AP Hypes Climate Change is 'Devastating' War-Torn African Country

July 18th, 2017 5:44 PM
A Tuesday report from the Associated Press played up climate change's apparent impact inside the African country of South Sudan. Correspondent Sam Mednick acknowledged that the civil war in "the world’s youngest nation" was a factor, but still touted the "devastating effects of climate change" in the country.

Press Downplays Seattle Mayor's Party ID as New Teen Abuse Docs Appear

July 17th, 2017 1:41 PM
In May, as noted at NewsBusters, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray ended his run for reelection in the wake of "mounting allegations that he sexually abused underage boys in the 1980s." On Sunday, the Seattle Times reported that records previously thought destroyed revealed that "An Oregon child-welfare investigator concluded" that" Murray "sexually abused his foster son in the early 1980s." The Times, as…

AP Ignores All-Time Record Monthly Spending in Covering June Deficit

July 17th, 2017 8:30 AM
Records are supposed to be newsworthy, right? But in his Thursday coverage of the federal government's June Monthly Treasury statement, Associated Press reporter Martin Crutsinger only told readers that the deficit for the month was $90 billion. He did not disclose receipts or outlays. Why? Because if he had, he would have had to tell readers that the government spent an all-time record $429…

AP's Scaremongers: GOP Health Bill Will Allow 'Skimpy' Coverage

July 13th, 2017 11:37 PM
In a Thursday evening dispatch, Erica Werner and Alan Fram at the Associated Press, in a virtual editorial disguised as a news report, claimed that a key element of the Republican health care currently being considered in Congress is "letting insurers sell low-cost, skimpy policies." What an insult to our intelligence. What's really "skimpy," even though the left won't acknowledge it, is the…

AP Downplays Maine Democrat State Rep's Death Threat Against Trump

July 13th, 2017 6:53 PM
The Associated Press has both given short shrift to and significantly whitewashed a frightening, violent threat made against President Donald Trump by a Democratic state representative from South Portland, Maine. On Tuesday, Scott Hamann, in a long Facebook rant, wrote, among other things, that "Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that p***y.”

AP Touts Pro-ObamaCare Campaign Targeting West Virginia Senator

July 7th, 2017 8:21 PM
On Friday, AP's Michael Virtanen and Alan Fram touted the apparent conundrum that Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito faces in her state of West Virginia, as the state is "one of the...sickest states in the U.S., relying heavily on Obama's 2010 statute [ObamaCare], which Trump and top Senate Republicans want to repeal and replace." 

Not News: Study Claims It Invalidates EPA's Global Warming 'Finding'

July 6th, 2017 6:06 PM
A peer-reviewed research report published last week by three highly qualified researchers with the agreement of seven others similarly accomplished charges that the entities reporting historical and current worldwide temperatures have adjusted their data to show global warming which has not actually occurred. The trio has concluded that this data is "not a valid representation of reality," and…

AP's 'Clarification' Fails to Clean Up '17 Agencies' Russia Fiction

July 1st, 2017 11:59 PM
If there's ever a "most pathetic correction ever" contest, the one posted by the Associated Press late Friday afternoon, conveniently ahead of what for many Americans will be a very long holiday weekend, has to be a serious contender. The wire service won't even acknowledge that it's a correction at its APnews.com site, instead calling it a "clarification." No one should be fooled. The AP's folly…

AP's Latest Fable: Warming 'Will' Hit GDP of 'Poor, Southern' Counties

June 30th, 2017 10:36 PM
Seth Borenstein at the Associated Press and those pushing for radical wealth redistribution in the name of "climate change" just can't past their hysteria over President Donald Trump's unilateral decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords. Trump's move reversed former President Barack Obama's unilateral decision to sign on. Borenstein's latest exercise in hyperbole on Thursday gave free…

Media Mislead: Trump's Travel Ban Victory Is 'Limited,' 'Partial'

June 26th, 2017 11:58 PM
The latest episode in the Trump administration's long-running legal battle to impose a temporary ban on travel from several nations concluded on Monday. Its result, as described by National Review's David French, was that "in a per curiam ruling, the Supreme Court restored the vast majority of the Trump administration’s temporary travel ban — including the temporary ban on refugee entry." Much of…

AP Buries News That DNC Rejected DHS Help to Fight Hacking

June 23rd, 2017 2:50 PM
Until I read Wednesday evening's dispatch from the Associated Press by Deb Riechmann and Richard Lardner, I had no idea that the secretaries of state and boards of election throughout the land had surrendered their roles in compiling election results to the Associated Press. Now I know better. In a report which primarily concerned former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson's appearance…

AP Panics: Climate Change ‘Catastrophe’ After Exit From Paris Accord

June 22nd, 2017 3:01 PM
On Thursday, the Associated Press played up the supposed impact of President Donald Trump's decision to the withdraw from the Paris climate accord by underlining that "some island states may not survive through the next 100 years." The wire service touted officials from some of these countries, along with several "experts," who predicted "catastrophic" effects on these nations.

AP Pretends Handel Kept Her Distance From Trump

June 21st, 2017 12:07 PM

It only took four sentences for Bill Barrow and Kathleen Foody at the Associated Press to serve up a howler in their attempt to minimize the national significance of Republican Karen Handel's victory over Democrat Jon Ossoff in Tuesday evening's Sixth District congressional election in Georgia. Their report's fourth sentence claimed that the winner's victory speech "thank you to Trump was…

AP's 'Experts' Baffled by North Korea's Mistreatment of Otto Warmbier

June 20th, 2017 3:46 PM
Otto Warmbier, the 22-year-old student from Wyoming, Ohio and the University of Virginia who was returned to his family in a coma last week after being imprisoned in North Korea for over a year, died on Monday. Tuesday morning, the Associated Press and "experts" it consulted somehow found the communist nation's treatment of Warmbier "one of the more perplexing and heart-rending developments in…