Not National News: Couple's $135K 'Gay Wedding Cake' Refusal Fine

July 6th, 2015 4:31 PM
Regardless of one's stance on these issues, it should be obvious that if the legalization of same-sex "marriage" is a national story, the determination by the radical left and its government "civil rights" enforcers to brutally punish those who won't support it because it violates the religious beliefs of the "offenders" should also be. The former dominated the news last week. But the Associated…

AP: Obamacare a Likely Factor in 'Increasing Part-Time Employment'

July 6th, 2015 12:25 PM
Though the Associated Press is now basically admitting it, we all knew it. Obamacare's 30-hours-per-week definition of a "full-time employee" for employer health insurance coverage purposes has been responsible for one of the fundamentally negative changes in the American workforce — a noticeable move away from full-time to part-time employment. In a report with a current Saturday morning time…

Factory Orders Dive Again; AP, As Usual, Hides Full Extent of Decline

July 5th, 2015 11:57 PM
All the attention given to the decidedly mixed employment report the government issued early Thursday morning and the ongoing debt drama in Greece overshadowed a very disappointing release on factory orders which arrived from the Census Bureau 90 minutes later. In a cursory eight-paragraph report at the Associated Press, Martin Crutsinger relayed the basic bad news, but studiously avoided citing…

Bozell & Graham Column: The Media and the Slippery Sex Slope

June 30th, 2015 10:52 PM
Friday’s gay-marriage mandate from the Supreme Court is merely the latest “landmark” decision on the slippery slope toward obliterating any definition of consensual deviancy. We haven’t defined deviancy down. We’ve shredded it. Now, it’s social conservatives who have become the focus of fear, violence, and discrimination for maintaining their deeply held religious views that homosexuality is a…

AP Writer Dodges Own Question on the State of China's Slowing Economy

June 29th, 2015 3:12 PM
The world's financial markets had a terrible Monday. The debt crisis in Greece (population: 11 million) has been dominating the headlines and the press's attention, while serious deterioration in China (population: 1.36 billion) is getting short shrift. It isn't just that the mainland Chinese stock market has broken the bear-market decline threshold of 20 percent in less than three weeks,…

Notable Quotables: Media Cheer: 'ObamaCare 2, Conservatives Zero'

June 29th, 2015 8:57 AM
This week, reporters cheer the Supreme Court ruling which saved ObamaCare from its own sloppiness, with ABC's Terry Moran enthusing: "'ObamaCare 2, conservatives 0' is the score right now," while NBC's newly-elevated anchor Lester Holt trumpets how "so many families" say the government takeover of health care has been "quite literally a lifesaver." And, Rolling Stone smears the GOP as provoking…

Press Dances Around Iran's 'Negotiation' for No Weapon Inspections

June 28th, 2015 11:43 PM
It would be nice if the establishment press, including the folks at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, had spent a bit less time this past week preparing for and celebrating the Supreme Court's sadly as-expected Obamacare and same-sex "marriage" rulings, and a bit more on giving readers, listeners and viewers genuine updates on the horrid state of U.S. "negotiations" with Iran…

Press Ignores Sheldon Whitehouse's Desire to Sue Climate Skeptics

June 27th, 2015 12:39 PM
While the press looks to twist even the most innocuous statements made by Republicans and conservatives into something scandalous or outrageous (e.g., Mitt Romney's "binders full of women"), they routinely ignore intemperate remarks by leftist politicians and activists. If known, they would likely damage the credibility and public perception of those making such statements. Of course, the left-…

EPA Chief: Climate Skeptics Are Not 'Normal People'; Press Snoozes

June 25th, 2015 11:58 PM
Though such instances are quite rare, especially from conservative and Republican office-holding politicians and bureaucrats, we've been told time and again by the left that it's people on the right who demonize and dehumanize their opponents. Well, I don't recall George W. Bush, anyone in his administration, or any Republican congressman or senator serving at the time of his tax cuts or during…

AP: Let's Not Say 'Committed Suicide,' Makes It Sound Illegal

June 25th, 2015 11:01 PM
Wesley Smith at pointed out that the Associated Press is modifying its Stylebook to show some sensitivity to the “assisted suicide” lobby. The AP Stylebook account on Twitter issued these instructions: "A new entry [in the Stylebook] covers suicide in news reports –  'committed suicide' should be avoided except in direct quotes from authorities."

AP Ignores Bad Economic Data, Treats 2nd Quarter 'Rebound' As Certain

June 25th, 2015 1:32 PM
Yesterday, the government revised the economy's first-quarter contraction from the annualized 0.7 percent it reported in May to 0.2 percent. In covering that news, the Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber spent most of his report speculating about the second quarter's impending "rebound" as if its existence is absolutely certain, citing only the items which would cause readers to believe that'…

NPR Calls Hillary's 'All Lives Matter' Statement a '3-Word Misstep'

June 24th, 2015 10:56 PM
The politically correct speech police are everywhere these days. Many members of the leftist establishment have taken it upon themselves to aid in their enforcement efforts. No one is safe — not even the person they want us to believe is destined to be the Democrats' 2016 presidential nominee. Yesterday, at a Florissant, Missouri church only five miles from Ferguson, Hillary Clinton uttered the…

AP Retreats, Removes Photo of Gun Pointed at Ted Cruz's Head

June 24th, 2015 10:23 AM
After an uproar, the Associated Press backed down and removed a photo of a gun pointed at the head of Senator Ted Cruz. In a statement to Breitbart, AP Vice President and Director of Media Relations Paul Colford conceded, "Five of the photos show Mr. Cruz with images of a pistol pointing at his head and upon consideration we have decided to remove those photos from further licensing through AP…

Jonathan Who? AP, NY Times Set the Stage For Gruber News Blackout

June 23rd, 2015 10:55 PM
Two recent NewsBusters posts have demonstrated that the major broadcast networks other than Fox News have failed to cover new information reported Sunday evening at the Wall Street Journal. Newly available emails reveal that MIT's Jonathan Gruber "worked more closely than previously known with the White House and top federal officials to shape" the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Monday…