AP Avoids ID'ing Hodgkinson's 'Piece of Paper' as List of Republicans

June 19th, 2017 11:39 AM
Saturday evening, Eric Tucker and Erica Werner at the Associated Press were clearly determined to tell readers as little as they possibly could about the list of GOP lawmakers' names found on James Hodgkinson after he was killed trying to assassinate several congressmen and others present at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia on Wednesday. In doing so, the AP pair failed to disclose…

Weather Channel: Many of Trump's Properties Will Be Underwater by 2100

June 13th, 2017 2:40 PM
Late last week, the Associated Press attempted to troll President Donald Trump by claiming that his decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord "may speed up" damage to his organizations' properties in Florida and other low-lying areas because of a "climate change"-driven acceleration in rising sea levels — by 2100. At the Weather Channel's Weather.com Friday evening, writer Pam Wright…

AP Takes Dictation as London's Top Cop Cites Terror Victims' Diversity

June 11th, 2017 1:30 PM
In remarks so bizarre and out of touch that satirists at outlets like The Onion would have rejected them if someone had suggested their inclusion in a made-up story, London's police chief has described the diversity of the city's London Bridge terror attack victims and witnesses interviewed as positive things. Gregory Katz at the Associated Press did his part to play along with the charade by…

In Genital Mutilation Case, Detroit Paper Changes Lingo to 'Cutting'

June 9th, 2017 12:29 PM
On Wednesday afternoon, the Detroit Free Press reported that "A federal prosecutor dropped a bombshell in court Wednesday, telling a federal judge that the government estimates that as many as 100 girls may have had their genitals cut at the hands of a local doctor and her cohorts" in a "historic" case involving female genital mutilation (FGM). The Associated Press inexplicably buried this…

AP Frets: Children of Illegal Immigrants Aren't Getting Food Stamps

June 9th, 2017 10:09 AM
During Barack Obama's presidency, we were constantly assured by the administration and its press apparatchiks that deportations had greatly increased during his tenure. So it's more than a little strange that the Associated Press is now worried that because of President Donald Trump's "crackdown on illegal immigration," fewer people who are genuinely eligible for "federal food assistance" are…

CNN Denies 'Staging' London Protest, But Orchestration Is Obvious

June 5th, 2017 11:24 AM
On Sunday in London, CNN's Becky Anderson and an accompanying camera crew were captured by another videographer appearing to stage an anti-ISIS protest by a small group equipped with printed signs. CNN has denied staging the event, claiming that it "simply filmed" those involved, but it's clear that the affair was at the very least quite orchestrated and agenda-driven.

MSNBC Worries About Police 'Overreacting' After London Terror Attacks

June 4th, 2017 6:20 PM
MSNBC's Richard Lui appears to be testing the limits of irresponsible media coverage of terrorist incidents. Up until now, the press has fretted in the aftermath of such attacks about possible retaliations or "backlash" against Muslims or others not involved in them, even though such misguided revenge-seeking has rarely occurred. Saturday evening, Lui worried about police "overreacting" shortly …

AP, As U.S. Exits Paris Accord: Nyah-Nyah, Hillary 'Won' Pittsburgh

June 3rd, 2017 5:19 PM
There have certainly been less mature reactions than what was seen at the Associated Press Thursday afternoon to President Trump's decision to withdraw from the nonbinding Paris climate accord. However, given that the AP is supposedly a wire service whose mission is merely to deliver objective news — one long since abandoned, but to which it still gives lip service — the decision of reporters…

AP: U.S. Paris Climate Accord Pullout 'Doesn't Look Good For Earth'

May 31st, 2017 2:57 PM
Seth Borenstein's Saturday dispatch at the Associated Press on how it "Doesn’t look good for Earth" if the United States under President Trump "quits" the 2015 Paris climate is about as fakey as fake news gets. It's also sloppy and inconsistent in its terminology, and misleading about the nature and timing of what former President Obama's pledge would require the U.S. to do — while letting…

USAA Backtracks, Will Resume Advertisements on ‘Hannity’

May 30th, 2017 3:32 PM
The Associated Press (AP) reported on Tuesday afternoon that, after severe backlash from conservatives and military supporters, the military financial services organization USAA will resume showing advertisements on conservative talk radio host Sean Hannity’s Fox News Channel show.

Hello Fact Checkers! Hillary Says She Beat Trump, Nixon Was Impeached

May 28th, 2017 3:05 AM
The Associated Press, PolitiFact, CNN, Snopes and all of the other "fact-checkers" should be busy this weekend and well into next week vetting the howlers contained in Rebecca Traister's New York Magazine Friday afternoon interview of a politician who has been in the public eye for decades. But it's a virtual lock that they won't bother, because the person Traister interviewed was Hillary Clinton…

Media Ignored Rosy Obama Growth Forecasts, Attack Lower Trump Target

May 26th, 2017 5:49 PM
One of the more absurd spectacles in the press's coverage of the economy is the attack on the Trump White House's long-term economic growth assumptions in this week's budget release. The same reporters, pundits and outlets now ridiculing the Trump administration's belief that the economy can consistently grow by 3 percent each year beginning four years from now were stone silent when the Obama…

AP, After Another Dem Loses: Montana Race 'Not So Much' a 'Trump Test'

May 26th, 2017 11:16 AM
Longtime media bias observers know that if a Democrat wins a single special election race for national office during a Republican presidential administration, the press will say it's evidence that the nation's voters have changed their minds about which party should occupy the White House. If the Democrat loses ... well, in the pre-Internet era, the national press would pretend that the race…

WashPost Defends AP Freelancer's Sneaky Tactics at N.H. GOP Event

May 25th, 2017 9:51 PM
On Tuesday, Randy Hall at NewsBusters covered how "the Associated Press hired a 'freelancer' -- who turned out to be 'a hardcore left-wing activist' -- to attend a 'closed press' fund-raiser for the GOP in New Hampshire." In other words, the wire service sent Melanie Plenda to the event for the express purpose of crashing it, despite the NHGOP's clear instructions. It turns out that the…