
AP’s Pace Claims ‘Not Much Diversity’ in GOP Field, Gets Corrected

July 31st, 2015 2:43 PM
Talking to the latest Republican to enter the 2016 presidential race, former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore, on Fox News’s Special Report Thursday, Associated Press White House correspondent Julie Pace worried about the makeup of the GOP field: “If you look at the 17 Republican candidates right now, there's not much diversity in terms of gender and race. What does that say to the American public…

Deadpan Humor at AP: 'Job Market Is Not Yet Back to Full Health'

July 31st, 2015 11:22 AM
Christopher Rugaber at the Associated Press and the "expert" he quoted in his writeup on the government's awful Employment Cost Index report seemed to be taking their cues from Steven Wright's deadpan comedy act. The problem, of course, is that they were writing and saying isn't funny at all. Rugaber, with his "expert" help, assembled an impressive array of understatements and misstatements in…

Ohio Press Mostly Ignores Black Democrat's Inspiring Pro-Life Speech

July 30th, 2015 11:46 PM
Ohio's newspapers have reported that two state legislators, one Democrat and one Republican, are cosponsoring a bill to defund Planned Parenthood in the Buckeye State. But they have mostly failed to note the key points made by Cleveland Democrat Bill Patmon in his inspiring, passionate speech at an Ohio Right to Life rally announcing his cosponsorship. You see, Mr. Patmon is black, and he has…

Venezuela Orders Food Providers: 'Divert' Output to Empty State Stores

July 29th, 2015 6:23 PM
The news out of Venezuela has apparently become so grim that the arguably Chavista-sympathetic press barely bothers to report it in any kind of sutstantive fashion. Inflation has gone wild, the level of violent crime has become frightening, and the government has taken to jailing citizens who dare to tweet their dissatisfaction with the regime of Nicolas Makuro (note that the linked report was…

'Unexpectedly' Again: Pending Home Sales Fall 1.8 Percent

July 29th, 2015 3:46 PM
Yet another important economic statistic confidently predicted to rise has fallen — hard. This time it was June's pending sales of existing homes. Just in time for summer, they were predicted to increase by a seasonally adjusted 1.0 percent to 1.5 percent. Instead they fell by 1.8 percent, the steepest drop since December 2013. Additionally, May's original 0.9 percent increase was revised down…

AP Fails to Note That Consumer Confidence Drop Is Worst in Four Years

July 28th, 2015 6:08 PM
The Conference Board's July Consumer Confidence report released earlier today threw a heavy dose of cold water on the idea that the economy might finally achieve a broad-based, genuine recovery this year. Despite month after month of "all is well" reporting — and excuse-making when all hasn't been well — from the U.S. business press, the American public has apparently finally figured out that…

Press Mostly Fails to Note Union Exemptions in Some Minimum-Wage Laws

July 27th, 2015 11:52 PM
I guess the slogan of labor has changed from "Look for the union label" to "Look for the union waiver." The Los Angeles Times published a long front-page story early this morning on an issue some people thought disappeared after its initial exposure two months ago. The issue is whether union workers should be exempt from minimum wage laws, especially the sky-high minimums being enacted in some U…

AP Waits Four Paragraphs to Reveal Size of Historic Chinese Stock Dive

July 27th, 2015 3:17 PM
Based on how they handled it today, it's pretty obvious that the Associated Press's Ken Sweet and his wire service's headline writers want the lowest possible number of users of their reporting — consumers and subscribing print and broadcast outlets — to know about the mainland Chinese stock market's historically deep 8.5 percent Monday dive. It took four paragraphs for Sweet to get to the…

Obsessed AP Whines About Perry's 'Pricy,' 'High-Powered' Legal Team

July 27th, 2015 12:32 AM
2016 GOP presidential candidate and former Texas Governor Rick Perry is fighting a legal battle against an out-of-control Lone Star State county. That county's prosecutor has sued Perry, claiming that a) he committed an illegal act of "coercion" by threatening to veto legislation funding a "public integrity" office headed by Travis County's Rosemary Lehmberg, who was convicted of drunk driving in…

AP's Lederman Believes Obama Got 'Three-Quarters of a Loaf' With Iran

July 25th, 2015 10:41 AM
I'm virtually certain that he wouldn't dream of it, but the Associated Press's Josh Lederman seriously needs to consider correcting two extremely embarrassing paragraphs he wrote in his coverage of President Obama's appearance on Jon Stewart's Daily Show earlier this week. At the 15:03 mark of the Comedy Central video following the jump, Obama treated Stewart as if he's a legitimate journalist,…

Bozell & Graham Column: Is Social Liberalism Winning?

July 25th, 2015 7:57 AM
The end of the Supreme Court term was depressing for conservatives. The double-whammy of a 50-state mandate for gay marriage and the upholding of Obamacare sounded the alarms for religious freedom. All that unease is measurable.  Credit The Washington Post for doing precisely that. The polling team has just reported, “Liberals have won a string of victories on gay marriage and health care reform…

Sympathetic AP on Hillary Emails: Darn It, They're Such a Distraction

July 24th, 2015 11:50 PM
The press — especially the Associated Press — wants everyone to know that the email controversy "swirling" around her is partisan and distracting. Why anyone would worry about its national security or legal implications is almost completely lost on them. That's their story, and they've been sticking to it for months. The latest installment from the AP came tonight from Lisa Lerner, Eric Tucker…

New-Home Sales 'Unexpectedly' Dive; AP Says They're Just 'Not As Hot'

July 24th, 2015 6:48 PM
Thanks to year-over-year declines in manufacturing orders, manufacturing shipments, and wholesale sales, along with bloated inventories, apologists for the current condition of the U.S. economy are down to three defenses supposedly demonstrating that all is still really well after yet another rough first quarter (once again excused away as due to supposedly historically awful winter weather).…

Sekulow Sets the Record Straight on Obama's Denial of IRS Targeting

July 22nd, 2015 11:18 PM
Earlier today, Geoffrey Dickens at NewsBusters noted how the Big Three morning network news shows on NBC, ABC, and CBS failed to cover President Barack Obama's denial that the Internal Revenue Service ever went after Tea Party and other conservative groups in his appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Specifically Obama said that "it turned out no ... the truth of the matter is there was…