U.S. Press Ignores Emotional Testimony of Displaced Disney IT Worker

February 29th, 2016 12:00 AM
Two categories of news the press has studiously avoided during the Obama era came together this week, causing it to (in my view) proactively decide to ignore emotional congressional testimony which should have been front-page news almost everywhere. The first is their virtually complete disinterest in reporting on congressional hearings. The list is longer than can be recounted here, but…

Vice-Chair Gabbard Resigns From DNC; AP Buries the News in a Timeline

February 28th, 2016 4:37 PM
The simmering feud between the Democratic Party establishment and leftists who believe that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has acted more like "Democrats Nominating Clinton" than a genuine political party presenting viable alternatives to Hillary Clinton, visibly erupted today. This morning, Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard resigned her position as Vice Chair at the DNC and…

Barely News: Dem Turnout in South Carolina Down Sharply from 2008

February 28th, 2016 10:06 AM
532,000 people voted in the South Carolina Democratic Party presidential primary in 2008. In this year's primary, completed yesterday, only 370,000 did. In the meantime, the state's pool of eligible voters increased by about 8 percent. Thus, turnout in this year's Democratic primary in the Palmetto State, down by just over 30 percent in absolute terms, was down by about 35 percent on a…

Obama Again Breaks 2008 'Signing Statement' Promise; Press Yawns

February 27th, 2016 11:29 PM
In August 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama pledged, as paraphrased in a New York Times story, "not to use signing statements to undermine legislation passed by Congress," and "called Mr. Bush’s frequent use of such statements an abuse of his power." On Wednesday, Obama issued another signing statement — there have now been over 30 during his presidential tenure — to put a thumb in…

WashPost's Thiessen: Biden Blocked Court Nominations in 1988 and 1992

February 27th, 2016 10:41 AM
Conservative and center-right columnists often have to do far more digging than their liberal counterparts, simply because overwhelmingly left-leaning beat journalists, aka "Democrats with bylines," provide such unbalanced reporting on current events on a daily basis. Fortunately, the Washington Post's Marc Thiessen did the necessary work by rummaging through available information about federal…

AP Twice Fails to Tag Convicted Calif. Senator Leland Yee as a Dem

February 25th, 2016 11:38 AM
The political career of California State Senator Leland Yee, a Democrat who had been running for Secretary of State, came to an abrupt end in March 2014 when the strident gun-control advocate was arrested and charged with "six counts of depriving the public of honest services and one count of conspiracy to traffic in guns without a license." Last week, Yee, who pled guilty last year to "one…

AP Howler: 'Demand For Housing Has Recovered' Since Recession

February 24th, 2016 9:55 PM
In the context of his pathetic writeup on the government's disappointing report on January new-home sales, Josh Boak at the Associated Press had the nerve to claim that "demand for housing has recovered over the course of the 6 ½-year recovery from the recession." Wow. Who knew that the industry has made it all the way back to an acceptable level at long last? The obvious answer to that question…

Press Accepting Hillary's Bogus Transcript 'Challenge' as Legitimate

February 24th, 2016 6:37 PM
Hillary Clinton is still sticking to her "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" strategy as the reason she won't release transcripts of her paid speeches to big banks and Wall Street firms. She can do this because outfits like the Associated Press are covering for her. The only recognition of Mrs. Clinton's problem, beyond a strategically segregated story (more on that later), is buried deep…

Barely News: Nevada GOP Caucuses' Turnout More Than Doubles 2012

February 24th, 2016 10:33 AM
Yesterday morning, before the Republican Party's Nevada caucuses began, Nate Silver at the inexplicably hallowed FiveThirtyEight blog made a really naive and tone-deaf assumption. He reckoned that the caucuses would be a low turnout event, noting that in 2012, "only 1.9 percent of the voting-eligible population — about 33,000 people — participated in the Republican caucuses in Nevada," and spent…

AP Ignores Dems' 'Extraordinary' Record of Court Obstructions

February 23rd, 2016 11:53 PM
The Associated Press clearly hopes that most Americans still pay little to no attention to New Media. That's the only credible argument one can employ as to why the wire service's Alan Fram, in his Tuesday evening dispatch, characterized the unanimous decision of Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee not to hold hearings on a potential Supreme Court nominee this year as "extraordinary."…

At AP, Economy's Good-News Story Sticks; Bad News Disappears (UPDATED)

February 23rd, 2016 5:43 PM
Two important economic reports came out today at 10 a.m. One had relatively good news, while the other was a definite downer. At 2:43 p.m., the good-news item was still listed second at the Associated Press's list of Top 10 business stories, while the bad-news item was gone. That's all in a day's work of news manipulation at what should be called the Administration's Press. (UPDATE: At 9:12 p.m…

LA Times Story On Venezuela Gas Prices Avoids the S-Word — And Reality

February 21st, 2016 11:57 PM
If form holds, the Democratic Party's presidential candidates in the U.S. will continue to spout various forms of socialism and class warfare as the answers to this nation's woes in hopes of buying enough "free stuff" votes to hang on to the White House. Venezuela's apparent imminent economic collapse poses a problem for this strategy. The country's problems are the direct result of 15 years of…

West Va. Is Now 26th Right-To-Work State; AP Coverage Predictably Weak

February 20th, 2016 10:12 AM
West Virginia became the nation's 26th state with a "right-to-work" law a bit over a week ago. At the same time, it also repealed "prevailing wage" requirements for public construction projects. The idea that the formerly Democrat-dominated Mountain State would pass either item was unthinkable as little as a decade ago. That was before the Obama administration began its war on coal-powereed…

The AP's Disgraceful Coverage of the Columbus Islamist Machete Attack

February 19th, 2016 5:38 PM
The Associated Press has posted four stories during the past week on the machete-wielding Islamist who attacked patrons at the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli in Columbus, Ohio on February 11, seriously wounding several. The wire service's coverage has been a textbook example of deliberate reality avoidance.