Apple Gets Kid-Glove Treatment After CEO Emails CNBC's Jim Cramer

August 25th, 2015 1:01 PM
It doesn't seem likely that an oil company CEO would get the benefit of the doubt Apple CEO Tim Cook received from the press yesterday after he emailed well-known financial commentator and investment adviser Jim Cramer about his company's performance in China. In an email read over the air on CNBC, Cook reported that "we have continued to experience strong growth for our business in China…

The Dean Pipedream: Hillary's Scandal 'Manufactured' by 'Bored' Press

August 23rd, 2015 11:31 PM
11-1/2 years ago, we had the "Dean Scream." After finishing a disappointing third in the Iowa caucuses, 2004 Democratic presidential candidate and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean attempted to further fire up his strangely giddy supporters by telling them about upcoming state primaries they would fight to win. After finishing his list, Dean told them: "And then we're going to Washington, DC to…

Barely News: Two-Thirds of Blacks Prefer 'All Lives Matter'

August 23rd, 2015 10:16 AM
Most of us have heard it by now. If you have the audacity to point out in a conversation or speech that "All lives matter," you're a hateful, violent raging racist out to undermine the (white guy George Soros-funded) "Black Lives Matter" movement. Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley have toth made the "mistake" of contending that "All lives matter" during the…

LA Times Relays Planned Parenthood's '3 Percent' Abortions Myth

August 22nd, 2015 11:44 PM
Earlier today, I noted that Los Angeles Times reporter Maria L. La Ganga compared the heroic undercover work done by investigators at the Center for Medical Progress to the 2004 efforts of the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth. She meant it as a negative, claiming that the Swift Vets' assertions about Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's service in Vietnam and his antiwar activities…

After Market's Disastrous Day, AP Makes Several Wishful Assertions

August 21st, 2015 11:47 PM
Tonight's report at the Associated Press in the wake of Wall Street's disastrous day isn't quite an Animal House moment — "Remain Calm! All Is Well!" — but it's more than fair to say that the wire service's Matthew Craft and Bernard Condon allowed quite a bit of wishful thinking into their writeup. In late June, I noted that the AP's Ken Sweet asked a very important question about China ("IS…

AP Report on Hillary's Emails Ignores Judge's Order, Reuters Bombshell

August 21st, 2015 4:16 PM
The time stamp on an Associated Press report on Hillary Clinton's email "worries" ("CLINTON FACING FRESH WORRIES IN CONGRESS OVER EMAILS") by Ken Thomas and Julie Bykowicz this morning is 11:21 a.m. Eastern Time. Despite that time stamp, the report fails to mention a bombshell report from Reuters ("Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest") originally posted at…

Crickets: Fed Official Finds No Evidence That QE Accomplished Anything

August 20th, 2015 10:26 AM
Imagine if, in 1987, a Federal Reserve official could have pointed to a poorly performing economy and said, "Gee, this supply-side economics hasn't worked out very well." The press would surely have treated the story as a front-page item and ensured that it got air time on the Big Three networks' then-dominant nightly news broadcasts. Of course, there was no such credible report, because the…

AP Keeps Hillary's 'With a Cloth?' Response Out of Coverage

August 19th, 2015 5:45 PM
The Associated Press works very hard to ensure that its subscribing outlets and low-information voters who rely solely on its work — knowingly or unknowingly — never learn about Hillary Clinton's smart-aleck, sarcastic, condescending, reality-avoiding behavior. Tuesday night, four AP reporters (saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) — Jack Gillum and Stephen Braun in…

AP Finds No Policy-Driven Causes Why Millennials Can't Buy Homes

August 17th, 2015 6:32 PM
Several commenters at my econ-related posts during the past several months here at NewsBusters and my home blog have noted how Washington's mix of high deficits, over-regulation, and quantitative easing never seem to get any kind of blame for the economy in establishment press coverage. One could hardly find a better example of that deliberate avoidance than Josh Boak's writeup today at the…

Japan's Economy Contracts Again; Press Prescribes Even More 'Stimulus'

August 17th, 2015 1:20 PM

Japan, once a feared world economic powerhouse already at "two decades of little or no real economic growth," just reported that its economy contracted during the second quarter at an annual rate of 1.6 percent. The common thread throughout the two-decade slump has been the alleged need for ever-increasing levels of Keynesian "stimulus." Apparently refusing to believe there are any other…


ABC Reports That Hillary's Server Was 'Likely' Backed Up; Press Yawns

August 17th, 2015 12:01 AM
Today on ABC's This Week, Jonathan Karl reported that "Platte River Networks, the Colorado company which set up (Hillary) Clinton's servers, told ABC News that it's highly likely that a full backup of the server was made, meaning those thousands of emails she deleted may still exist." This from all appearances huge development has only drawn the interest of several center-right blogs and outlets…

Word Non-Association at AP: 'Hillary' and 'Crime'

August 15th, 2015 10:49 AM
All you need to know about the Associated Press's interest in accurately reporting current developments in the investigations into 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private email server is this: A search at its national site on "Hillary crime" (not in quotes) returns nothing. Ken Thomas's coverage of the former Secretary of State's "forceful defense" last night in "a…

Not News: StemExpress's Thursday Courtroom Setback Against CMP

August 14th, 2015 11:50 PM
As Spencer Raley at NewsBusters noted earlier this evening, StemExpress, "the now infamous biomedical company which allegedly bought fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood for profit, is breaking off its relationship with the nation’s leading abortion provider." Raley referenced a Politico item by Jennifer Haberkorn with a mid-afternoon Friday time stamp. As far as I can tell, it is the only…

AP Promotes 'Highly Charged' But 'Essential' Fetal Tissue Research

August 14th, 2015 6:43 AM
The Associated Press devoted nearly 800 words Tuesday to promoting fetal tissue research in the midst of Planned Parenthood’s ongoing baby parts-for-profit scandal.  Its story, titled “Scientists say fetal tissue essential for medical research,” hyped the “potential” of using cells garnered from aborted babies to further medicine. AP reporters Collin Binkley and Carla K. Johnson fretted that “…