
Will Press Notice Panetta's Contention That U.S. Left Iraq Too Early?

September 20th, 2014 10:48 PM
On Sunday, CBS's "60 Minutes" will broadcast Scott Pelley's recent interview of former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. In CBS's promotional tease, which was broadcast on Friday, in response to Pelley's question about whether he was confident that the U.S. troop withdrawal "was the right thing to do" at the time it was done, Panetta said, "No, I wasn't." That's big news. How big? So big that,…

Press Ignores Errors, Inaccuracies in Burke's Plagiarized 'Jobs Plan'

September 20th, 2014 9:37 PM
The real problem with Wisconsin Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke's "jobs plan," the detailed version of which appears to be no longer available at her campaign's web site, isn't its plagiarized material. It's the content. The presence of certain obviously wrong facts and patently pathetic assertions indicates that Ms. Burke, a successful entrepreneur who one would think should have…

AP Tries to Make Horrid Homebuilding Numbers Palatable

September 18th, 2014 5:33 PM
The Census Bureau reported earlier today that seasonally adjusted housing starts and homebuilding permits fell by 14.4 percent and 5.6 percent, respectively, in August. The detail wasn't any better, as the two categories within each statistic — single-family and multiple-dwelling homes — also fell. You can tell that the news wasn't seen as good at the Associated Press, because Josh Boak's…

Politico Scalds DNC Boss Wasserman Schultz, Press Ignores

September 18th, 2014 2:18 PM
Though things could always change, and often do, it appears that the Democratic Party is on track to lose majority control of the U.S. Senate in the fall elections, and to make little if any kind of dent in the Republican Party's majority in the House of Representatives. Since the left never blames any of its own policies and positions for its woes, it must, Alinsky-style, find someone to…

AP Falsely Claims Reported Poverty Drop is 'First Since 2006'

September 18th, 2014 12:09 AM
As been its habit since Barack Obama took office in 2009, the Associated Press has, whenever possible, considered the impact of news developments on the President and his party as far more important than what's actually happening in the lives of real people. The latest example is the wire service's coverage of Tuesday's Census Bureau report on income, poverty and health insurance coverage in the…

Largely Ignored Yesterday, Code Pink Got Page-One Photos in 2002

September 17th, 2014 9:58 AM
Both Old Media and Old Medea were at it again yesterday. Old Medea is Medea Benjamin, the head of Code Pink, who led the disruption of a Senate hearing on ISIS and was eventually hauled away. Old Media demonstrated its double standards by giving Ms. Benjamin's temper tantrum little attention. That treatment sharply contrasts with that seen in September 2002, when, with a Republican in the White…

Touré Condemns Censorship of War Photo . . . Then Censors It Himself!

September 15th, 2014 6:12 PM
Can Touré Neblett not see the incandescent irony of his statement?  His show-ending rant on The Cycle today condemned the censorship of the shocking images of war. Railed Touré: "we're blocked from seeing so much of the cost of war, of the evil of war as if we are too sensitive or squeamish or unable to handle the graphic truth." Touré focused on one particular photo, taken by photo-journalist…

HHS Still Trying to Force Contraception Mandate on Little Sisters

September 9th, 2014 11:25 PM
On August 22 — a Friday, of course — the Obama administration's Department of Health and Human Services issued a brand-new version of the Obamacare contraception mandate supposedly "accommodating" organizations with religious belief-based objections to providing such coverage. The new version is a facile variant of the subterfuge the Obama administration failed to slide by the Court in the…

10 Million Private-Sector Jobs — and 7 Million More on Food Stamps

September 9th, 2014 2:11 PM
The press is good at putting the most positive spin possible on the monthly job-market news. But at the same time, many of its members still claim that food stamp enrollment remains as high as it is because of the lingering effects of the (Bush did it) recession. On Friday, following the release of August's employment numbers, Obama administration Labor Secretary Tom Perez celebrated how "…

AP: 'Job Market Has Improved by Pretty Much Every Gauge Except Pay'

September 8th, 2014 10:21 PM
The Obama administration-prepared koolaid delivered to the Associated Press's economics writers on Monday must have been extraordinarily concentrated. How else can you explain how the AP's Christopher Rugaber could have written the following — "The U.S. job market has steadily improved by pretty much every gauge except ... Pay" — without doubling over with laughter? No, Chris. The reason pay…

ABC Ignores Start of Nagin's Prison Term; NBC Gives Story 15 Seconds

September 8th, 2014 10:04 PM
Beginning on Monday afternoon, Democrat and former Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin began a 10 year prison sentence for corruption charges that were as result of his actions following the landfall of Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding of the city in August 2005. When it came to reporting on the story during their evening newscasts, ABC World News Tonight with David Muir refused to cover the…

AP Seems Stunned That Japan's Economy Shrinks After Huge Tax Hike

September 8th, 2014 12:13 AM

The smug self-confidence of financial analysts and writers who predicted that Japan's monstrous sales tax increase would have no long-term effect on its economy should be severely shaken. An Associated Press report tonight by business writer Elaine Kurtenbach tells readers that the Land of the Rising Sun's economy "contracted at a larger than earlier estimated annual rate of 7.1 percent in…

NBC Sports: Six Protesters Prove Redskins Controversy 'Not Going Away'

September 7th, 2014 11:22 PM
"This [Redskins name] controversy is not going away," insisted writer Michael David Smith in a story filed this afternoon. His proof: a handful of protesters in Houston complaining about the visiting Washington NFL team's mascot and logo.

Nets Refuse to Cover IRS Bombshells; Haven’t Covered IRS Since July

September 6th, 2014 10:48 AM
The major broadcast networks continued their month-long plus streak of not covering the IRS scandal on Friday night and Saturday morning as ABC, CBS, and NBC all omitted from their evening and morning newscasts two major developments. The new details on the scandal involving the agency that targeted conservative groups include the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)…