Two Huge IRS Bombshells Drop on Friday; Will Networks Report?

September 5th, 2014 6:25 PM
After Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday inquiring the whereabouts of a former Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney and one-time Lois Lerner employee and Judicial Watch released new IRS emails on Thursday revealing a “secret research project” on donors to non-profit political groups, two additional IRS bombshell broke on Friday. Upon these…

AP Whitewashes Worst of What DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Said

September 5th, 2014 1:57 PM
There's an establishment press cleanup in progress on behalf of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. As Tim Graham at NewsBusters noted Thursday, the DNC Chair on Tuesday likened Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and tea party activists to domestic abusers.

AP, LA Times and USA Today All Avoid Naming Obama in Stories on Libya

September 4th, 2014 3:38 PM
The establishment press is working mightily to shield President Barack Obama from blame for, or even association with, decisions he has made and actions he has taken — unilaterally and with dubious constitutional authority in many instances. One particularly egregious example is Libya. When Obama decided on his own to engage in "kinetic miliitary action" to topple Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the…

Restricting 'Choice': California Dictates That its Employers Cannot Re

August 31st, 2014 10:21 AM
This "choice" thing with abortion is really the narrowest of one-way streets. Seven robed men decided in 1973 that a woman has a "privacy" right to "choose" to take the life of a pre-born baby she is carrying, the God-given right to life of the baby be damned. But the radicals in Jerry Brown's government in the State of California have now mandated that all employers in that state, even those…

Former AP Reporter In Israel Asserts Media 'Coverage Is a Weapon,' Sho

August 31st, 2014 9:25 AM
Former AP reporter Matti Friedman has been quoted all over the blogosphere for his eye-opening article for Tablet magazine headlined “An Insider’s Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth.” Friedman, who reported for AP in Jerusalem from 2006 to 2011, offered a post-mortem on the latest fighting in the Gaza strip. “When the hysteria abates, I believe the events in Gaza will not be…

Politico: Obama to Limit Campaigning to 'States Where He's Still Popul

August 30th, 2014 9:43 AM
A Friday afternoon dispatch at the Politico from Carrie Budoff Brown and Jennifer Epstein tells us that "The White House is putting the finishing touches on a post-Labor Day schedule that will send the president to states where he’s still popular." The list of states where the Politico pair alleges that's the case is quite short: "Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Illinois and California."…

Following Obama's Lead, AP Story on Ukraine Avoids Describing Russian

August 29th, 2014 12:29 AM
On Thursday, an impatient Terry Moran at ABC News tweeted the following (HT Twitchy): "Say it: Russia has invaded Ukraine. Any other description is just weasel words." Clearly, both President Obama and the folks at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, haven't been sympathetic to Moran's plea, instead opting for "weasel words." Obama, when directly asked if he "considered…

AP Headline Describes 160 Syrian Soldiers Massacred by ISIS as 'Dozens

August 28th, 2014 11:03 PM
I struggle to come up with a reason, other than an irresponsible attempt to minimize the impact of the horror, why the headline at a Thursday evening Associated Press story by Zeina Karam and Ryan Lucas about "more than 160 Syrian government troops" massacred by ISIS is "JIHADISTS KILL DOZENS OF CAPTURED SYRIAN SOLDIERS." But that's how the wire service is presenting it:

AP, Politico, WashPo Reporters Fail to Completely Read Report on Phoen

August 28th, 2014 4:00 PM
As reported on Tuesday night, two of the three major broadcast networks covered a new report from the Office of the Inspector General at the Department of Veterans Affairs on the scandal-ridden agency and its Phoenix VA hospital that led to a nationwide investigation of delayed wait times and secret waiting lists.  While the coverage was mixed with ABC’s World News with Diane Sawyer…

AP Relays Left's Charges That Health Insurance Cos. Still Discriminate

August 28th, 2014 1:28 PM
The Golden Age of Obamacare has apparently not led to the Golden Age of access to medical care anywhere, any time its promoters promised. Thanks to non-payments, the true enrollment numbers aren't what we've been told. The networks patients can access — approved by government regulators — are often highly restricted. Sky-high-deductibles are present in most Obamacare plans before any kind of…

As CBO Reduces Its Growth Projection, AP Still Gives Cred to Obama Adm

August 28th, 2014 6:46 AM
In a Wednesday report on the Congressional Budget Office's downward revision of this year's predicted gross domestic product growth to a dismal 1.5 percent, the Associated Press's Andrew Taylor acted as if the Obama administration's prediction of 2.6 percent still has a realistic chance of occurring. While one never wants to absolutely say never, the administration's higher prediction would…

Fantasy at AP: Housing Has Had a 'Steady Rebound' Since the Recession

August 26th, 2014 9:20 AM
Someone must have slipped the wrong data to the Associated Press's Josh Boak yesterday before he composed his dispatch on the Census Bureau's latest report on new home sales. Boak got the current month's news right, though likely by accident (like almost everyone else in the business press, he relies on seasonally adjusted figures, and rarely goes to the unadjusted data), telling readers that…

AP's Matthew Brown Gives 600-Word Story to 'About Ten Demonstrators' a

August 23rd, 2014 10:38 AM
The Associated Press's Top Business News page lists the headlines and opening passages of what the wire service believes are the ten most important business stories at the moment. Its 9:16 a.m. version had a story entitled "JACKSON HOLE DEMONSTRATORS RALLY AGAINST RATE HIKE" listed fifth. Earlier in the morning it was fourth. Surely, I thought to myself, this must be about a group of at least…

Unlike 'Mission Accomplished,' Press Barely Mentions Obama's 'JV Team

August 22nd, 2014 1:39 PM
The press never let George W. Bush forget about that "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln after Saddam Hussein was overthrown and his government's military was routed in Iraq. They often pretend that Bush said it, or adopted it. He did no such thing, saying only that “Our mission continues.” So while the press has come close to making a claim Bush 43 never made an article…