AP and BBC Fail to Report Munich Killer's Full Name

July 24th, 2016 10:41 PM
In Munich on Friday, 18 year-old Ali David Sonboly gunned down nine people, seven of them teenagers, and injured 35, before killing himself. Though there appears to be no direct connection to nationalist or Islamic groups, witnesses said he screamed "I'm German" and "Allah Akbar" during his killing spree. The previous paragraph tells readers far more about the massacre than certain news outlets…

AP Helped Set Expectations For RNC Protest 'Chaos' in Cleveland

July 22nd, 2016 10:30 AM
The headline at Dan Zak's Arts & Entertainment column at the Washington Post early Thursday evening: "We were promised a riot. In Cleveland, we got a block party instead." (There were occasional exceptions.) Though his article's tone was generally positive, he did complain that "Cleveland is basically a police state this week." Gosh, I didn't know police states had so much freedom of speech…

AP, Plain Dealer Promoted a Tuesday Anti-Trump Rally; It's on Thursday

July 19th, 2016 11:56 PM
It's a good thing all those layers of fact-checkers and proofreaders are out there in the establishment press making sure that they don't misinform their readers about the dates and times of impending events. Oh, wait a minute. Both Cleveland.com, the home website of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and the Associated Press promoted a "Stand Together Against Trump" rally as if it would take place…

Slate Writer: Journalists Should Stop Using 'Terrorist,' 'Terrorism'

July 17th, 2016 8:31 PM
Adam Ragusea, writing at Slate.com, believes that the word "terrorist" has become "uselessly arbitrary and loaded," because it "has acquired a powerful religious—and specifically Islamic—connotation" that "is substantively consequential." As a result, Ragusea believes that the Associated Press, whose Stylebook sadly exerts nearly ironclad control over language used in U.S. establishment press…

Latest Excuse For Venezuela's Food Shortages: Military Mismanagement

July 16th, 2016 2:38 PM
The latest installment in leftist excuse-making when socialism fails goes into the "It would work if leaders just had the right people handling things" file. It comes in the form of a Friday morning "analysis" at the Associated Press. Writers Jorge Rueda and Joshua Goodman want readers to believe that the economy in the Bolivarian socialist and once fairly prosperous nation of Venezuela would be…

CNN Airs Socialism-Free Story on Venezuelan Pediatric Hospital Crisis

July 15th, 2016 12:03 AM
It would be far too kind to give three cheers to CNN for exposing the disastrous conditions in a children's hospital in Caracas, Venezuela caused by over 15 years of Bolivarian socialism in a July 13 broadcast report. The network gets one hearty cheer for the detailed report's existence. It lost a chance for a second cheer when it failed to mention the country's socialist form of government…

Press Yawns as Federal Finances Deteriorate, Indicating a Slow Economy

July 13th, 2016 6:04 PM
It's a safe prediction that there will be renewed interest in the federal government's perilous financial situation if the country elects someone not named Hillary Clinton as its next president in November. One reason why this prediction is so safe is how little interest there has been in even covering today's news about Uncle Sam's troubling June surplus of only $6.3 billion. The Associated…

AP Waters Down 3 Venezuela Stories; Final One Fails to Cite Socialism

July 12th, 2016 11:52 PM
Tuesday's coverage at the Associated Press of the deepening humanitarian crisis in the Bolivarian socialist disaster known as Venezuela focused on the conditions in the ever-lengthening lines its citizens must endure in hopes of obtaining enough of the basics of everyday life just to survive. Wire service reports often start off relatively brief and expand as reporters gather more information.…

Media Out To Lunch on Fraud Indictment of Democratic Congresswoman

July 11th, 2016 1:26 PM
Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown was indicted on 24 federal charges on Friday related to a "fraudulent education charity," as CNN.com put it on Friday. However, viewers of CNN's on-air coverage, as well as those who watch MSNBC and the Big Three networks' morning and evening newscasts, would know nothing of this indictment, as these TV outlets have yet to cover it, as of Monday morning.

Press Won't Tag Govt.-Rejected 2nd EU Referendum Petition As a Scam

July 10th, 2016 9:39 PM
Saturday morning US Time, Reuters reported (HT Zero Hedge) that "The British government has rejected an online petition signed by 4.1 million people calling for a new referendum on whether to leave the European Union." The wire service AFP posted a similar story on Sunday, reporting that "The British government on Saturday formally rejected a petition signed by more than 4.125 million people…

AP: Thanks Only to U.S., UK's 'Leave' Vote Won't Lead to Its 'Demise'

July 6th, 2016 9:38 PM
Saturday at the Associated Press, aka the Admininstration's Press, Josh Lederman ran interference for President Barack Obama's conveniently timed Brexit vote flip-flop. Obama has now reversed his Aoril threat — and yes, it was a threat — that the United Kingdom would go to the "back of the queue" to get a U.S. trade deal if "Leave" supporters won the June 23 vote there on remaining in the…

Shock: AP Spotlights 'Collapse' of Hillary Clinton's E-Mail Excuses

July 6th, 2016 3:58 PM
Stephen Braun and Jack Gillum touted how "key assertions by Hillary Clinton in defense of her email practices have collapsed under FBI scrutiny" in a Tuesday "fact check" for the Associated Press. Braun and Gillum examined several of Mrs. Clinton's key contentions in recent months regarding her e-mail scandal, and detailed the facts contrary to each of her statements. The two also pointed out…

AP Obsesses Over the Klan, and of Course Associates It With Trump

July 4th, 2016 10:49 PM
The history of the Ku Klux Klan, as Wikipedia accurately describes it, is "of three distinct past and present movements." The first, founded "sometime between December 1865 and August 1866," died out after five years. The Klan's next distinct incarnation didn't occur until 1915. All three incarnations of the Klan were either arms of, had close ties to, or were dominated by members of the…

AP: Egypt's Morsi Was 'Freely Elected President,' Ignores His Tyranny

July 2nd, 2016 1:46 PM
In its coverage of Egypt's declaration of a national holiday to mark the ouster of Islamist dictator Mohammed Morsi (also spelled "Mursi") three years ago, the Associated Press recast history. It completely ignored Morsi's assumption of de facto dictatorial powers only months after he was "freely elected" in 2012, his government's brutal repression while he was in power, and his Muslim…