AP Fact Check on Travel Ban-Halting Judge Is Incomplete, Watered-Down

February 7th, 2017 11:53 PM
Given its usual tendencies, I suppose we should be grateful that the Associated Press deigned to fact-check federal judge James Robart at all. The AP's Eric Tucker reported on Monday that the Western Washington District Court judge's claim — that no arrests of foreign nationals have occurred since 9/11 from the seven countries which had been subject to President Trump's temporary travel ban…

CNN's Report on Rescinded Coal Rule: Comical, But Also Very Incomplete

February 4th, 2017 3:33 PM
UPDATE, Feb. 7: On Feb. 5, Jake Tapper tweeted that "if you're concerned about things being 'incomplete' maybe consider adding into your post Manchin on same show response to rule." I attempted to find that video, and could not. If it was so important, and in the interest of balance, one would hope it would be part of the CNN video at the web link cited below — and it's not. As Nicholas…

Two Trump Nominees Pass Committee Votes, AP Portrays GOP As Bullies

February 3rd, 2017 4:08 PM
On Wednesday, an early Associated Press report following the confirmations of two of Donald Trump's cabinet nominees employed extraordinarily strident and bitter language, portraying Republican Senate Committee which approved those nominations as de facto bullies who were "unilaterally" imposing their will. An evening revision updating that afternoon report expanded that portrayal to include…

AP Ignores Falling Obama-Era Union Rolls, Takes Aim at Wisconsin

January 30th, 2017 2:02 PM
You would think that the establishment press and the rest of the opposition to Donald Trump's administration might be able to capitalize substantively (shrieking fundraising letters don't count as "substance") on Kellyanne Conway's shaky reference to "alternative facts" about a week ago. (She should have said, "I have different, more defensible estimates than you do," because she did.) So far…

Pot-Kettle Media Call Trump Insecure

January 30th, 2017 10:32 AM
The Associated Press reports that President Donald Trump is "dogged by insecurity over his loss of the popular vote" and over "media coverage," but I have a different idea about whose insecurity is on display. The entire liberal establishment and rank-and-file leftists remain in denial over Trump's victory. They convinced themselves from the beginning that Trump was a joke who stood no chance of…

AP Reporter Invents 'Dismay' With US-Loving Iraqi Detained at JFK

January 29th, 2017 11:35 AM
Saturday may have been the first day in Donald Trump's presidency when members of the leftist press which so despises him looked forward to going into work. You see, people from those nations affected by Trump's travel ban were in transit to the U.S., and certain conflict awaited. The media surely must have thought they had a strong candidate for designated victim in Iraqi Hameed Khalid Darweesh…

Before March For Life, CNN's Keilar Tags Women's March as 'Liberal'

January 28th, 2017 3:03 PM
All that "non-partisan" posturing, and they couldn't even get CNN to buy it. On Friday, CNN presented a segment on the 44th annual March for Life before it began. The press usually ignores the march's existence until after it has taken place, typically barely recognizes it afterwards, and almost invariably insists on describing crowd sizes which have often been in the hundreds of thousands as…

AP Melts Down Over Losing First-Question WH Presser Privilege

January 26th, 2017 1:26 AM
In a late Wednesday afternoon NewsBusters post, I commented on the extraordinary hostility reporters at the Associated Press exhibited towards Donald Trump and his administration during their first two full business days in power. In that post, I wondered if they might be carrying a childish grudge over not being able to ask the first question at Press Secretary Sean Spicer's briefings, as they…

AP Ignoring Secret Service Agent Who Wouldn't 'Take Bullet' For Trump

January 25th, 2017 11:21 PM
Tuesday afternoon, the Washington Examiner broke the story of a Secret Service agent who, in October on Facebook, declared her unwillingness to put her life on the line for a potential President Donald Trump. At that point, Kelly O'Grady, the special agent in charge for the Denver district, decided to become a selective Service agent, writing, per the Examiner, that "she would endure jail time'…

Is AP Throwing a Tantrum Over Losing Its Press Briefing Priority?

January 25th, 2017 5:32 PM
Since last decade, it's been White House tradition that the press secretary typically calls on an Associated Press reporter to ask the first question at briefings. Trump administration Press Secretary Sean Spicer has not selected AP for the first question at either of his first two briefings, and numerous press outlets have noted that avoidance. It's more than fair to ask, given the tone of the…

As Trump Freezes Federal Hiring, AP Hides 'Dramatic' Workforce Growth

January 24th, 2017 3:52 PM
In a Tuesday morning dispatch about President Donald Trump's federal hiring freeze, the Associated Press's Matthew Barakat presented a quote from Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer. He followed it with a statistic which he wants readers to believe refutes Spicer's claim. That statistic does no such thing, but I expect, even though it's remarkably lazy and misleading, that it will become a very…

NY Times, AP Fail to Quote SNL Writer's Mean Barron Trump Tweet

January 23rd, 2017 10:50 PM
The New York Times reported Monday afternoon that NBC has suspended Saturday Night Live writer Katie Rich indefinitely for tweeting ... well, what? Reporter Dave Itzkoff failed to tell readers what Rich tweeted just minutes after Donald Trump was inaugurated as the nation's 45th President on Friday. Instead, he vaguely described it as "a widely criticized post she made Friday on her personal…

Nets Ignore Backlash, Boycotts Against Trump-Supporting Businesses

January 23rd, 2017 10:42 AM
Business people or companies who chose to endorse, donate or praise Donald Trump have been under attack from the left in recent months. Yet, the network news have failed to inform their viewers about it. The left took aim at L.L.Bean, Yuengling, New Balance and MyPillow for various forms of support  for President-Elect Donald Trump or for his proposed policies. Gay bars and other customers…

AP Ramps Up Smears of HHS Nominee Tom Price Over Stock Ownership

January 19th, 2017 7:29 PM
An attempt by the Associated Press to smear Tom Price, nominated by Donald Trump as the next HHS Secretary, began Wednesday after the opening round of a Senate committee hearing. As of this writing, the wire service is up to its third such entry. The misleading reporting and hostility have increased with each dispatch.