AP Couldn't Bring Itself to Say 'Walker Won' in Wisconsin Tues. Night

November 6th, 2014 10:00 PM
That the folks at the Associated Press have had it in for Scott Walker for over 3-1/2 years has been quite obvious. The wire service's reporters, particularly Scott Bauer, have made their personal opposition quite clear, sometimes quite bitterly and often dishonestly, to Walker's Act 10 and other policies in their supposedly "objective" reports. So it wasn't any surprise, or really even a…

Bozell & Graham Column: The Domestic Violence Blacklist

November 1st, 2014 7:55 AM
The "No More" TV advertisement blitz against domestic violence by professional athletes is obnoxious and reeks of political correctness. Exactly why does the public need to be indoctrinated about this, as if the audience for "Monday Night Football" is to blame? It's another reason to stop watching this sport. But there is another reason to be opposed to this clearly political pressure campaign.…

AP Wants Readers to Believe Fed's Easing 'Is Over'

October 30th, 2014 11:51 PM
An unbylined "Q&A" column at the Associated Press yesterday began with the following false declaration: "The $4 trillion experiment is over." That just isn't so. Maybe the Federal Reserve is done building up its debt holdings — that is by no means certain — but the "experiment" known as "quantitative easing," or "QE," won't be over until the Fed fully unwinds those balances. In the meantime…

AP's Scott Bauer Effectively Admits That Media Didn't Vet Mary Burke

October 29th, 2014 11:17 PM
M.D. Kittle at Watchdog.org's Wisconsin Reporter scooped everyone covering the Badger State Governor's race on Tuesday when he reported that Democratic candidate Mary Burke's resumé is not what her campaign's web site says it is. Burke's campaign bio claims that she "played a central role in Trek’s expansion as the Director of European Operations." Kittle found "multiple former Trek executives"…

Bozell & Graham Column: Hillary Clinton Flunks Economics

October 28th, 2014 10:54 PM
Liberals have this terrible and annoying habit of congratulating themselves for their intellectual heft merely because they hold liberal views. Once this arrogant notion reigns, it’s tough for liberals to acknowledge when one of their own says something so remarkably unfactual and stupid that it makes you wonder just how ignorant the liberal really is. At an event for Massachusetts gubernatorial…

Ann Romney Blasts Dems, Media on Handling of Sheheen's 'Whore' Comment

October 28th, 2014 5:31 PM
Apparently Ann Romney believed that no one was going to call Democrats and the press onto the carpet over their disgraceful conduct and non-reaction, respectively, after South Carolina Democratic gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen called incumbent Palmetto State Governor Nikki Haley a "whore" — and failed to "apologize" for it for four days. Mrs. Romney, sadly, is presumptively correct.…

GOP Candidate's 'Sweetheart' Covered, Not Dem Calling Haley a 'Whore'

October 27th, 2014 8:45 PM
In late September, Charlie Baker, the Republican who is the party's gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts, told female reporter Sharman Sacchetti, who had already asked him a series of questions: "OK, this is going to be the last one, sweetheart." That was enough to send the press into a tizzy. Jack Coleman at NewsBusters noted how Rachel Maddow at MSNBC turned Baker's statement into proof…

S.C. Reporter Calls Dem's Nikki Haley 'Whore' Remark 'Slip of Tongue'

October 27th, 2014 4:36 PM
Earlier today, South Carolina Democratic gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen "apologized" for telling supporters last Thursday that if he defeats incumbent Republican Nikki Haley, "we’re gonna escort whore out the door." Sheheen's "apology" is far from satisfactory, especially given the point NewsBusters commenter "Rio5" made at last night's post, namely that "As my father always said, 'If…

Press Continues to Virtually Ignore Michelle Obama's Speech Gaffes

October 25th, 2014 9:20 AM
One can only imagine how much grief the national press would have given Laura Bush had she gone on the midterm congressional campaign trail during her husband's presidency and mispronounced the name of a Republican senatorial candidate, or if she had presented part of the bio of a Democratic opponent as that of the incumbent Republican for whom she was stumping. First Lady Michelle Obama has…

AP Headline After Driver Plows Into Crowd: 'Israeli Police Shoot Man'

October 23rd, 2014 4:03 PM
Here's the first sentence from an Associated Press dispatch relating to a breaking news story out of Israel: "OCCUPIED JERUSALEM: Israeli police say they have shot a man whose car slammed into a crowded train stop in east Jerusalem, in what they suspect was an intentional attack." ("OCCUPIED JERUSALEM"" Really? — Ed.) The story goes on to note that nine people were wounded.

Press Covers For Crist Excuses For Florida's Jobs Freefall In His Era

October 22nd, 2014 8:40 PM
At their debate Tuesday night, former Florida governor (2007-2010), former Republican (1974-2010), former independent (2010-2012) and current Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist got out the crying towel over why the Sunshine State's economy was so bad on his watch. He also refused to acknowledge that incumbent Republican Governor Rick Scott deserves any credit for the state economy's…

AP Downplays Key Poll Finding: Dems' Advantage Among Women Is Gone

October 22nd, 2014 9:28 AM
In relaying the results of their polling partnership's latest survey, Associated Press polling director Jennifer Agiesta and reporter Emily Swanson held their most important finding until their report's seventh paragraph. Despite their effort to downplay it, Matt Drudge, whose nose for genuine news is legendary, spotted it. Accordingly, his current headline screams: "POLL SHOCK: WOMEN WANT…

AP Ignores Shaheen's Refusal to Answer Whether She Approves of Obama

October 21st, 2014 11:40 PM
The Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, appears determined that there not be any more reported embarrassments of Democrats who refuse to directly that they support President Barack Obama. One such embarrassing moment occurred in tonight's debate in New Hampshire between Republican Scott Brown and incumbent Democrat Jean Shaheen, who has reportedly voted as Obama would prefer 99…

Will Press Note White House Deletion Of Obama 'Unpaid Bills' Joke?

October 21st, 2014 1:24 PM
Josh Lederman's report this morning at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, treats President Barack Obama's return to Chicago as a trip down memory lane: "Obama got glimpses of a simpler time when his life was for the most part, normal: the unpaid bills on his desk, the volunteers who pitched in on his first Senate campaign, the day he marched in seven Fourth of July parades."…