At AP, Little Coverage of Dem Candidates' Complaints About Economy

September 8th, 2015 3:21 PM
Democrats' current and potential candidates for their party's 2016 presidential nomination continue to complain about various aspects of the economy. They continue to make no connection between their complaints and the fact that Democrat Barack Obama has been in the White House for over six years. Obama has for the most part operated either under the conditions created by the 2009-2010 Congress…

Press: Aug. Job Growth Lowballed; If Revised, It Will Still Be Weak

September 6th, 2015 11:51 PM
A popular meme in the wake of Friday's jobs report seen at many media outlets is that August's reported job growth of 173,000 seasonally adjusted jobs is a virtual lock to be revised up by 50,000, or 78,000, or perhaps even more, since such revisions during the past three years have been unusually large. Well, since they opened that can of worms, let me make clear to everyone that even if those…

NY Times Tags Kim Davis As a Republican, Blames 'Editing Error'

September 6th, 2015 9:00 PM
At the New York Times, a Thursday report by Alan Blinder and Tamar Lewin, with assistance credited to two others, originally identified Rowan County clerk Kim Davis, the center of national attention who has been jailed over her refusal to issue marriage licenses containing her name to homosexual couples, as a Republican. (The press has been mighty quiet about acknowledging that Ms. Davis would be…

AP Tech Writer Gives Colluding Companies an Unearned Free Pass

September 5th, 2015 11:30 PM
Here's a little parlor exercise readers can conduct with their friends who think that high-tech CEOs are the innovative saints of the universe. The game would be to take the first three paragraphs of Michael Liedtke's Associated Press report on the collusion settlement to which that industry's major players just acquiesced, and revise it to reflect a different industry far less favored by the…

AP Coverage of Manufacturing Continues to Ignore Its Steep Decline

September 3rd, 2015 11:54 PM
The press's failure to tell the public how seriously the U.S. economy is struggling is not the most egregious exercise in reality avoidance we've seen during the past several months. The willful denial of Iran's intent to destroy Israel and its Western enemies, the refusal to acknowledge the inherent institutional ugliness of Planned Parenthood, and the failure to accurately characterize Hillary…

Media Hand Obama ‘Major Victory’ as Most Oppose Iran Deal

September 2nd, 2015 3:57 PM
Despite most Americans and members of Congress being opposed to President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, on Wednesday, the press proclaimed that the White House eking out just enough Democrats to sustain a veto against legislation stopping the deal was a “major victory” for the commander-in-chief.

Why Is the Press So Quiet About Ill. Lottery Winners Not Getting Paid?

August 31st, 2015 11:37 PM
Silly me. I really thought that every state's lottery operation was walled off from the rest of its finances. They collect bets, pay out winnings and administrative costs, and turn over the profits to general fund. End of discussion. No muss, no fuss. Right? In Illinois, based on recent developments, we know that's obviously not the case — leading me to wonder how many other states potentially…

Press Ignores 20K+ March in Birmingham, Fawns Over 'Black Lives Matter

August 31st, 2015 3:00 PM
On Saturday, "more than 20,000" people — perhaps as many as 25,000 to 30,000, according to some police — marched through the streets of Birmingham, Alabama at a Glenn Beck-led "Restoring Unity" rally chanting "All Lives Matter." The event has been described as possibly "the largest march in Birmingham since the civil rights marches of 1963." Searches at Google News and at the Associated Press's…

AP: Obama Admin Kansas Funding Cutoff Over PP Funding Is a Local Story

August 29th, 2015 10:21 AM
Three weeks ago, concerning Associated Press coverage of investigations into Planned Parenthood's baby body parts business, I noted that "Bad news for Planned Parenthood gets only local coverage," while "Exculpatory news, even if artificially concocted, gets national exposure." Add the following to that observation: Obama administration attempts to punish states for attempts to defund Planned…

U of M, AP Falsely Blame Consumer Sentiment Drop on Market Plunge

August 28th, 2015 10:22 PM
At the Associated Press today, Christopher Rugaber appears to have played along with a game of make-believe in his coverage of the August release of the University of Michigan's Survey of Consumers. The index dropped for the second straight month, this time from 93.1 to 91.9, a point below August's prelimnary reading of 92.9. That trailed expectations that it would come in at 93.0. The survey's…

NY Times Runs Interference as Hillary Bogusly Takes 'Responsibility'

August 26th, 2015 11:07 PM
I'm sure we all feel better now that Hillary Clinton, as reported by the New York Times late Wednesday afternoon, "took responsibility" for "her decision to use only private email while she was secretary of state." Well, no — and Times reporter Maggie Haberman should (and probably does) know why that doesn't cut it. Mrs. Clinton still maintained on Wednesday that investigations currently in…

AP, Making Excuses for Hillary, Admits She Sent Classified Emails

August 26th, 2015 8:06 PM
Over at the Associated Press this afternoon (later updated), Ken Dilanian, with the help of four other reporters, prepared a lengthy dispatch attempting to defend 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's email and private-server practices. Boiled down to its essence: Boiled down to its essence: "[D]iplomats routinely sent secret material on unsecured email during the past two…

AP Drags Bush 43 Into Coverage of IG's Report on Solyndra

August 26th, 2015 5:39 PM
Almost four years ago, solar energy manufacturer Solyndra filed for bankruptcy, leaving the federal government with a loan guarantee-related loss of up to $535 million. The Energy Department's inspector general released a report on the debacle today. At the Associated Press, reporter Kevin Freking made sure readers knew that the loan guarantee program began under President George W. Bush, but…

Venezuela's Govt. Largely Avoiding Media Blame For Economic Calamity

August 26th, 2015 11:44 AM
As Venezuela's Chavista economy under Nicolas Maduro continues to crumble, the Associated Press and others in the media to describe its problems as if they came out of nowhere instead of originating with its statist, oppressive government. Examples follow the jump.