AP Leftist Freelancer Sneaks Into Event to Slam GOP, Kellyanne Conway

May 23rd, 2017 5:27 PM
The antagonism between the “mainstream media” and the Trump administration reached a new low last week when the Associated Press hired a “freelancer” -- who turned out to be “a hardcore left-wing activist” -- to attend a “closed press” fund-raiser for the GOP in New Hampshire and falsely report on the event.

Press Ignores Jerry Brown's Taxpayer-Directed 'Freeloaders' Insult

May 21st, 2017 2:28 PM
On May 12, California Governor Jerry Brown, during a visit to that state's Orange County, said, "The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them." His statement came during what the Orange County Register called "an impassioned defense" of the state's recently passed "road-improvement plan. The "freeloaders" he targeted with his remark are the state's taxpayers, those who wish to recall a tax-…

Another Week, Another Set of Weak Trump-Targeting AP 'Fact Checks'

May 16th, 2017 9:10 PM
Last week was a very bad week for the establishment press, and for the leftist politicians who can't resist repeating and relaying the media's questionable "news" its journalists have been reporting as if they are clearly established facts. But you wouldn't know it from the Associated Press, which, consistent with its practice during many previous weeks, directed all eleven of its "fact-checking…

Now They Tell Us: AP Finally Details Benefits of Dakota Pipeline

May 15th, 2017 10:05 AM
In an item likely targeted for mid-morning Saturday publication in the hope that few would notice it, the Associated Press's James MacPherson covered "SIGNS OF (an) OIL BOOMLET IN NORTH DAKOTA AFTER PIPELINE FINISHED." The "pipeline" in question is the Dakota Access Pipeline the hard-left so despises. Though it inexplicably took the AP reporter four paragraphs to identify the pipeline as the DAPL…

AP's Pace Hysterically Claims Comey Firing Is 'Unprecedented'

May 13th, 2017 6:22 PM
The Associated Press and reporter Julie Pace are among the last institutions and people on earth, respectively, with any credibility to harangue the public about the dangers of "a man willing to challenge - in dramatic fashion - the institutions created to hold the president accountable." But there they were on Wednesday morning, in the wake of President Donald Trump's decision to fire FBI…

AP Howler: 'Many' Faced 'Insurmountable' Voting Barriers in Wisconsin

May 11th, 2017 7:57 PM
Desperate to make a case that voter-ID laws kept "many" people who should be allowed to vote from casting ballots in Wisconsin in November, two reporters at the Associated Press claimed "it is not hard to find" examples of Badger State residents who were "turned away." Left unexplained is how reporters Christina A. Cassidy and Ivan Moreno apparently could only identify four people out of hundreds…

Press Cover-up Returns to Haunt: Seattle Mayor Ends Reelection Bid

May 10th, 2017 9:52 PM
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray announced on Tuesday that he will not run for reelection as the city's mayor because of mounting allegations that he sexually abused underage boys in the 1980s. Press coverage has either ignored Murray's Democratic Party affiliation or buried it in related stories' late paragraphs. This outcome also exposes a double standard in the Evergreen State press, and should (but…

AP 'Fact-Check' Goes Entirely After GOP, Misleads on Jobs

May 9th, 2017 10:55 PM
The Associated Press had a variety of howlers from Democrats and leftists it could have included in its May 8 (update on May 9) "fact check" roundup based on events of the past week. As those who have watched the wire service's conduct since the 2016 election campaign could have predicted, it included none, and instead solely went after the Trump administration and GOP politicians on nine…

Press on April Jobs Report: 'Unexpectedly' Good News, 'Scars' Healing

May 9th, 2017 10:45 AM
On Friday, the government reported that the economy added a seasonally adjusted 211,000 jobs, and that the unemployment rate dropped to a 10-year low of 4.4 percent. The day's press coverage had three noticeable highlights. The first was the headline at the Associated Press's coverage — "US JOBS DATA SHOW SOME SCARS FROM RECESSION FINALLY HEALING."

As Venezuela Implodes, NBC Avoids Naming the Cause: Socialism

May 7th, 2017 5:29 PM
On Thursday, an Investor's Business Daily editorial cited a long list of news outlets which have recently covered the calamitous events in Venezuela, but which, in IBD's words, "continue to obfuscate, if not totally ignore" the fact that the country's implosion can be laid at the feet of one simple cause: "Socialism." One particularly appalling example exemplifying the paper's complaint came…

Carlson Grills Obsessed Dem Strategist Claiming Media Defeated Hillary

May 6th, 2017 6:27 PM
Democratic Party strategist Peter Daou is among the sorest of all the sore losers having a hard time handling Hillary Clinton's November electoral loss to Donald Trump. He has been ranting for weeks on Twitter about how sexism hurt Mrs. Clinton, how "THE PLAYING FIELD ... (was) TILTED AGAINST HER" (yes, the original was in all caps), and even that the media "helped Trump win." Friday, Daou took…

AP Tries to Cast Trump As Hypocrite Over Separate Regulatory Issues

May 4th, 2017 5:37 PM
The Associated Press's descent into an ever more reflexively anti-Donald Trump, anti-conservative outlet which disguises itself as a wire service continues. On Tuesday (apparently updated sometime on Wednesday, based on its current "Yesterday" label), the AP's Marcy Gordon used a shopworn argument that a Republican or conservative who generally supports reducing government regulations and red…

Malkin Nails the Two-Faced History of the WH Correspondents' Dinner

April 30th, 2017 5:55 PM
On Saturday, syndicated columnist, blogging pioneer and CRTV.com investigative reporter Michelle Malkin delivered an epic smackdown of the two-faced history of the White House Correspondents' Dinner. She also completely supported President Donald Trump's decision, announced in late February, not to attend the event.

MSNBC's Ruhle: March for Science Was 'Nonpartisan' and 'Apolitical'

April 25th, 2017 1:23 PM
This year's annual far-left environmentalist Earth Day events were repackaged as "The March for Science." On Monday, despite weekend events' obvious agenda, MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle gleefully told viewers leading into a commercial break that "it wasn’t partisan," and that "the marches were apolitical."