Media Wages Ethnic Disqualification War Against Cruz in Two Languages

February 18th, 2016 5:33 PM
The media is attempting to ethnically vitiate Sen. Ted Cruz across multiple platforms and in different languages.

MSNBC's Hayes: Obama 'Should Go' to Scalia Funeral — And Why He Won't

February 17th, 2016 9:22 PM
MSNBC's Chris Hayes is usually right less often than a stopped clock, i.e., fewer than two times a day. But he might get lucky if by some miracle he's right about something else today because of the matter discussed in this post. After the Obama administration announced that President Barack Obama will not attend Saturday's funeral for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a staunch Catholic,…

AP: Japan's Economy Shrank Again, Despite 'Lavish' Stimulus

February 17th, 2016 3:26 PM

It seems that no degree of exposure to the real world can destroy journalists' belief in Keynesian economic — not even the two decades-plus calamity in Japan. The Japanese economy has contracted again. According to a report at the Associated Press early Monday morning by an apparently perplexed Elaine Kurtenbach, this occurred despite — not because of — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's "lavish…

Most Stories Omit Spitzer's Dem Affiliation; AP Waits 14 Paragraphs

February 16th, 2016 1:52 AM
Yesterday, Matt Balan at NewsBusters noted that only two of the Big 3 broadcast news networks covered "the assault allegation against former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer that emerged over the weekend," and that only NBC mentioned Spitzer's Democratic Party affiliation. A broader look at news coverage of Spitzer's latest encounter with law enforcement indicates that omitting his party…

AP Seems to Celebrate Wall St. Doing Poorly, Pretends Main St. Is Okay

February 14th, 2016 5:06 PM
The Associated Press's choice of a headline to accompany business writer Stan Choe's Saturday morning report on the state of the economy — "MAIN STREET HOLDS UP AS WALL STREET STRUGGLES, FOR A CHANGE" — has a couple of interesting implications. Is AP celebrating the fact that Wall Street is struggling? Or does the idea that "Main Street" is holding up "for a change" mean that it hasn't been…

The De Facto Coup in Venezuela the U.S. Press Won't Recognize

February 13th, 2016 3:55 PM
On Thursday, Venezuela's Supreme Court decided to grant Bolivarian socialist "President" Nicolas Maduro what an unbylined Associated Press report described as "broad decree powers" to deal with the economic crisis and humanitarian nightmare he and his predecessor Hugo Chavez created. Maduro's government now for all practical purposes has total control of that nation's economy, which in the…

Joan Walsh: 'White Working Class' Rejects Hillary Because of Obama

February 11th, 2016 11:58 PM
Joan Walsh, who after a long tenure at is now National Affairs Correspondent at far-left publication The Nation, is responding as leftists usually do when their favored candidates and causes are in trouble: immaturely, and by smearing recalcitrant people who, in their fevered minds, should be supporting them. Walsh is a big fan of Hillary Clinton, whose legal and electoral situations…

Yellen, AP Continue to Blame 'The World' As U.S. Economy Weakens

February 11th, 2016 5:28 PM
The Federal Reserve, Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and the ever-cooperative Associated Press have a message for America: "If there's an economic downturn, even one that turns into a recession, it's going to be the rest of the world's fault. The U.S. economy is fine, and it will stay fine if everybody else doesn't ruin it." As the AP's Martin Crutsinger reported today ("YELLEN: TOO EARLY TO DETERMINE…

AP Deceptively Covers Supremes' Stay of EPA 'Clean Power Plan' Reg

February 10th, 2016 11:56 PM
If you're a couple of reporters at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, it's one thing to be personally disappointed and even upset at yesterday's move by the Supreme Court to grant a stay to states challenging the "Clean Power Plan" regulation issued by the Obama administration's Environmental Protection Agency last October. It's quite another thing to falsely portray what…

Not News: January's Raw Job Losses Were the Third-Worst on Record

February 9th, 2016 8:56 AM
On Friday, in its January Employment Situation Summary, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics served up a stack of lemons disguised as lemonade. President Barack Obama declared in a tweet that "We've recovered from the worst economic crisis since the 1930s," and the press dutifully fell in line. The BLS reported that the economy added seasonally adjusted 151,000 payroll jobs and that the…

NY Times: Women Backing Sanders Need to 'Grow Up'

February 7th, 2016 5:43 PM
Hillary Clinton's campaign is in a place it doesn't want to be, and the New York Times really, really wants to help. Yesterday, Madeleine Albright told a New Hampshire audience at a Clinton rally that "there's a special place in Hell" for women who don't support Hillary. Her outrageous attempt to shame women into voting for Mrs. Clinton followed Gloria Steinem's Friday appearance on Bill Maher's…

Albright: 'Special Place in Hell' For Women Who Don't Vote For Hillary

February 6th, 2016 7:25 PM
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin referred to Madeleine Albright's somewhat well-known saying, found on a Starbucks coffee cup, that "There's a special place in Hell for women who don't help other women." At the time, Albright, who served as Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, huffed: "Though I am flattered that Governor Palin has chosen…

Biden Donors Want VP to Enter 2016 Race; AP, NY Times Ignore

February 6th, 2016 5:23 PM
Folks who get their news from a wide variety of sources likely know by now that there is enough concern about the electability of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders that a prominent Democratic Party donor has "emailed dozens of fans of Vice President Joe Biden on Friday, urging them to remain prepared to donate if Biden jumps into the (presidential) race." But two outlets which have become de…

On FNC, NPR's Liasson Rips 'Inexplicable' Move to Leave Out Fiorina

February 5th, 2016 10:52 PM
NPR's Mara Liasson went after ABC News on Fox News Channel's Special Report on Friday over their decision to not invite Carly Fiorina to their upcoming Republican presidential debate: "It's inexplicable. I don't know how they can stand up and explain why the only woman in the race — who placed above some of the people who are on the stage and has a delegate — is not there. I can't even imagine...…