AP, NYT Fail to Report Govt.'s 2016 Antifa 'Domestic Terrorist' Tag

September 1st, 2017 11:53 PM
Early on Friday, Politico's Josh Meyer reported that the Department of Homeland Security had formally classified the activities of the left-wing and anarchist-driven movement known as "antifa" as "domestic terrorist violence" — in April 2016. Yes, during the Obama administration, which chose to keep this assessment hidden. In other words, DHS privately acknowledged for well over a year that…

People Claims Black KC Killer Suspect Shot White Victims 'At Random'

September 1st, 2017 10:23 PM
Thanks to Hurricane Harvey, the fact that the Fredrick Scott alleged multiple-murder story is not a major national news item yet is to a degree understandable. But there are already signs the the establishment press doesn't want to give this ugly saga the attention it deserves. Despite the fact that Scott is alleged to have made a threat to "kill all white people" in 2014 and that the known…

Press Misreports Feinstein's Trump-Hopeful Comments, Crowd's Reaction

August 30th, 2017 11:48 PM
In an interview in front of a predominantly liberal audience Wednesday at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, California Senator Dianne Feinstein, 84, who has held that office for 25 years and has announced no current plan to retire, said of President Donald Trump: "This man is going to be president most likely for the rest of this term. I just hope he has the ability to learn and to change.…

Not News: Kansas Under Sam Brownback Vastly Cuts Welfare Rolls

August 29th, 2017 11:47 PM
Since Republican Sam Brownback became the Governor of Kansas, the press has been salivating at the opportunity to declare his fiscally conservative policies a failure, to the point where they believe that their failure is an undisputed truth. Really? If they're such a failure, why have the welfare rolls in The Sunflower State declined by a reported 78 percent, and why have those who have been…

AP, NY Times Have Ignored Schultz-Dem IT Scandal for Over a Month

August 29th, 2017 7:24 PM
Since Imran Awan's arrest in late July, the Daily Caller has published roughly two dozen follow-up stories on various aspects of the scandal involving the longtime rogue Democrat IT staffer and his inexplicably enriched family members. The Associated Press and the New York Times have, from all appearances, published nothing since July 28.

AP Plays Up 'Misery' in Venezuela After Trump Imposes Sanctions

August 29th, 2017 4:16 PM
On Tuesday, Joshua Goodman of the Associated Press trumpeted that the economic "misery is likely to get even worse" in Venezuela due to new sanctions implemented by the Trump administration. Goodman acknowledged that the South American country is becoming "increasingly authoritarian," but didn't once describe the regime of President Nicolas Maduro as left-wing. He also cited an expert who…

AP Hypes Harvey as Sign of 'More Intense Hurricanes in the Future'

August 29th, 2017 1:51 PM
Seth Borenstein touted in a Tuesday report for the Associated Press that some scientists believe that Hurricane Harvey is a "soggy, record-breaking glimpse of the wet and wild future that global warming could bring." Even after acknowledging that these climate researchers are "quick to say that climate change didn't cause Harvey and...haven't determined yet whether the storm was made worse by…

Fall Movies Set to #Resist, According to AP’s Exaggerated Claim

August 28th, 2017 10:28 AM
The summer of 2017, Hollywood ticket sales were down, but the product included films like Wonder Woman and Dunkirk. Audiences were treated to compelling and surprisingly apolitical plots and characters. According to AP, that’s all allegedly scheduled to change this fall. In its story, headlined “Fall Movie Preview: Hollywood Confronts the Trump era,” Jake Coyle reported that the run for the Oscar…

Reuters Continues to Avoid T-Word, Excises It From a Spokesman's Quote

August 20th, 2017 11:50 PM
The Associated Press, in covering the Islamic terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambril, Spain last week which which killed at least 14 people, twice noted that the attacks were carried out by an "Islamic terrorist cell." But not even the obvious facts about the attacks in Spain could move Reuters, arguably the world's leading wire service with obviously heavy influence in the U.S., to properly…

AP Coverage of Spain Terror Avoids Saying Why Its Respite Has Ended

August 18th, 2017 4:38 PM
In what has to be seen as a bit of a welcome change from the norm, Friday morning coverage at the Associated Press of the Thursday terror attacks in Spain which, as of the time this post was written, had killed a total 14 and injured 125, many seriously, hasn't gone wobbly or weaselly. That said, there's one connection the AP and others in the press haven't made. Someone needs to.

CBS Chicago Story Proves Trump's Point on Washington Statue Removals

August 16th, 2017 7:23 PM
President Donald Trump suggested at his August 15 press conference that after you start taking down Robert E. Lee statues that it could lead to the same fate for George Washington or Thomas Jefferson statues because they owned slaves. The response from much of the mainstream media was quick. They utterly mocked the notion that such an outcome could take place. An example of the MSM reaction came…

AP: Avoid the Term 'Alt-Right' as a 'Public Relations Device'

August 16th, 2017 12:14 PM
The Associated Press vice president for standards announced that they will try to avoid using the term “alt-right” to describe neo-Nazis and white supremacists, since it "may exist primarily as a public relations device." To which many conservatives will say: Good, we’ve never wanted to be associated with those noxious beliefs. The AP wasn't that sensitive to positive sounds of the self-described…

NYT Opinion Editor Was Lead Atlantic Mag Editor During Giffords Saga

August 13th, 2017 8:23 PM
On Thursday, a federal court judge in New York made what Eriq Gardner at the Hollywood Reporter called an "unusual move" in Sarah Palin's libel lawsuit against the New York Times. It is indeed extraordinarily unusual, and would appear not to bode well for the Times — which likely explains why the paper's colleagues in the establishment press are, for the most part, either not reporting it at all…

Not National News: Philly's Once Heralded 'Soda Tax' Is a Train Wreck

August 12th, 2017 1:32 PM
The national press could barely hide its glee in June 2016 when Philadelphia passed a "soda tax" of 1.5 cents per ounce levied against non-alcoholic beverages containing "any form of artificial sugar substitute, including stevia, aspartame, sucralose, neotame, acesulfame potassium (Ace-K), saccharin, and advantame." Now that the predictions of opponents have virtually all come to pass,…