
Cillizza: Hillary Has 'Large-Scale Problems,' Trump 'Can Win'

June 30th, 2016 1:17 PM
Apparently following up on his Washington Post column earlier this week, the paper's Chris Cillizza appeared on Thursday's Morning Joe show and observed that Hillary Clinton has "large-scale problems on honesty and trustworthines," that "she is the status quo" and "represents the past." Because of that, and despite the conventional wisdom in much of the establishment press that Mrs. Clinton can't…

Not An Onion Headline: Uncivil Sally Kohn 'Writing Book on Civility'

June 30th, 2016 1:11 PM
On Wednesday, the Associated Press spotlighted how "CNN political commentator Sally Kohn, who has heard a lot of trash talk in her job, is working on a book about the benefits of civility." The AP didn't mention that Kohn has her dished out plenty of trash talk of her own during her time at CNN — all of which was targeted at conservatives. The left-wing pundit has likened Christian "hardliners"…

Press Still Won't Admit Pranked Brexit Do-Over Petition Is Bogus

June 28th, 2016 4:27 PM
It is now two days since it became obvious that the claim that "millions of Britons" have signed a House of Commons petition advocating a do-over Brexit vote is bogus. The petition's buildup to millions of "signatures" was predominantly caused by bot-generating pranksters, and the entire effort proves absolutely nothing about UK citizens' alleged "regrets" over voting to leave the European Union…

BBC and AP Snookered by Pranksters' Bogus Brexit Do-Over Petition

June 26th, 2016 11:56 PM
They should have known better, but it was apparently too good to check. Following the lead of the apparently shellshocked BBC, the Associated Press on Friday night included an item in its "The Latest" timeline on Great Britain's Thursday vote to leave the European Union about how "So many users are signing a petition for a re-run of Britain's referendum on European Union membership that they've…

AP Journalist Wants Us to Believe Brexit 'Leave' Voters Didn't Mean It

June 26th, 2016 7:11 PM
An example of how unhinged press bias builds on itself was on display Sunday morning on CNN's Inside Politics. Associated Press reporter Lisa Lerer told other panel members who were criticizing Hillary Clinton for her lack of an in-person public statement on the the results of Thursday's Brexit referendum that they should doubt the legitimacy of the result. She did so by referring to "all the…

AP Standard For Claims By Trump: Not Credible If 'Widely Questioned'

June 23rd, 2016 1:37 PM
Though their report covering Donald Trump's Wednesday speech criticizing presumptive Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton's record has undergone subsequent revisions, the coverage of that speech by the Associated Press's Julie Pace and Jill Colvin has stuck with two common themes. One is that prospective Republican nominee Donald Trump has "struggled with the transition to a general election…

AG Lynch Admits: 'I Do Not Know' Where Omar Mateen's Wife Is

June 22nd, 2016 11:46 PM
Here's a new item for the sarcasm-laden "Our country is in the very best of hands" stack of embarrassments Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds has been accumulating during the past several years. The headline at media aggregator is: "AG LYNCH ADMITS THE FBI HAS LOST TRACK OF OMAR MATEEN’S WIFE." If this admission had occurred during any non-leftist presidential administration, the…

Press Celebrates 'Soda Tax' Advocates' Underhanded Passage Strategies

June 20th, 2016 5:52 PM
The establishment press is thrilled over the City of Philadelphia's enactment of a 1.5 cents-per-ounce "soda tax" last week. Monday morning, Mayor Jim Kenney signed the legislation which its City Council passed last week. Especially unseemly is the virtual euphoria over how so-called "public health" advocates gained their long-sought foothold into using the tax system to dictate personal…

The Media as One Cheerlead Another Government Power Grab

June 20th, 2016 11:44 AM
The American media cabal is…ridiculous.  They are the Borg of politics - many entities, but of but one Leftist mind. Led around by their noses by whatever hack government-growing politician is before them at that moment. Just as they calmly repeated the "ventriloquized" Obama line on the Iran deal, so they're doing with the latest ruling on "Net neutrality."

AP Decries Supposed 'Intellectual News Ghettos,' Rewrites News History

June 17th, 2016 9:00 AM
In the course of presenting what is apparently one story in a series of several on a "Divided America," David Bauder at the Associated Press portrayed two Americans with largely different news consumption habits. Though the theme of Bauder's Thursday morning report was about how Americans are "retreat(ing) into tribes of like-minded people who get news filtered through particular world views,"…

Not News: Josh Earnest Blames Republicans for DNC Security Breach

June 15th, 2016 11:44 AM
One of the more important elements of the establishment press's daily routine is protecting leftists, particularly members of the Obama administration, when they say really dumb things. They do this by not reporting them. Reacting to Tuesday afternoon reports that Russian hackers have successfully breached the Democratic National Committee's computer network and stolen files, particularly the "…

Associated Partisans: No Party ID for Corrupt Dems, Unlike the GOP

June 13th, 2016 10:13 PM
The Associated Press is still the king of the wire services, used by most newspapers and TV stations (and even radio stations, if you can find news on them). So when it acts like Associated Partisans, it still packs a political punch. When Democrats plead guilty of taking bribes in California, somehow today the AP couldn’t use the word “Democrat” anywhere in the piece (and The Washington Post…

Media Ignore External Influences on 'Homegrown Extremist' Mateen

June 13th, 2016 6:05 PM
In his second speech on Sunday morning's terrorist massacre in Orlando, Florida, President Barack Obama said on Monday that "the shooter was inspired by various extremist information that was disseminated over the Internet," that "we see no clear evidence that he was directed externally," and that "this is certainly an example of the kind of homegrown extremism that all of us have been so…

AP Calls Orlando Terrorist Massacre 'Just the Latest Mass Shooting'

June 12th, 2016 12:13 PM
Hours after this morning's massacre in Orlando, Florida, the Associated Press is already brandishing the gun-control agenda. In a report with a time stamp of 9:16 a.m. Eastern Time, the AP, with its list apparently always at the ready, gave the following headline to its rundown of "some of the nation's deadliest rampages since 2012": "Florida nightclub attack just the latest US mass shooting."…