Politico's Epstein Confused Why People Left Obama Sunday Rally Early

October 20th, 2014 4:02 PM
The story filed by Politico's Jennifer Epstein after President Barack Obama's campaign appearance in Upper Marlboro, Maryland yesterday seemed evenhanded enough. Unlike Josh Lederman at the Associated Press, who, as I noted yesterday, failed to report that it happened at all, Epstein even got around to describing how many of those in attendance left the event early: "... once the president…

AP: 'Troubles Clearly Aren't Over' For NBC's Snyderman Over Ebola Move

October 20th, 2014 12:43 PM
On Monday, the AP's David Bauder spotlighted the ongoing controversy over NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman breaking her own quarantine, after she returned from West Africa to cover the Ebola outbreak. Bauder underlined that Synderman's "the troubles clearly aren't over for NBC News' chief medical editor," and added that "NBC must now decide whether Snyderman's credibility is too damaged for her to…

Reuters: People Left Obama's Speech Early; at AP, It Was 'Rowdy Rally'

October 19th, 2014 8:01 PM
One would think, based on comparing dispatches from Reuters and the Associated Press, that President Barack Obama must have spoken at two different events in Upper Marlboro, Maryland today. The two dispatches are so radically different in tone and content that they it doesn't seem possible that they both could be from the same event. But they are. Jeff Mason at Reuters (saved here for future…

AP Relays WH Howler: $483B Deficit Is 'Return to Fiscal Normalcy'

October 19th, 2014 12:27 PM
The White House is apparently feeling pretty full of itself over the fiscal 2014 federal budget result it has just reported. Reacting to the news that this year's deficit was "only" $483.4 billion, White House budget director Shaun Donovan crowed that "This is a return to fiscal normalcy." The press, of course including Andrew Taylor at the Associated Press, has accepted all of this with little…

Media Spin Catholic Bishops' Vote as Spurning a 'Welcome to Gays'

October 19th, 2014 10:40 AM
CBS, USA Today, and the Associated Press all sang from the same sheet of music on Saturday, as they covered the end of the Catholic bishops' Extraordinary Synod on the Family. On CBS Evening News, Jim Axelrod played up a supposed "deep split over the direction Pope Francis wants to take the Church," after the Church's leaders rejected controversial language about homosexuals and divorced…

In Oct. 2008, AP Said Obama Would Inherit A Deficit of $700 Billion

October 18th, 2014 11:04 PM
On October 8, Andrew Taylor at the Associated Press wrote that "(President Barack) Obama inherited a trillion-dollar-plus deficit after the 2008 financial crisis." In a NewsBusters post later that day, I pegged Obama's true inheritance at roughly $245 billion as of when he was first sworn into office, and at about $600 billion if projected over the full fiscal year. The actual deficit for fiscal…

AP Ignores Own Story on Border Closures Halting Ebola in U.S. Coverage

October 17th, 2014 11:22 PM
In an all too typical unskeptical report, Jim Kuhnhenn at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, allowed President Barack Obama to claim, in Kuhnhenn's words, that "health and security experts continue to tell him that the screening measures already in place for travelers are more effective" than "restricting travel to the U.S. from the three Ebola-stricken West African nations."…

As CDC, NIH Cry Over Money, Press Ignores Their Waste

October 15th, 2014 11:58 PM
For years, government watchdog groups have chronicled numerous instances of waste and abuse — at the very least — at the Centers for Disease Control and its National Institutes for Health. An establishment press corps doing its job, upon hearing the director of the National Institutes for Health claim that "if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have…

WaPo's Kessler Gives 'GOP Cut CDC Funding' Four Pinocchios

October 15th, 2014 12:36 PM
Early this morning, Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post's designated fact-checker gave the left's claims that Republicans alone were responsible for alleged "cuts" to Ebola research four Pinocchios (i.e., a "whopper"). That's nice, but it hardly undoes the damage news outlets like the Associated Press have inflicted on the truth in the apparent name of ginning up resentment among low-information…

AP's Winfield Hypes 'Seismic Shift' on Homosexuals in Vatican Document

October 13th, 2014 4:10 PM
Nicole Winfield unsurprisingly slanted toward left-wing LGBT groups in her Monday article about the mid-term report of the Catholic bishops' synod on the family currently underway at the Vatican. Winfield played up how "gay rights groups hailed a 'seismic shift' by the Catholic Church toward gays on Monday after bishops said homosexuals had gifts to offer the church," and front-loaded three…

AP Dishonestly Headlines Report On Davis's Despicable Anti-Abbott Ad

October 10th, 2014 11:44 PM
Another day, another dishonest Associated Press headline. No one realistically expects the AP, aka the Administration's Press, to go after Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis for her vicious ad attacking her opponent, Greg Abbott. The 30-second ad, seen after the jump, denigrates Abbott as a man who sued for millions when he was crippled by a falling tree and then supposedly…

AP: Okla. Beheading 'Workplace Violence;' Islamic Influence Omitted

October 9th, 2014 4:09 PM
It's disconcerting, and occasionally infuriating, to watch facts originally reported in some national stories disappear or get sanitized in later versions. What the Associated Press has been doing to its more recent reports on the September 25 beheading of Colleen Hufford in Moore, Oklahoma has moved firmly into the infuriating stage. Several examples after the jump will demonstrate this.

AP's Andrew Taylor: Obama 'Inherited a $1 Trillion-Plus Deficit'

October 8th, 2014 2:44 PM
In a sign that the historical revisionists and Barack Obama legacy builders at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, may have shifted their operation into high gear for the final weeks of the midterm election campaign, Andrew Taylor has written that "Obama inherited a trillion-dollar-plus deficit after the 2008 financial crisis." The occasion for Taylor's tripe is the…

AP Fact-Checks 'a Few" of Obama's 'Stronger Economy' Claims: Two

October 7th, 2014 11:28 PM
The dictionary tells us that "a few" is "a small number of persons or things." Though there is some ambiguity in the guidance I have reviewed, it's fair to say that "Generally a few is more than 2." Not at the Associated Press, where "a few" can apparently be two, at least when it comes to "fact-checking" President Obama's grandiose claims in his Thursday speech at Northwestern University.…