AP Vastly Overplays Its New Respect For Never-Trumper John Kasich

January 17th, 2017 5:57 PM
Because he was the "singular 2016 (GOP) presidential contender never to fall in line behind Trump," Ohio Governor and two-time former presidential candidate John Kasich now has the Associated Press's deep respect. This largely explains why the wire service has been all too willing to ignore the fact that Kasich alone owns Ohio's impending budget problems.

AP Wrongly Claims There Was No Boycott of Bush 43 Inauguration

January 17th, 2017 11:29 AM
On January 13, Kevin Freking at the Associated Press reported that Congressman John Lewis (D-Ga.) would be "joining several other Democrats who have decided to boycott" the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump. It further reported that Lewis "said it will be the first inauguration he has missed in three decades as Democrats and Republicans took the oath of office." The fact is that John…

Deficits Matter Again at the AP, and to Paul Krugman

January 14th, 2017 10:52 PM
There are predictable signs that after eight years of giving the problem inadequate attention and occasional ridicule, the business press has decided that federal budget deficits and the national debt are going to start to matter again. Gosh, I wonder why? The Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber was relatively subtle about it in a report on Uncle Sam's December and year-to-date budget deficits…

Oregonian Hypes Bogus Study Claiming Racism, Sexism in Trump Voters

January 14th, 2017 3:15 PM
In a January 5 column at the Oregonian, Douglas Perry promoted a study which claims to support the leftist meme that Donald Trump won the presidential election based on racial bigotry and sexism. It seems likely that the study to which Perry referred will become a frequent reference point for the left, so its fatal flaws need to be addressed. That's especially true because Vox.com founder Ezra…

Evening News Ignores $22 Million Price of Policing Pipeline Protests

January 11th, 2017 10:08 AM
Policing the unruly anti-pipeline protests in North Dakota since August came with an exorbitant price tag for North Dakota taxpayers. The Morton County Sheriff’s Department released new figures on Jan. 9, showing the state and local police response cost a whopping $22.3 million since Aug. 10. But the broadcast evening news shows paid no attention to that on Jan. 10.

AP Auto Writer Fails to Disclose GM's Lying Response to Trump Tweet

January 10th, 2017 1:35 PM
President-elect Donald Trump started a controversy on January 3 when he alleged in an early-morning tweet that "General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. Make in U.S.A. or pay big border tax!"

Not Fake: AP Runs Fact-Check on Trump Arguing Streep Is 'Overrated'

January 9th, 2017 6:03 PM
Here is another reason why the fact-checking phenomenon is junk: On Monday afternoon, the Associated Press (AP) published a story by Mark Kennedy to “fact-check” President-elect Donald Trump’s opinion that far-left actress Meryl Streep is “overrated.”  

AP: Will Trump Ruin Mood at Golden Globes?

January 7th, 2017 6:16 PM
 Yes, Donald Trump has the power to ruin a major awards ceremony without even being there. According to the Associated Press, the mood of the Golden Globes ceremony which takes place on Sunday could be ruined by Trump simply due to the fact that he won the election. Dozens of high paid celebrities are in danger of having being completely bummed out simply by the existence of Trump as you can see…

Shhh! Six Months After Brexit Vote, UK 'Has World's Top Economy'

January 7th, 2017 8:46 AM
In June, when UK voters decided to leave the European Union in the "Brexit" referendum, the U.S. press told the American people that the UK economy would suffer greatly as a result. Moody's economist and max Hillary Clinton contributor Mark Zandi predicted that it would be "going down the rabbit hole." At CBS News, Mellody Hobson said that "they're acting as if a recession is a foregone…

AP Ignores Dems' Pre-Election Filibuster Plans; Garland a 'Moderate'

January 5th, 2017 5:25 PM
Wednesday afternoon, the Associated Press's Mary Clare Jalonick served as Democratic Party Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's mouthpiece, relaying his promise to "oppose with everything we have" any Supreme Court nominee who isn't fit the Senator's definition of "mainstream."

Initial AP Coverage of Facebook Torture Avoids Almost All Details

January 5th, 2017 11:19 AM
The Associated Press's initial Wednesday evening report on the horrific beating and torture of a mentally handicapped 18 year-old in Chicago is woefully and predictably weak. A comparison of what Fox 32 in Chicago was reporting at the time of AP's story will demonstrate how much the wire service chose to ignore.

WashPost on Russian Connection to Vermont Utility Hack: Never Mind

January 3rd, 2017 11:20 AM
Monday evening, just three days after causing an uproar by reporting that "Russian hackers penetrated (the) U.S. electricity grid through a utility in Vermont," the Washington Post is now saying that "Russian government hackers do not appear to have targeted Vermont utility, say people close to investigation." In other words (cue the late Glida Radner's famous Saturday Night Live character Emily…

Press Thinks It Owns 'Fake News' Tag; Center-Right Has Had It 10 Years

December 31st, 2016 8:44 PM
On Christmas evening, appearing in print on Sunday, December 26, Jeremy Peters at the New York Times pretended that the term "fake news" has only gained common currency very recently during the social media era. He also effectively contended that the establishment press holds ownership rights over the term, claiming that "conservative cable and radio personalities, top Republicans and even Mr. (…

Unproven 'Fake News' Media Meme: Russia 'Hacked the Elections'

December 30th, 2016 2:26 PM
The purveyors of what the establishment press likes to describe as "fake news" have nothing on the fake news the establishment press itself generates at the Obama administration's behest. For example, the Associated Press, in a very late paragraph in just one of its three reports on the topic Thursday, admitted that "Though the FBI and Homeland Security Department issued a joint report on '…