
3 Ways Media Medaled in Climate Hype During Rio Olympics

August 17th, 2016 10:40 AM
After the Rio Olympics’ opening ceremony inundated viewers with climate propaganda, liberal media outlets did more than cover the climate agenda. They carried the torch for it. As if liberal propaganda weren’t seeping into enough of life, the Olympic opening ceremony on Aug. 5, hit viewers with alarmist warnings about climate change. The Associated Press reported on Aug. 6, that viewers saw an…

AP: Trump Is a Down-Ticket Problem — But Hillary's Dishonesty Isn't?

August 16th, 2016 11:48 AM
One of the press's favorite current themes is how Donald Trump's presence at the top of the Republican general-election ticket in the fall has the potential to hurt Republican candidates in Senate and congressional races. That may well be, but the Democrats appear to have a more serious and far more intractable problem which those in the establishment press, including Steve Peoples at the…

AP Laments That Climate Change Debate Is 'Tribal,' 'Contentious'

August 16th, 2016 8:47 AM
The latest installment of the Associated Press's "Divided America" series on Monday focused on "climate change," aka "global warming." Not surprisingly, even though there are only 17 percent of Americans (allegedly "the fastest-growing group," which seems doubtful given that getting to that tiny minority level has required at least a quarter-century) who "are alarmed by climate change and want…

Fairfax, Va. Mayor in 'Meth-for-Sex' Bust Rarely Tagged As a Democrat

August 11th, 2016 1:37 PM
According to a statement at the city's web site, Fairfax, Virginia Mayor Richard "Scott" Silverthorne's resignation took effect at noon on Thursday. The resignation occurs a week after Silverthorne was arrested "for allegedly trying to exchange methamphetamine to undercover detectives in exchange for sex, city officials said Monday." The press, as has so often been the case in situations…

Not News: 'Jesus Christ' of Marxism to Direct Venezuelan Economy

August 9th, 2016 5:56 PM
Over two weeks ago, the Bolivarian socialist government of Venezuela under de facto dictator Nicolas Maduro decreed that private-sector and government workers can be forced to work on farms if the military, which is now responsible for food production and distribution in that shortage-wracked country, deems it necessary. Relevant site searches indicate that the country's forced-labor decree…

AP: Al Gore Would Likely Have Won in 2000 If 'Undervotes' Counted

August 5th, 2016 5:19 PM
History is apparently subject to revision without notice and without basis at the Associated Press. In an outrageous report primarily dedicated to the notion that Donald Trump's concerns about the November general elections possibly being rigged thanks to potential voter fraud "challenges (the) U.S. Democratic system" — but a whole host of leftist-inspired rigging efforts apparently don't — …

AP's Opening Makes Awful Manufacturing Report Seem Positive

August 4th, 2016 11:42 PM
The press's reporting on the Obama era's awful economy has been nothing short of abysmal. Looking at the bigger picture on July 25, MRC Business's Julia Seymour named "6 key indicators of (a) weak economy" the press has glossed over or ignored since the recession ended seven years ago. The most obvious item she identified is the fact that the current alleged "recovery" is by far the worst since…

NBC Exec: Network Not Responsible for Trump’s Political Success

August 3rd, 2016 4:08 PM
NBC Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt disputed the notion that his network was responsible for Donald Trump nabbing the republican presidential nomination. "There's really not that much of a correlation between one and the other," Greenblatt said in reference to Trump’s appearance on television and his success as a presidential candidate.

At AP, Fidel Castro at 90 Is 'Inspiration' For 'Communist Orthodoxy'

August 2nd, 2016 1:02 PM
Five years ago, the Associated Press was so excited about the imminent 85th birthday of Fidel Castro, Communist Cuba's dictator emeritus, that its Images Group promoted a package of "iconic images and videos" subscribing outlets could purchase and use. It described Castro as a "source of inspiration for many people throughout the world." Thus, it should surprise no one that the wire service,…

Hillary Donor Mark Zandi: Economy 'Resilient,' Job Market 'Incredible'

July 30th, 2016 6:52 PM
Yesterday's news about the economy was the latest in a 7-1/2 year series of mostly regular disappointments. The government reported that nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at an annual rate of just 1.2 percent in the second quarter, half or less of what most alleged "experts" expected. Additionally, the first's quarter's originally reported 1.1 percent growth was revised down to 0.8…

Not News at AP, NY Times: Forced Labor in Venezuela

July 30th, 2016 1:34 PM
Now we know why Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela's de facto dictator, recently handed over responsibility for food production to the military: He's going to need soldiers on farms and elsewhere in the food distribution chain to keep conscripted workers in line. That's because on July 22, now over a week ago, Maduro's government decreed "... that any employee in Venezuela can be effectively made to work…

FBN Coverage of Wednesday's DNC Protests Make a Mockery of AP's

July 29th, 2016 9:59 PM
Wednesday night's coverage of protests outside the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia delivered by Fox Business Network and the Associated Press could hardly have differed more. FBN reported "thousands" of angry protesters oustide who were in no way mollified by Bernie Sanders' endorsement of Hillary Clinton or calls for unity. Geoff Mulvhill and Megan Trimble at the AP only …

As All CMP Charges Dropped, AP Insists PP Never 'Sold' Fetal Parts

July 28th, 2016 2:14 PM
On Tuesday, Harris County's prosecutor in Texas dropped the remaining criminal charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress. This ended a clearly politically motivated attempt to turn the tables on the pro-life heroes who showed that Planned Parenthood was trafficking in fetal body parts for compensation. Predictably, the Associated Press did not handle…

AP: DNC Now 'Positive,' Ignores Bernie Fans' 'Lock Her Up!' Chants

July 25th, 2016 11:38 PM
Though they haven't yet completed covering things up, Hillary Clinton's journalistic defense team at the Associated Press has swung into gear at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. The headline at the wire service's 10:00 p.m. Monday evening story by reporters Julie Pace and Ken Thomas — "AFTER DISPUTES, DEM STARS TURN THEIR CONVENTION POSITIVE" — falsely told readers that the…