as "alt-…

Morning Joe Hypes Future Possibility of Calling Trump Racist…Again

September 14th, 2017 12:24 PM
In an apparently never-ending crusade to brand Trump as a KKK-supporting white supremacist, on Wednesday's Morning Joe, MSNBC hosts Mika Brzezinksi, Joe Scarborough, and Willie Geist conducted a segment with Associated Press Political Reporter Jonathan Lemire in which they salivated over the prospect that a new congressional joint resolution asking the President to once again condemn “White…

Finally, Seattle Mayor Resigns, a Decade After Local Press Coverup

September 12th, 2017 8:14 PM
The world finally got an answer today to this question: "How many serious allegations of sexual abuse of minors have to be brought forth against Democrat Mayor Ed Murray of Seattle before he'll do the right thing and resign?" Early Tuesday, Murray's fifth accuser came forward. Hours later, he resigned, effective Wednesday afternoon. Thus ends one of the most disgraceful sagas in the history of…

Airport Denizens, Beware: Lena Dunham Promises 'I Hear and See All'

September 11th, 2017 11:58 PM
Among the unhinged, actress Lena Dunham is vying for front-row occupancy. The former creator and star of HBO's Girls series has tried to make a name for herself among leftists in a variety of ways during the past several years. Dunham's most recent attempt last week involved telling the world that people around her at airports and airline flights (and surely elsewhere) will have to conduct…

Acosta Lobbies WH to Believe 'Climate Change Thing’ Caused Hurricanes

September 11th, 2017 4:09 PM
CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta thought it was time during Monday’s White House press briefing to make a fool of himself, partnering with his fellow journalists in lobbying the Trump administration to both believe that global warming caused Hurricanes Harvey and Irma and rejoin the Paris climate deal to stop them.

AP, Media Show They Can Dish It Out But Can't Take It in EPA Spat

September 10th, 2017 11:25 PM
As of late Sunday afternoon, the Associated Press's coverage of potential contamination resulting from Hurricane Irma in Florida, certainly a legitimate issue, was remarkably measured. That dispatch's tone starkly contrasted with how the AP, without genuine basis, went after the U.S. EPA after Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and how childishly it reacted when the EPA pushed back hard against the wire…

Twisting Language: AP Refers to ‘Undocumented Citizens’

September 7th, 2017 3:40 PM
Talk about twisting the English language into a pretzel. The Associated Press on Tuesday hyped fear about the end of DACA as it referred to “undocumented citizens” in Chicago. In a story promoting that city’s liberal mayor bashing Donald Trump, the AP wrote, “[Chicago] school officials say about a third of the school’s students are undocumented citizens.”

Fake News: NBCNews.com Labels Democratic Sen. Menendez as a Republican

September 6th, 2017 5:47 PM
On Wednesday, NBCNews.com published an Associated Press dispatch on the bribery trial of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez (N.J.), but there was one huge problem in that Menendez was labeled a Republican. Translation? NBC News saw no reason to engage in basic proofreading or got caught red-handed in the act of liberal bias.

AP: Katrina 'An Example of Urban Inequality, Environmental Injustice'

September 5th, 2017 9:21 AM
The Associated Press couldn't keep race and income out of its coverage of Hurricane Harvey and Houston's recovery from it. Those angles were wholly predictable and tiresome, but the wire service's Juliet Linderman also decided she would tell readers what the establishment press has from all appearances unilaterally and falsely decided should be the conventional wisdom about the impact of…