Business Wires: US Weakness Didn't Influence Fed's No-Change Decision

September 19th, 2015 10:02 AM
The business press is trying to convince readers, listeners, and viewers that Janet Yellen's Federal Reserve kept interest rates at zero not because of U.S. economic conditions, which supposedly "look good" with "steady economic growth." No-no. She stayed the course because of the troubled tglobal economy. Thursday evening, Reuters wrote that the Fed failed to move "in a bow to worries about the…

AP's Riccardi Distorts, Misrepresents Impacts of Jeb Bush's Tax Plan

September 17th, 2015 2:21 PM
Either Nicholas Riccardi at the Associated Press is woefully ignorant, or he set out to deliberately mislead readers about the impact of Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush's tax plan. I'll report the details; readers here can decide for themselves. Riccardi's "analysis," contained in his Sunday morning writeup covering the tax proposals of Bush, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, contained the…

NY Times Headline: Rocks Propelled Themselves, Killing a Jewish Man

September 16th, 2015 10:53 PM
Nowhere is the anti-Israel bias of so much of the establishment press more evident than in its coverage of terror attacks and crimes committed by Palestinians. One such example occurred almost a year ago in the Associated Press. In that instance, the story concerned a Palestinian who drove his car into a crowd and killed a three-month old baby girl. He was in turn shot and killed by the police…

AP Hides the Obama Era's Poverty Rise, Household Income Decline

September 16th, 2015 5:21 PM
From its "Don't read this story, it's boring" headline to its obfuscating content, today's coverage at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, of the Census Bureau's 2014 report on income and poverty in the United States was all about ensuring that readers know as little as possible about the declining incomes and disheartening increases in officially-defined poverty seen during the…

Pictures Tell the Story: NBC Overhyped Anti-Trump Protest Numbers

September 16th, 2015 10:09 AM

The number of protesters present at GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's speech yesterday on board the USS Iowa is in dispute. Those who are claiming that there were "hundreds" of protesters are, from all appearances, greatly exaggerating their numbers. The Associated Press has been known in the past to overestimate leftist protesters' turnout at such events. AP reporter Steve Peoples was…

Delusional AP Report on Retail Sales Celebrates 'Surges' in Spending

September 15th, 2015 10:17 PM
Shortly after its release this morning, Josh Boak at the Associated Press posted his coverage of the Census Bureau's August retail sales report. On a seasonally adjusted basis, August's sales came in a very mediocre 0.2 percent greater than July. It's almost too kind to say that Boak's writeup was delusional. The AP reporter celebrated "surges" in spending, "fed ... by solid and steady job gains…

LAT, AP Ignore Dems' Economic Revolt Against California Enviro Zealots

September 14th, 2015 4:44 PM
You wouldn't know it from reading the national coverage by the Associated Press or stories at the Los Angeles Times, but California Governor Jerry Brown and his fellow far-left Democratic Party environmentalists suffered significant setbacks last week. How bad? So bad that the Times editorial board accused "a new crop of moderate Democratic legislators" of succumbing to "oil industry propaganda…

AP Portrays Baltimore Mayor Not Running For Reelection as a Victim

September 13th, 2015 11:01 PM
Paraphrasing the title of a song Linda Ronstadt made famous, the tune the Associated Press's Juliet Linderman sang Saturday morning in the wake of Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's decision to not to seek reelection was: "Poor, Poor, Pitiful She." That's right. Rawlings-Blake is a victim who is being "dogged by critics who questioned whether she was fit to lead." Linderman made that…

AP Thinks Lowest Deficit in 8 Years Is News, But Not Record Spending

September 12th, 2015 7:42 PM
Friday's report on the federal government's budget deficit through August told us that with one month remaining in the fiscal year, Uncle Sam will certainly "achieve" an all-time single-year record in tax collections accompanied by all-time record spending. The Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger apparently didn't consider either item newsworthy. Instead, he decided that the real news is this…

Columbus Dispatch Fails to Note Largely Empty Room at Hillary Speech

September 11th, 2015 1:37 AM
Though it's not exactly a secret that supporting John Kasich is hardly an indicator of genuine conservatism, Buckeye State liberals frequently whine that the Columbus Dispatch is a right-wing rag which gets behind Ohio's Republican Governor at every turn. If the Dispatch is so instinctively conservative, how does one explain reporter Darrel Rowland's apparent original exercise in cheerleading as…

AP Treats Bloated Wholesale Inventories As a Positive

September 10th, 2015 11:14 PM
Today's Monthly Wholesale Trade report from the Census Bureau covering July was the latest in a wave of disappointing reports on business activity this year. Wholesale inventories remained very high, while sales turned in a seventh consecutive month of year-over-year declines. Much of that sales decline is due to the fall in oil prices during the past year. But even after factoring that out,…

Napolitano Rips 'Unprecedented' Freddie Gray Payout Before Cops' Trial

September 10th, 2015 4:02 PM
On Megyn Kelly's Fox News show on Wednesday, Andrew Napolitano sharply criticized the city of Baltimore's agreement to pay $6.4 million to the family of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old black man who died in police custody there in April. The Associated Press and most of the rest of the establishment press are describing the city's payout, which was approved on Thursday, as a "settlement" — an odd…

NY Times Pretends Baltimore Had Only One Night of 'Looting and Arson'

September 10th, 2015 1:16 AM
The folks at the New York Times must believe not only that their reporters are entitled to inject their opinions into hard-news stories, but that they can also inject their own "facts." Oh, and they can change those facts at will over time to fit the circumstances. Sheryl Gay Stolberg's Wednesday story about the city's $6.4 million settlement with the family of Freddie Gray appearing in Thursday…

AP Headline on Stiffed Ill. Lottery Winners Doesn't Note Their Lawsuit

September 9th, 2015 10:31 PM
It would be easy to conclude, based on its treatment of a story about Illinois lottery winners suing to force the state to disburse their payouts, that the Associated Press really doesn't want readers and its subscribing outlets to learn about it. This "keep them in the dark" approach is consistent with a previous AP story on the state's failure to pay lottery winners. Let's start with that…