Partisan Orioles Exec Wouldn't Want Trump Throwing Opening Day Pitch

February 25th, 2017 5:24 PM
Earlier this week, Baltimore Orioles executive vice president and chief operating officer John Angelos said that he wouldn't want President Donald Trump to throw out the first pitch at his team's Camden Yards home opener until Trump "retract(s) all these outrageous things that have been said and simply apologize(s)." Most coverage of this story has failed to report that Angelos's father Peter is…

Earth to the Press Which Praised It: Philly's 'Soda Tax' Is a Disaster

February 24th, 2017 8:30 AM
In June, the City of Philadelphia, in what was hailed as a "historic moment for public health," passed a deliberately misnamed 1.5-cent per ounce "soda tax." What anyone with a lick of sense could have predicted would happen is happening, and the national press is mostly ignoring the tragic results.

Hardly News: Protesters Remain at DAPL, Not Involved in the Cleanup

February 21st, 2017 10:20 PM
A 2:00 p.m. Wednesday deadline to leave the area looms for hundreds of bitter-ender protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline site following Donald Trump's January 24 executive order advancing its approval. Based on previous reporting I've seen, the presence of "hundreds" is a revelation. What's more, despite the oncoming environmental disaster caused by their trash, filth and abandoned items, up…

Press Slow to Report Monday Night's Swedish Riots

February 21st, 2017 11:39 AM
The Tuesday Morning Briefing at the New York Times tells us that President Donald Trump, at his rally in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday, "claimed that Sweden was experiencing a crisis because of immigration" and had "suggested that a terrorist attack had occurred there the night before." Concerning the latter, Trump said no such thing, nor did he "suggest" it. Concerning the former, if Sweden's…

WashPost's Sullivan Fears Journalists Will Be 'Hunted Down'

February 20th, 2017 9:43 PM
Donald Trump, like virtually every president before him, is upset that there have been leaks to the news media (and heaven knows who else) from his administration. In his Thursday press conference, Trump emphasized that leaks of classified information or matters relating to national security are "criminal" acts — because they are — and promised to pursue the leakers. That, and Trump's Friday…

Lemon Walks When Panelist Tags First Family Cost Concerns 'Fake News'

February 20th, 2017 11:28 AM

On Friday at CNN, a clearly upset Don Lemon, covering a topic that almost no one in the press cared about for eight years during the Obama administration, abruptly ended a segment about the costs of protecting President Donald Trump and the First Family, and began to walk away from the set before the next commercial break began. Why? One of his panelists called the obsession with these costs "…

Desired Damage Done, AP Buries Its Bogus Trump-National Guard Stories

February 19th, 2017 2:05 PM
Friday morning, Garance Burke at the Associated Press's "Investigative" unit broke what the wire service must have believed was an earth-shaking story that "The Trump administration is considering a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants." 30 hours later, you couldn't find that story, or its "Trump administration denies" follow-up, at any…

AP Bitter That Boeing Plant Obama's NLRB Tried to Stop Didn't Go Union

February 16th, 2017 12:30 PM
Meg Kinnard at the Associated Press betrayed quite a bit of unhappiness Wednesday evening and Thursday morning in her coverage of workers' decisive rejection of a union organizing effort at Boeing Corp.'s 787-10 production plant in North Charleston, South Carolina. In two very similar reports found at the wire service's Big Story site, Kinnard solely blamed "Southern reluctance toward…

Barely News: Mexicans' Plans to Jam U.S. Immigration Courts

February 15th, 2017 5:56 PM
Searches at the Associated Press, the New York Times and the Washington Post for stories in English on "monarca," the Spanish term for the monarch butterfly, currently come up empty. (There is a Post story in Spanish originating with the Associated Press, but it's about a drop in the number of those butterflies present in Mexico.) This absence isn't due to a lack of interest in the butterfly. It'…

Media Furious That Trump Got No Questions About Flynn at Presser

February 14th, 2017 11:06 AM
One of the more amusing yet pathetic spectacles of the Trump administration’s early weeks — the ongoing establishment press fury at the richly deserved lack of respect it is getting from the President and his press secretary — neared meltdown yesterday. This occurred because Donald Trump wasn't asked a question everyone knew he wouldn't answer if asked about Michael Flynn at a joint press…

Warren's Hostile Anti-Sessions Tweetstorm Gets Scant Press Attention

February 12th, 2017 8:10 PM
Elizabeth Warren has become a heroine of the establishment press and the left — but I repeat myself — after deliberately violating Senate Rule 19 against "imput(ing) to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator" Tuesday evening in criticizing Trump administration Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions. The Massachusetts Democrat's bitter, ugly…

Google Highlights Obscure Site's Claim DAPL Protesters Being 'Framed'

February 11th, 2017 4:17 PM
This post was going to be about the establishment press's handling of the story of the mountainous and environmentally dangerous accumulation of trash left behind by Dakota Access Pipeline protesters. When the spring thaw arrives, that waste threatens to seriously pollute the Cannonball River — yes, the very river protesters are claiming they wish to protect from pipeline spills. What's…

2005: Press, SNL Ripped GOP Rep Who Criticized Fellow Member

February 10th, 2017 7:15 AM
What a difference a decade and a different political party make. In November 2005, Ohio GOP Congresswoman Jean Schmidt used the same "I'm just quoting someone else" technique to criticize a fellow Member which Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren employed earlier this week to criticize since-confirmed Donald Trump Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions. Schmidt was vilified to the…

At AP, Carbon Tax-Pushing Republicans Are Now ‘GOP Senior Statesmen’

February 8th, 2017 12:12 PM
At the Associated Press, George P. Shultz, James A. Baker III and six other formerly despised Republicans and business leaders have suddenly become "GOP senior statesman." What accounts for this instant transformation? The group is pushing what it calls a "Conservative Case for Carbon Dividends.” In a Tuesday evening Wall Street Journal op-ed, Shultz and Baker advocated "a gradually increasing…