Not Reported: The South Is Carrying the Nation's Homebuilding Industry

November 19th, 2014 11:52 PM
Today at the Assocated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Martin Crustsinger covered the Census Bureau's report on new home construction in the usual way. Regardless of whether a given month shows improving or declining data, the wire service's overall message is almost invariably, "Things are really getting better. No, really." The sentence promoting that point of view in Crutsinger's…

Keynesian Fail: Japan 'Unexpectedly' Falls Into Another Recession

November 18th, 2014 11:41 PM

There were several more of those infamous "U-word" ("unexpectedly") sightings yesterday in the business press, as Japan — to the surprise of no one who has successfully avoided the Keynesian koolaid — reported that its economy shrank for the second quarter in a row, officially falling into yet another recession. The U-word hit the trifecta, appearing in reports at the Associated Press,…

Terse AP Story Shows It Clearly Wants the Gruber Story to Go Away

November 18th, 2014 8:25 PM
As I noted yesterday, the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, finally broke down on Friday and mentioned the name "Jonathan Gruber" in a news story — a Friday afternoon item which, among other things, dishonestly attempted to distance the Affordable Care Act advisor from his long acknowledged and celebrated (until recently) "architect" role. As of early this evening, the only other…

Fournier: Obama Destroyed Government's Credibility

November 18th, 2014 12:27 PM
Two cheers — and two cheers only — for the National Journal's Ron Fournier. On Fox News's Special Report with Bret Baier last night, the former Associated Press Washington Bureau chief observed that the Jonathan Gruber videos about how the Affordable Care Act was dishonestly written and promoted, as well as President Barack Obama's reaction to those revelations, demonstrate that he (Obama) "has…

AP's Elliott Tries to Separate Gruber From Obamacare 'Architect' Role

November 17th, 2014 11:42 PM
The Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press — the entity which to our great misfortune is considered the de facto news source of record by the nation's establishment press — finally broke down several days ago and mentioned the name "Jonathan Gruber" in a news story. Of course, the wire service saved Philip Elliott's story for Friday afternoon to minimize its visibility; the time stamp…

ABC, NBC, LAT Censorship of Gruber Videos Continues Into Eighth Day

November 15th, 2014 6:06 PM
As of Saturday afternoon and a full eight days after the first video of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber surfaced, major broadcast networks ABC and NBC and the Los Angeles Times have persisted in keeping their audiences in the dark on this story.  Over the course of Friday evening and Saturday morning, news outlets that previously had ignored Gruber arrived on the scene included the …

Gruber, Confirmed In White House Logs: Obama Discussed Tax Subterfuge

November 13th, 2014 8:22 PM
I think this makes six videos (CNN says they have Number 4, and I believe this is Number 5) of Obamacare co-architect Jonathan Gruber giving away the Obama administration's comprehensively deceptive game in drafting and promoting the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. The most relevant 40-second snip is at the YouTube account and a Thursday afternoon post by the indispensable Jim Hoft at…

AP's Tobacco-Ban Town Hearing Story Acts As If 'Rowdy' Crowd Ended It

November 13th, 2014 4:10 PM
Amy Crawford of the Associated Press, who wrote the wire service's original Sunday story about a proposed first-in-the-nation ban on the sale of all tobacco products in the town of Westminster, Massachusetts, covered the town's Wednesday night public hearing. While it's nice that Crawford followed up on her original story, her opening paragraph, based on the facts as I understand them and…

ANOTHER Gruber 'Stupid Voters' Vid Appears; Fox's Megyn Kelly Goes Off

November 12th, 2014 12:42 AM
If Jonathan Gruber, the Obama administration and the establishment press thought that Gruber's faux mea culpa appearance on MSNBC Tuesday afternoon would get them off the hook and avoid the need to deal with and cover the Obamacare architect's exposure of the left's mendacity, they were sadly mistaken. There's yet another damning "stupid voters" video. Megyn Kelly was all over it Tuesday night,…

Man Finding Damning Gruber Vids Faults Press Failure to Uncover Them

November 11th, 2014 4:31 PM
David Weigel's writeup this afternoon at Bloomberg Politics ("Meet the Mild-Mannered Investment Advisor Who's Humiliating the Administration Over Obamacare") is about the guy who has found at least two incriminating videos of Jonathan Gruber revealing the true intentions behind the Affordable Care Act. In some respects, it's well done and interesting. What's not well done is Bloomberg's choice…

Massachusetts Town Wants to Ban Tobacco; But What About Pot?

November 11th, 2014 10:26 AM
A Sunday Associated Press item carried at its national news site informs readers that the town of Westminster in north central Massachusetts is seriously considering a ban on tobacco products. The Boston Globe covered the story in a lengthy report on October 28, and the Washington Post carried a brief item at its GovBeat blog that same day. None of those three items addressed an obvious question…

AP's Werner Channels CBS's Cordes in Covering New House Members

November 9th, 2014 10:40 AM
Saturday morning, Erica Werner at the Associated Press, aka the Administratino's Press, channeled her inner Nancy Cordes to play "gotcha" with Republicans who won election to the House on Tuesday. Werner's report essentially regurgitated Cordes's petulance in the CBS reporter's question directed at House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday. Cordes identified supposedly stupid or ill-advised things…

AP Pretends Obama Team Was Interested in 'Cooperation' at Friday Lunch

November 8th, 2014 10:05 AM
Late Friday afternoon, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and Republicans in Washington got their first taste of what they will likely see from the supposedly "objective" reporters at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, as they cover their relationship with President Obama and his White House apparatachiks during the next two years. The headline at a story by Nedra Pickler and Erica…

25 Years After Berlin Wall's Fall, AP Almost Completely Ignores Reagan

November 7th, 2014 10:52 PM
A search at the Associated Press's national site tonight on "Berlin Wall" (not in quotes) returns 14 stories. Changing that search to "Berlin Wall Reagan" reduces that number to one. That single story is a short, seven-paragraph item about sections of the wall which are on display in different parts of the world. Reagan's name gets mentioned as follows: