AP Consults Spy Novelists to Hype Trump-Russia Fake News

March 9th, 2017 2:57 PM
Now that the Trump-Russia fake news story is crumbling as Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi warned liberals, how can the mainstream media continue to report on this fact-free topic? Simple. By invoking masters of fiction in the form of spy novelists. Therefore it is appropriate that Associated Press writer Hillel Italie consulted several of those fiction writers to comment on fake news fiction.

At Her Death, AP Whitewashes Life of Lawyer Who Defended Extremists

March 9th, 2017 11:45 AM
Lynne Stewart, whose long legal and illegal career included representing domestic terrorists in the 1980s and relaying a convicted Islamic terrorist's commands to his underlings last decade, died on Tuesday. The Associated Press's Larry Neumeister went out of his way to conceal and sanitize important aspects of Stewart's life and beliefs in his Wednesday afternoon obituary.

AP Report Promoting Pelley Claims CBS Has 'Long Played It Straight'

March 8th, 2017 6:22 PM
Associated Press media reporter David Bauder wrote a story Tuesday that overwhelmingly praised CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley for being a “blunt evaluator” of President Trump. Most of the story channels the bizarre idea that these blunt evaluations are somehow not the opposite of an objective method. The lowest point is this completely untrue and unhistorical comment by former CNN reporter…

NYT Online Fails to Cover Strongest ADP Jobs Report in 3 Years

March 8th, 2017 4:56 PM
There is little doubt that the big economic news Wednesday was payroll and employee benefits giant ADP's estimate that the economy added 298,000 seasonally adjusted private-sector jobs in February. Over seven hours later, the New York Times did not have the news on its website's home page — or even at its "Business Day" business and financial news web page.

Press Ignores Lynch's Call For 'Ordinary People' to March, Bleed, Die

March 7th, 2017 11:26 AM
Imagine, if it's even possible to, that in March 2009, former Bush 43 Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez or John Ashcroft had posted a video telling the newly formed grassroots opposition to President Barack Obama's policies that their ancestors "had marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died" for their beliefs, and that "We can do this again." We all know that media and establishment…

Philly Soda Tax Layoffs Begin; Press Doesn't Challenge City

March 6th, 2017 8:15 AM
What everyone knew would happen as a result of Philadelphia's 1.5 cents-per-ounce soda tax began materializing on Wednesday, as Pepsi announced that it would lay off roughly 20 percent of its workforce there over the next several months. Coverage at both Philly.com and Associated Press allowed the city to engage in fantasy by claiming without meaningful challenge, or even clarification, that…

AP Publishes Karen Pence's Private Email Address, Has No Regrets

March 5th, 2017 7:15 PM
Late Friday afternoon, Brian Slodysko at the Associated Press published a legitimate but overwrought news story on how Vice President Mike Pence, while Indiana's governor, had "emails about state business distributed from a private AOL account that was hacked last year." But the AP reporter also published Karen Pence's still-active AOL email address for no conceivably justifiable reason. Now the…

WashPost Writer Plays Hitler Card, Downplays Illegal Immigrant Crime

March 5th, 2017 6:06 PM
Leftists never seem to tire of going to the same page from the "H" section of their playbook, likening anyone who disagrees with them, and especially anyone who threatens their agenda, to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. In one of the laziest such comparisons yet, Washington Post staff writer Amanda Erickson played the Hitler card in decrying President Donald Trump's move to assist the victims of…

AP, NY Times Still Not Covering Dem Congressman's Sick Conway 'Joke'

March 4th, 2017 3:15 PM
On Thursday, Kristine Marsh at NewsBusters noted that "none of the big three networks or cable news found time" to report Louisiana Democratic Congressman Cedric Richmond's "vile sexual joke" directed the previous evening at Trump presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway. The fact that the establishment press's lead gatekeepers at the Associated Press and the New York Times had no story likely…

Carlson Condemns EU Parliament's 'Orwellian' Speech Censorship

March 4th, 2017 1:10 PM
There are many reasons to doubt the European Union's long-term continued existence in its current form, not the least of which is that its structure is, as a Friday Investor's Business Daily editorial asserted, "a virtual dictatorship for bureaucrats." As if that authoritarianism isn't enough, the EU Parliament can now financially penalize, censor and even memory-hole its own members' supposedly…

AP Takes One-Sided Hatchet to Trump's Tribute to Ryan and Carryn Owens

March 4th, 2017 10:22 AM
It's becoming quite obvious that the Associated Press, which has tilted ever more to the left for several decades, has been on the verge of going completely off the rails since their coordinated plan to elect Hillary Clinton failed in November. Naturally, the AP has directed its ever-increasing hostility at Donald Trump and his administration since that fateful day — seldom more obviously than in…

AP Touts Label of Conservative Author as a 'White Supremacist'

March 3rd, 2017 3:26 PM
After longtime conservative author, columnist, and think tank scholar Charles Murray was chased on Thursday from far-left Middlebury College by an angry mob, the Associated Press felt more than comfortable smearing Murray as a supposed “white nationalist.”  

Fake Fact Check: AP Skips Info Proving Trump Right on Terror

March 2nd, 2017 4:57 PM
The Associated Press made a series of weak and biased claims in its woefully inadequate "fact check" published after President Donald Trump's Tuesday evening speech to a joint session of Congress. One of the weakest, qualifying as a "Fake Fact Check," was its contention that Trump's statement that "the vast majority of individuals convicted for terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from…

Columbus Dispatch, AP Fail To Cite Minimum Wage in Wendy's Kiosk Move

March 2nd, 2017 8:30 AM
A week ago, the Columbus Dispatch reported that Wendy's, the fast-food chain, announced "plans to install self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 of its stores — about 16 percent of its locations — by the end of the year." Although company officials observed 18 months ago that such a move would be inevitable if the trend towards laws demanding far-above-market minimum wages continued, both J.D. Malone's…