
Weeks Later, Press Finally Notes DNC Chair's Descent Into Profanity

April 23rd, 2017 10:39 PM
The combination of losing the House, and then the Senate, and then the presidency (to Donald Trump, of all people), while losing over 900 other legislative and executive branch seats in states throughout the land, has apparently led Tom Perez, the Democratic Party's new chairman, to believe that the party must curse its way back into power to properly motivate the faithful. Knowing that such a…

Maddow: Venezuelans Are Rioting Over Donations to Trump's Inauguration

April 22nd, 2017 3:44 PM
As Nicholas Fondacaro at NewsBusters noted on Friday, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's obsession with the money raised for President Donald Trump's inauguration went into overdrive the previous evening. During the same show, Maddow combined that obsession with another one shared by most of the news media — the absolute necessity to avoid blaming Venezuela's dire economic circumstances on its Bolivarian…

AP Twists Words in Criticizing Trump's Initial Comment on Paris Attack

April 21st, 2017 10:41 AM
The press's determination to gin up criticism of President Donald Trump at every conceivable turn was on clear display yesterday at the Associated Press. In its timeline coverage of the Paris terrorist attack which left one police officer dead and two seriously wounded, the AP deliberately twisted Trump's comment that it "looks like another terrorist attack."

MRC’s Dan Gainor: AP Coverage of Muslim Shooter Is ‘Propaganda'

April 20th, 2017 4:24 PM
MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor called out the media for downplaying an Islamic connection to a recent shooting in Fresno, California. Kori Ali Muhammad, a black Muslim allegedly gunned down three white individuals and shouted “Allahu Akbar” when he was arrested. However the Associated Press tweeted the phrase in English as “God is Great.” The story only admitted later the…

Surprise: Univision Actually Gets 'Allahu Akbar' Coverage Right

April 19th, 2017 11:28 PM
Raise your hand if you thought that Univision, of all outlets, would defy politically correct media convention and be the most factually accurate when it came to covering the utterances made by the shooter upon his arrest in Fresno, California. Shockingly, this is exactly what happened.

Shame: AP Assists Muslim Fresno Shooter, Claims He Said ‘God Is Great’

April 18th, 2017 6:08 PM
As part of its coverage on the deadly Tuesday shooting at a number of Fresno, California locations (including a Catholic charities building), the Associated Press (AP) Twitter account went into full spin mode on behalf of the alleged Muslim shooter, claiming in a tweet that he “shouted ‘God is great’ before killings” instead of, you know, Allahu Akbar.

'Fact Checkers' Overwhelmingly Target Right-Wing Pols and Pundits

April 14th, 2017 9:45 PM
Thursday at NewsBusters, I noted that all of the major-media "fact-checking" efforts recognized by Duke University's website lean left, and that almost all of them are quite decidedly on the left. That only begins to explain how the "fact-checkers" are distorting the news landscape.

No Diversity Here: Officially Recognized 'Fact-Checkers' All Lean Left

April 13th, 2017 6:05 PM
Posts over the next several days will show that certain left-leaning websites and existing left-leaning news organizations have figured out that they can employ the technique of "fact-checking," perhaps once nobly intended, as a handy device to advance a left-supporting, right-bashing agenda. 

Acosta Unglued: Says It's Un-American to Slam Press, Trashes Trump

April 12th, 2017 10:07 PM
CNN’s Jim Acosta has become a prominent media figure thanks to the presidential campaign and is frequently blogged on NewsBusters. On Wednesday at Washington D.C.’s The Newseum, Acosta was unhinged, ruling it’s un-American to harshly criticize the media and apocalyptically spoke of Trump eradicating the media.

Press: 7 Point Dem Loss in Special House Election Was a 'Scare'

April 12th, 2017 1:26 AM
After Tuesday night's special election, a Republican will continue to represent the people in Kansas's Fourth Congressional District. Democrats and their apparatchiks in the press want people to believe that their party achieved a moral victory because their candidate only lost by seven points.

Democrat Tag For Seattle Mayor Accused of Paying Boys for Sex Is Rare

April 10th, 2017 4:26 PM
Perhaps in response to media critics, the establishment press has generally been more likely to prominently apply a party tag to Democrats charged with crimes or affected by scandals in recent years — not nearly as often or as prominently as for Republicans and conservatives, but an improvement over the almost laughable situation a decade ago. But in its treatment of Ed Murray, beginning Thursday…

Liberal Media Celebrate ‘Equal Pay Day,’ But Ignore Facts

April 5th, 2017 9:47 AM
The gender pay gap is not what the left claims, but the liberal media continue peddling the misinformation that women make far less than men. Proponents of the “misleading” wage gap statistic designated April 4, as Equal Pay Day. Each year they cry discrimination and call attention to “wage discrepancies that exist between men and women in the workforce.” Predictably, liberal media outlets repeat…

Press Ignores DNC Chair's Scream: 'You Didn't Win the Election!'

April 4th, 2017 10:53 PM
Searches at the Associated Press's main national site and at the New York Times indicate that the last newsworthy thing new Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez did was to demand, i.e., not "ask for," as the AP sanitized it, "resignation letters from all DNC (Democratic National Committee) staffers." This means that neither outlet considers Perez's repeated profanity-laced rants last…

Press Provides Cover For and Rarely Discloses PETA's Radical Agenda

April 1st, 2017 1:07 PM
A recent official tweet from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is not an April Fools Day joke. In full context, it's not even funny, because it's part of a long campaign by an utterly unhinged mob to shut down entire industries. Specifically, that March 31 PETA tweet claims that milk is an awful thing because it "has long been a symbol used by white supremacists."