
5 Days On, Press Won't Acknowledge Chattanooga Killer's Likely Motive

July 21st, 2015 11:45 PM
After five days, President Obama finally today ordered "that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds" and at other official federal locations until sunset on Saturday to honor the five victims of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez's murder spree in Chattanooga, Tennessee last Thurday. Though the White House will never admit…

AP and The Hill Look at Same Survey, Post Sharply Different Reports

July 20th, 2015 11:32 PM
The National Association of Business Economics released its quarterly survey of its members' take on the state of the current and future economy today. Given that the survey only had 112 responses, it's probably not a good idea to generalize too much about its results. That didn't stop The Hill from headlining Vicki Needham's writeup by far too optimistically declaring that "Business leaders…

AP, Reuters Fail to Connect Latest A&P Bankruptcy to Its Unions

July 20th, 2015 6:54 PM
The company officially known as the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. has filed for bankruptcy for the second time in five years. This time around, the storied "A&P" name may completely disappear. Coverage at USA Today by Nathan Bomey notes that "About 93% (of its workers) are represented by one of 12 different unions, and many of them have bumping rights that the company has described as…

AP-GfK Poll Shows Gay Marriage Debate Far From Over

July 20th, 2015 1:51 PM
A new AP-GfK Poll released Saturday indicates the gay marriage debate is far from over. The survey conducted from July 9-13 shows support for gay marriage in America has slipped to 42 percent, with 40 percent opposing, and 18 percent taking no position on the controversial issue. Along these lines, only 39 percent of those polled supported the recent Supreme Court ruling.

After Tenn. Massacre, AP Asks Earnest About 'Father-Daughter Weekend'

July 20th, 2015 12:46 AM
On Friday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest held his first press briefing after the massacre of then-four, now-five Americans "at a military recruiting office and a Navy-Marine operations center a few miles apart" in Chattanooga, Tennessee. A mere three minutes into that briefing, thanks to the Associated Press's Darlene Superville, he was already on another topic: President Obama's…

Huge Media Cover-Up of Criminal Charges Against Gay Leader

July 16th, 2015 4:49 PM
Last November, Terrence Bean was taken into custody in Portland, Oregon following an indictment by a jury that charged him with multiple sex crimes against minors. Now additional child sexual abuse charges have been made against him. Why isn't the media covering this? Because he's a prominent gay leader, that's why.

AP Fails to Note Falling Shipments to Explain Flat Manufacturing

July 15th, 2015 11:44 PM
The serious sales slumps combined with inventory buildups in manufacturing and wholesale industries, documented in previous NewsBusters posts, continues. So does the establishment press's determination to ignore them. At the Associated Press today, Christopher Rugaber was tasked to cover the Federal Reserve's June release on Industrial Production. The good news is that the Fed report showed an…

AP: Planned Parenthood Talked About 'Disposition of Fetal Remains'

July 15th, 2015 12:04 AM
We've long known that the Associated Press is loath to refer to unborn children as unborn children, preferring the clinical term "fetus." But in covering a shocking new story about how Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue from aborted babies for profit, the AP bent over backwards to use clinical euphemisms to soften the blow of the ghoulish practice.

AP Hides Another Decline, This Time in Manufacturing and Trade Sales

July 14th, 2015 7:47 PM
First, the good news. The Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger didn't handle his coverage of today's release of May's "Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales" report by the Census Bureau as incompetently as he did the report on wholesale sales and inventories he filed on Friday. Visitors here may recall that the AP reporter referred to a key figure as "inventories" when it really…

At AP, Too-Convenient Mislabeling Hides Steep Wholesale Sales Decline

July 11th, 2015 3:11 AM
Martin Crutsinger has been a business and economics writer at the Associated Press for over three decades. Certain people in high places apparently hold him in high regard. In early 2014, on his 30th anniversary with the wire service, he is said to have received congratulatory letters from soon-to-be Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, soon-to-be-former chair Ben Bernanke and Obama administration…

Nets Too Busy Hyping Parade to Notice Obama Admin. Defying Court

July 10th, 2015 9:42 PM
On Friday, ABC, CBS, and NBC's evening newscasts all ignored how the Obama administration issued the latest version of its abortifacient/contraception mandate under ObamaCare, which ignores multiple court rulings against it – including the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling in 2014 – and again tries to force religious non-profits to fund drugs that they consider to be immoral. Instead, the Big…

AP Blames Congress, Not Obama, For OPM Data Breach

July 10th, 2015 6:39 PM
Of all the media memes ever attempted, the one blaming Republicans for the fact that now-resigned Office of Personnel Management Director Katherine Aruchleta was confirmed is high on the list of the most ridiculous ever. A reasonably close runnerup is the idea that Congress failed "to adequately fund OPM." Matt Balan at NewsBusters covered CNN's ridiculous tweeted claim that "Republicans…

AP Pair: Sit Back and Accept This Lousy 'New Normal' Job Market

July 8th, 2015 11:40 PM
As seen in two previous posts at NewsBusters, once the Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber didn't get the job market "nearing full health" he expected and briefly thought he got in Thursday's jobs report, he quickly downgraded it to "painting a mixed picture," and took it further down to "a bleaker picture" about eight hours later. That still left the problem, six years after the recession's…

AP Changed June Jobs Report Take Again, From 'Mixed' to 'Bleaker'

July 8th, 2015 12:07 PM
The Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber had a very bad day on Thursday as he covered the government's June jobs report, but it was all self-inflicted. I noted much of the problem in a NewsBusters post yesterday, citing how the AP economics writer got badly burned while engaging in the wire service's usual practice of analyzing expected and reported economic results instead of concentrating on…